
In this assignment, there are three main parts in my code including the random directed graph generator, the dijkstra algorithm with list, and the dijkstra algorithm with Fibonacci Heap. The number of the node V is from 100 to 12000. In each random generated graph, I use these two data structures to implement with Java language and calculate their corresponding running time.

From these two figures, we can see that the average time of Dijkstra algorithm with the List perform worse than the Dijkstra algorithm with the Fibonacci Heap. From the analysis o the time complexity to thse two data structures, we know that for the Fibonacci Heap, its inertion time is O(1) and the time of decreasing key is O(log n) and delete minimum element is (1). Therefore, the time complexity of the Dijkstr algorithm with the Fibonacci Heap is O(VlgV + E) because in thewrst ase, i will decrease all the vertex’s key and has to check all the edges to find the minimum path. For the Djkstra with the list, its insertion time is O(1) and decrease the key is O(1) but delete min is O(n) because it has to iterate fining the minimum element in the list. In the mos case, all the vertexes have been checked so its time complexity is O(VV). From the above anaysis, we can see that the actual running time of Dijkstra algorithm with Fibonacci Heap is not as stable as he List because the time of merging two sub trees in the deletion process and the time of cutting the connectio between the decreased key and its parent or even its grandparents are not sure. That is th reason why the blue line shakes strongly. Code includes the Fibonacci Heap class, and the Normal Dijkstra Test class wth two methods including the Dijkstra algorithm with the Fibonacci Heap and the normal list. A part of the detailed data set of the above test is attached in the below screenshot.

package minimumPath;import fibonacci.FibonacciHeap;import javax.print.attribute.standard.NumberOfDocuments;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.List;public class DijkstraAlgorithm {public static void main(String[] args) {/*Node node0 = new Node();node0.name = "0";graph.nodeList.add(node0);Node node3 = new Node();node3.name = "3";graph.nodeList.add(node3);Node node5 = new Node();node5.name = "5";graph.nodeList.add(node5);Node node9 = new Node();node9.name = "9";graph.nodeList.add(node9);Node node11 = new Node();node11.name = "11";graph.nodeList.add(node11);graph.addEdge(new Edge(node0, node3, 3));graph.addEdge(new Edge(node0, node5, 5));graph.addEdge(new Edge(node3, node5, 2));graph.addEdge(new Edge(node3, node9, 6));graph.addEdge(new Edge(node5, node3, 1));graph.addEdge(new Edge(node5, node9, 4));graph.addEdge(new Edge(node5, node11, 6));graph.addEdge(new Edge(node9, node11, 2));graph.addEdge(new Edge(node11, node0, 3));graph.addEdge(new Edge(node11, node9, 7));*/for (int i = 100; i < 12000; i += 100) {Graph graph = generateNewGraph(i);long time1 = System.currentTimeMillis();
//            dijkstraWithFibonacciHeap(graph);dijkstraWithList(graph);long time2 = System.currentTimeMillis();System.out.println(time2 - time1);}}public static Graph generateNewGraph(int number) {Graph graph = new Graph();//        Create graph with 40 nodesfor (int i = 0; i < number; i++) {Node node = new Node();graph.nodeList.add(node);}//        Add 100 edges to the graphfor (int j = 0; j < 2 * number; j++) {int random1 = (int) (Math.random() * number);int random2 = (int) (Math.random() * number);if (random1 != random2) {Node startNode = graph.getNode(random1);Node endNode = graph.getNode(random2);List<Edge> startNodeEdges = startNode.edgeList;boolean contained = false;for (Edge edge : startNodeEdges) {if (edge.getEndNode() == endNode)contained = true;}if (!contained) {int weight = (int) (Math.random() * 9 + 1);Edge edge = new Edge(startNode, endNode, weight);startNode.addEdge(edge);endNode.addEdge(edge);}}}return graph;}public static void dijkstraWithList(Graph graph) {Node startNode = graph.getNode(0);if (startNode.edgeList.size() == 0) {//            System.out.println("The startNode does not have any connection with other nodes.");return;}LinkedList<Node> nodes = new LinkedList<>();for (Node node : graph.nodeList) {nodes.add(node);}for (Node node : nodes) {node.weight = Integer.MAX_VALUE;}startNode.weight = 0;while (true) {List<Edge> edges = startNode.edgeList;//            Update the weight that is connected to the start Nodefor (Edge edge : edges) {// Find the edge if the start node is this node with least weightif (edge.startNode == startNode) {Node endNode = edge.endNode;// Update the weight if this node has not been removed from the listif (nodes.contains(endNode)) {if (endNode.weight > edge.weight + startNode.weight) {endNode.weight = edge.weight + startNode.weight;endNode.parent = startNode;}}}}//            Remove the startNode from the listnodes.remove(startNode);if (nodes.size() == 0)break;//            Find the smallest node in the list as the next nodestartNode = nodes.get(0);for (Node node : nodes) {if (node.weight < startNode.weight)startNode = node;}}}public static void dijkstraWithFibonacciHeap(Graph graph) {Node startNode = graph.getNode(0);startNode.weight = 0;if (startNode.edgeList.size() == 0) {System.out.println("The startNode does not have any connection with other nodes.");return;}FibonacciHeap fibonacciHeap = new FibonacciHeap();for (Node node : graph.nodeList) {node.weight = Integer.MAX_VALUE;fibonacciHeap.insert(node);}while (true) {List<Edge> edges = startNode.edgeList;//            Update the weight that is connected to the start Nodefor (Edge edge : edges) {// Find the edge if the start node is this node with least weightif (edge.startNode == startNode) {Node endNode = edge.endNode;// Update the weight if this node has not been removed from the listif (fibonacciHeap.nodeList.contains(endNode)) {if (endNode.weight > edge.weight + startNode.weight) {endNode.weight = edge.weight + startNode.weight;fibonacciHeap.decreaseKey(endNode, endNode.weight);endNode.parent = startNode;}}}}//            Remove the startNode from the listfibonacciHeap.deleteMin();if (fibonacciHeap.rootList.size() == 0)break;//            Find the smallest node in the list as the next nodestartNode = fibonacciHeap.min;}}}
package minimumPath;import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;public class Graph {List<Node> nodeList = new ArrayList<>();List<Edge> edgeList = new ArrayList<>();public Graph(){}public Node getNode(int i){return nodeList.get(i);}public List<Node> getNodeList() {return nodeList;}public void setNodeList(List<Node> nodeList) {this.nodeList = nodeList;}public List<Edge> getEdgeList() {return edgeList;}public void setEdgeList(List<Edge> edgeList) {this.edgeList = edgeList;}public void addEdge(Edge edge){Node startNode = edge.startNode;Node endNode = edge.endNode;edgeList.add(edge);startNode.addEdge(edge);endNode.addEdge(edge);}
package fibonacci;import minimumPath.Node;import java.util.ArrayList;public class FibonacciHeap {public ArrayList<Node> rootList = new ArrayList<>();public int numberOfNode = 0;public Node min;public ArrayList<Node> nodeList = new ArrayList<>();public void insert(Node node){if (min == null)min = node;rootList.add(node);if (node.weight < min.weight)min = node;numberOfNode++;nodeList.add(node);}public Node getMin(){return min;}public Node deleteMin(){Node result = min;rootList.remove(min);nodeList.remove(min);numberOfNode--;if (rootList.size() == 0)return null;for (Node node: min.children) {rootList.add(node);node.fibonacciParent = null;}min = rootList.get(0);for (Node node: rootList){if (node.weight < min.weight)min = node;}while (true) {Node buffer[] = new Node[numberOfNode + 1];boolean condition = true;for (int i = 0; i < rootList.size(); i++) {Node node = rootList.get(i);int degree = node.children.size();if (buffer[degree] == null) {buffer[degree] = node;} else {condition = false;if (buffer[degree].weight <= node.weight){buffer[degree].children.add(node);node.fibonacciParent = buffer[degree];rootList.remove(node);}else {node.children.add(buffer[degree]);buffer[degree].fibonacciParent = node;rootList.remove(buffer[degree]);}break;}}if (condition)break;}return result;}public void decreaseKey(Node node, int value){node.weight = value;if (node.fibonacciParent != null) {node.fibonacciParent.children.remove(node);Node parent = node.fibonacciParent;node.fibonacciParent = null;rootList.add(node);if (node.weight < min.weight)min = node;cutParent(parent);}else {if (node.weight < min.weight)min = node;}}public void cutParent(Node node){if (node.mark = false) {node.mark = true;return;}else if (node.fibonacciParent == null){return;}else {Node parent = node.fibonacciParent;rootList.add(node);if (node.weight < min.weight)min = node;node.fibonacciParent.children.remove(node);node.fibonacciParent = null;cutParent(parent);}}//    public static void main(String[] args) {//        FibonacciHeap fibonacciHeap = new FibonacciHeap();
//        fibonacciHeap.insert(new Node(1));
//        fibonacciHeap.insert(new Node(4));
//        fibonacciHeap.insert(new Node(3));
//        Node node1 = new Node(5);
//        fibonacciHeap.insert(new Node(2));
//        fibonacciHeap.insert(node1);
//        fibonacciHeap.deleteMin();
//        for (Node node: fibonacciHeap.rootList) {//            System.out.println(node);
//            System.out.println(node.children.get(0));
//            System.out.println(node.children.get(1));
//            System.out.println(node.children.get(1).children.get(0));
//            System.out.println(node.children.get(1).children.size());
//        }
//        fibonacciHeap.decreaseKey(node1, 1);
//        for (Node node: fibonacciHeap.rootList) {//            System.out.println(node);
//        }
//    }}
package minimumPath;import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;public class Node {public String name;public List<Edge> edgeList = new ArrayList<>();public int weight;public Node parent;public Node fibonacciLeft;public Node fibonacciRight;public Node fibonacciParent;public List<Node> children = new ArrayList<>();public boolean mark;public void addEdge(Edge edge){edgeList.add(edge);}public Node(){}public Node(int weight){this.weight = weight;}@Overridepublic String toString() {return "Node{" +"name='" + name + '\'' +", weight=" + weight +", parent=" + parent +'}';}
package minimumPath;public class Edge {public Node startNode;public Node endNode;public int weight;public Edge(Node startNode, Node endNode, int weight) {this.startNode = startNode;this.endNode = endNode;this.weight = weight;}public Node getStartNode() {return startNode;}public void setStartNode(Node startNode) {this.startNode = startNode;}public Node getEndNode() {return endNode;}public void setEndNode(Node endNode) {this.endNode = endNode;}public int getWeight() {return weight;}public void setWeight(int weight) {this.weight = weight;}

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