一般BT5支持 8187 3070的芯片,这个淘宝一大堆,自己选。
8187绝对的破解蹭网利器,基本的破解软件都支持8187,一般的8187几十块不等,好点的像U20 ;钻石级都是破解的经典,价格比较贵,100+。淘宝很多很多假的,要小心。

Wifite v2 is now available

Get the latest version on Github

What's new in this version:

  • support for cracking WPS-encrypted networks (via reaver)
  • 2 new WEP attacks
  • more accurate WPA handshake capture
  • various bug fixes

Version 2 does not include a GUI, so everything must be done at the command-line.

mention in the New York Times

Wifite was mentioned in the New York Times' article "New Hacking Tools Pose Bigger Threats to Wi-Fi Users" from February 16, 2011. Here is a link to the article.


Designed and tested on Linux; works with Backtrack 5, BlackBuntu, BackBox, and Pentoo! Linux only; no windows or OSX support (but you're welcome to try).


To attack multiple WEP, WPA, and WPS encrypted networks in a row. This tool is customizable to be automated with only a few arguments. Wifite aims to be the "set it and forget it" wireless auditing tool.


  • sorts targets by signal strength (in dB); cracks closest access points first
  • automatically de-authenticates clients of hidden networks to reveal SSIDs
  • numerous filters to specify exactly what to attack (wep/wpa/both, above certain signal strengths, channels, etc)
  • customizable settings (timeouts, packets/sec, etc)
  • "anonymous" feature; changes MAC to a random address before attacking, then changes back when attacks are complete
  • all captured WPA handshakes are backed up to's current directory
  • smart WPA de-authentication; cycles between all clients and broadcast deauths
  • stop any attack with Ctrl+C, with options to continue, move onto next target, skip to cracking, or exit
  • displays session summary at exit; shows any cracked keys
  • all passwords saved to cracked.txt
  • built-in updater: ./ -upgrade


  • linux operating system (confirmed working on Backtrack 5, BackBox, BlackBuntu, Pentoo, Ubuntu 8.10 (BT4R1), Ubuntu 10.04, Debian 6, Fedora 16)
  • tested working with python 2.6.x, and python 2.7.x,
  • wireless drivers patched for monitor mode and injection. Most security distributions (Backtrack, BlackBuntu, etc) come with wireless drivers pre-patched,
  • aircrack-ng (v1.1) suite: available via apt: apt-get install aircrack-ng or at the aircrack-ng website,

suggested applications

  • reaver, for attacking WPS-encrypted networks
  • pyrit, cowpatty, tshark: not required, but help verify WPA handshake captures

For help installing any of these programs, see the installation guide (hosted on github)


download the latest version:

wget -O

change permissions to executable:

chmod +x



or, to see a list of commands with info:

./ -help


successful WEP attack (after 90 seconds):

successful WPS attacks (after 17 hours):

video tutorial

(tutorial is for v1 of wifite. new videos coming soon)

capturing WPA handshake using Wifite (and then cracking with oclHashCat).

deo credit: Maurizio Schmidt


the program contains lots of interactivity (waits for user input). these command-line options are meant to make the program 100% automated -- no supervision required.

to crack all WEP access points:

./ -all -wep

to crack all WPS access points with signal strength greater than (or equal to) 50dB:

./ -p 50 -wps

to attack all access points, use 'darkc0de.lst' for cracking WPA handshakes:

./ -all --dict /pentest/passwords/wordlists/darkc0de.lst

to attack all WPA access points, but do not try to crack -- any captured handshakes are saved automatically:

./ -all -wpa --dict none

to crack all WEP access points greater than 50dB in strength, giving 5 minutes for each WEP attack method, and send packets at 600 packets/sec:

./ --pow 50 -wept 300 -pps 600

to attempt to crack WEP-encrypted access point "2WIRE752" endlessly -- program will not stop until key is cracked or user interrrupts with ctrl+C):

./ -e "2WIRE752" -wept 0


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