

相机型号:ImagingSource DMK 23G445


其它软件:Qt 5.12.1, vs2017 Community, OpenCV 3.3.0

操作系统:Windows 10 1909 18363.592

Qt .pro配置文件如下(配置文件xxx换上电脑用户名):

QT       += core guigreaterThan(QT_MAJOR_VERSION, 4): QT += widgetsTARGET = imagingSource_CallBack
TEMPLATE = app# The following define makes your compiler emit warnings if you use
# any feature of Qt which has been marked as deprecated (the exact warnings
# depend on your compiler). Please consult the documentation of the
# deprecated API in order to know how to port your code away from it.
DEFINES += QT_DEPRECATED_WARNINGS# You can also make your code fail to compile if you use deprecated APIs.
# In order to do so, uncomment the following line.
# You can also select to disable deprecated APIs only up to a certain version of Qt.
#DEFINES += QT_DISABLE_DEPRECATED_BEFORE=0x060000    # disables all the APIs deprecated before Qt 6.0.0SOURCES += \main.cpp \mainwindow.cpp \Listener.cppHEADERS += \mainwindow.h \Listener.hFORMS += \mainwindow.uiINCLUDEPATH += D:\Projects\opencv\build\include
INCLUDEPATH += D:\Projects\opencv\build\include\opencv
INCLUDEPATH += D:\Projects\opencv\build\include\opencv2
INCLUDEPATH += $$quote(C:\Users\xxx\Documents\IC Imaging Control 3.4\classlib\include)LIBS += D:\Projects\opencv\build\x64\vc14\lib\opencv_world330.lib
LIBS += D:\Projects\opencv\build\x64\vc14\lib\opencv_world330d.lib
LIBS += $$quote(C:\Users\xxx\Documents\IC Imaging Control 3.4\classlib\x64\release\TIS_UDSHL11_x64.lib)
LIBS += $$quote(C:\Users\xxx\Documents\IC Imaging Control 3.4\classlib\x64\debug\TIS_UDSHL11d_x64.lib)

Listener.h: 配置如下:

#ifndef LISTENER_H
#define LISTENER_H// Listener.h: interface for the CListener class.
// The CListener class is derived from GrabberListener. It overwrites
// the "frameReady()" method. In the frameReady method the member method
// "saveImage()" is called.
// "saveImage()" saves the specified buffer to a BMP file and calls a "Sleep(250)"
// to simulate a time expensive image processing. "saveImage()" is also called
// by the main() function of this example to save all buffers, that have
// not been processed in the frameReady method.#
// This class also overwrites the overlayCallback method to draw a
// frame counter.
// The CListener object is registered to a Grabber with the parameter
// If your camera resolution is not 1280 × 960, you should modify the
// macro definition "CAM_SIZE_X" and "CAM_SIZE_Y".
// You should change the "cmdhelper.h" path.
//#pragma once#include <QDebug>
#include <QLabel>
#include <QObject>#include <tisudshl.h>
#include "../cmdhelper.h" // TODO: You need change the path, the file path is usually as follows:// C:/Users/xxx/Documents/IC Imaging Control 3.4/samples/vc10/Common/cmdhelper.h#include <opencv2/core/core.hpp>
#include <opencv2/imgproc/imgproc.hpp>
#include <opencv2/highgui/highgui.hpp>#define NUM_BUFFERS 2
#define CAM_SIZE_X 1280     // TODO: Maybe you need modify the value.
#define CAM_SIZE_Y 960      // TODO: Maybe you need modify the value.using namespace cv;
using namespace DShowLib;class CListener : public QObject, public DShowLib::GrabberListener
{Q_OBJECTpublic:// Overwrite the GrabberListener methods we needvirtual void overlayCallback( DShowLib::Grabber& caller, smart_ptr<DShowLib::OverlayBitmap> pBitmap, const DShowLib::tsMediaSampleDesc& MediaSampleDesc );virtual void frameReady( DShowLib::Grabber& caller, smart_ptr<DShowLib::MemBuffer> pBuffer, DWORD FrameNumber );virtual void deviceLost( Grabber& caller );// Save one image and mark it as saved//void saveImage( smart_ptr<DShowLib::MemBuffer> pBuffer, DWORD currFrame );// Setup the buffersize.void setBufferSize( unsigned long NumBuffers );std::vector<bool> m_BufferWritten;    // array of flags which buffers have been saved.cv::Mat srcImage_CListener;BYTE* pImage;signals:void frameReady_Event(); void deviceLost_Event();    // You can add the slot to process the device lost event.
};#endif // LISTENER_H

Listener.cpp 配置如下

// Listener.cpp: implementation of the CListener class.
////#define _WIN32_WINNT 0x0500#include <iostream>
#include "Listener.h"//
/*! The overlayCallback() method draws the number of the current frame. Theframe count is a member of the tsMediaSampleDesc structure that is passedto overlayCallback() by the Grabber.*/
void CListener::overlayCallback( Grabber& caller, smart_ptr<OverlayBitmap> pBitmap,const tsMediaSampleDesc& MediaSampleDesc)
{UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER(caller);//Grabber callertmp = caller;char szText[25];if( pBitmap->getEnable() == true ) // Draw only, if the overlay bitmap is enabled.{sprintf( szText,"%05d ", MediaSampleDesc.FrameNumber+1);pBitmap->drawText( RGB(255,255,255), 0, 0, szText );}
/*! The frameReady() method calls the saveImage method to save the image buffer to disk.*/
void CListener::frameReady( Grabber& caller, smart_ptr<MemBuffer> pBuffer, DWORD currFrame)
{UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER(caller);//Grabber callertmp = caller;//std::cout << "Buffer " << currFrame << " processed in CListener::frameReady()." << std::endl;//saveImage( pBuffer, currFrame ); // Do the buffer processing.//smart_ptr<BITMAPINFOHEADER> pInf = pBuffer->getBitmapInfoHeader();// Now retrieve a pointer to the image. For organization of the image data, please refer to:// http://www.imagingcontrol.com/ic/docs/html/class/Pixelformat.htmBYTE* pImageData = pBuffer->getPtr();pImage=pImageData;//Calculate the size of the image.//int iImageSize = pInf->biWidth * pInf->biHeight * pInf->biBitCount / 8 ;//将映美精相机的数据流转化为Mat类,进而进行后续的图像处理cv::Mat tempImage(CAM_SIZE_Y, CAM_SIZE_X, CV_8UC1, pImageData);srcImage_CListener=tempImage;frameReady_Event();         // TODO: You need add the slot the process the signal.//saveToFileBMP( *pBuffer, "C:/Users/xxx/Desktop/pic/001.bmp" );//::Sleep(250); // Simulate a time expensive processing.}void CListener::deviceLost(Grabber &caller)
{UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER(caller);emit deviceLost_Event();    // TODO: You need add the slot the process the signal.
/*! Initialize the array of bools that is used to memorize, which buffers were processed inthe frameReady() method. The size of the array is specified by the parameter NumBuffers.It should be equal to the number of buffers in the FrameHandlerSink.All members of m_BufferWritten are initialized to false.This means that no buffers have been processed.*/
void CListener::setBufferSize( unsigned long NumBuffers )
{m_BufferWritten.resize( NumBuffers, false );
/*! The image passed by the MemBuffer pointer is saved to a BMP file.*/
//void CListener::saveImage( smart_ptr<MemBuffer> pBuffer, DWORD currFrame)
//    char filename[MAX_PATH];
//    if( currFrame < m_BufferWritten.size() )
//    {
//        sprintf( filename, "image%02i.bmp", currFrame );//        saveToFileBMP( *pBuffer, filename );//        m_BufferWritten.at( currFrame ) = true;
//    }


addListener(pListener, GrabberListener::eALL); // 用法参见映美精参考文档



如果采用软触发建议使用 snapImage() 函数取图。

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