
【单选题】“教也者,长善而救其失者也。”出自( )

【单选题】下列关于自动类型转换的说法中,正确的一个是 。

【单选题】一个方法在定义过程中又调用自身,这种方法称为 。

【单选题】不是窗体组成部分的是( )。

【填空题】Java中的标识符组成原则: 。

【单选题】public static void main方法的参数描述是: 。

【单选题】下面那些关键字是Java中未使用到的关键字 。

【填空题】Java中使用 关键字,可以定义一个整型数据。

【单选题】下面不是文本框的“事件”属性的是( )。

【单选题】下列不属于Access窗体的视图是( )。

【单选题】3.15E2表示的数据是 。

【单选题】下面说法不正确的是 。

【单选题】程序System.out.println(10 / 3) ;的输出结果是 。

【单选题】程序System.out.println("1 + 1 = " + 1 + 1) ;的输出结果是 。

【单选题】在Java中,字节数据类型的关键字和默认值是 。

【单选题】以教育现象为研究对象探索教育规律的科学是( )

【填空题】逻辑表达式:true&&false&&true的结果是 。

【单选题】关于窗体的作用,下面叙述错误的是( )。

【填空题】Java程序结构分为: 、 、 三种。

【单选题】下面的数据类型 是float型

【填空题】根据占用内存长度的不同将浮点型分为 和 两种。

【单选题】用表达式作为数据源的控件类型是( )。

【填空题】逻辑表达式:!true||false的结果是 。

【填空题】方法中的 关键字用来表示方法不返回任何值。


【其它】California Seismic Building Codes After a severe earthquake in California in 1971, significant enhancements to the building codes pertaining to earthquakes were made. The first real test of the improvements came in an earthquake that hit Los Angeles on January 17, 1994. Structures built or strengthened under the new codes experienced limited damage, while older buildings and other construction such as those bridges that had not been retrofitted suffered more damage.

【填空题】布尔型数据类型的关键字是 ,有 和 两种取值。

【单选题】教育是( )。

【单选题】下列有关窗体的叙述,错误的是( )。

【填空题】整型数可以采用 、 、 和 四种类型表示。



【填空题】在方法中可以使用 语句来结束方法的执行。

【单选题】下面 不是Java的关键字。

【单选题】以下的 能正确表示Java语言中的一个整型常量。

【填空题】在一个Java源文件中定义了3个类和15个方法,编译该Java源文件时会产生 个字节码文件,其扩展名是 。

【单选题】在窗体设计视图中,必须包含的部分是( )。

【单选题】下面那些标识符是正确的 。

【单选题】下面说法正确的是 。

【阅读理解】The Baker family come from Oxford, but normally they live in London. At the moment, they are living in America. John Baker works for a large clothing company and he's working in the company's American office in San Francisco f o r two years. Anne, his wife, is actually American. She's a photographer and now she has got a temporary job with The New York Times. She worked for The Times twenty years ago but stopped when the Children, Tom, 16, and Betty, 14, were born. The children are enjoying their two years abroad and Tom has already been accepted on the school football team. The fa mi ly like living in America and this summer they have had barbeques almost every weekend. John has invited his colleagues and their families, so the Bakers have made a lot of friends. Betty is learning to wind-surf. One of John's colleagues has a son who is teaching her, and she spends most of her free time at the beach and in the water. While they are in America, the Bakers are living in a house near the beach.

【单选题】教育活动中教育者作用于学习者的全部信息是( )


【填空题】Java注释分为以下三种: 、 、 。

【单选题】下面哪一个不是教育的要素( )

【单选题】执行下面的语句后,a、b、c的值分别是 。 int a = 2 ; int b = (a++) * 3 ; int c = (++a) * 3 ;


【阅读理解】Is your lunch costing the earth? 你的午餐 “污染地球” 吗? 现代人从餐厅或外卖店购买午餐已经是家常便饭了,但这种习惯可能正在对地球造成破坏,因为购买外卖食品会产生很多食品包装垃圾。那么如何减少由于买外带食品而带来的垃圾呢? 本集介绍一些商家为了鼓励减少一次性餐具的使用而向顾客推出的促销活动。 A lunch break 午餐休息 – it’s an important and often necessary part of our working or school day. It’s a chance to stop your tummy rumbling, grab a bite to eat 吃点儿东西 and maybe chat with some friends. And now we ’re spoilt with an array of places to buy our lunch from, all offering tempting dishes (一道)菜 and humble sandwiches 三明治 to eat on the go 外带,在路上吃 . But our appetite 食欲,胃口 for buying our lunchtime fare (由指饭馆里的) 饭菜 is not just costing us money, there might be a cost in terms of damaging our planet too. Just grabbing a sandwich, crisps and maybe a cake and coffee can produce at least four items of waste. Cartons 硬纸盒,塑料盒 , cups, wrappers 包装纸,包装材料 and plastic cutlery 餐具(刀、叉、匙等) are all part of our disposable 一次性的 feast (讽刺的)“盛宴” in addition to the food waste we create. Some experts say throwing away food, which produces methane as it rots, is a bigger cause of climate change than plastics. But regardless of what causes the most damage, the solution, according to an environmental campaign group called Hubbub, is to eat packed lunches (自带)盒装午餐 . Tessa Tricks from the group says "People are saying that they are buying food to take out because life has got busier." And she says people think they are being more efficient; but she argues that it ’s usually healthier and cheaper to make your own lunch. It means you can eat the things you really want and make the quantity that you actually need. Of course, preparing your lunch is another thing to fit into your morning scramble of getting ready for work, so if you haven't got time and you are going to buy lunch, an alternative Hubbub suggests is to take your own container (餐)盒,容器 to a shop and ask them to put your food in it. The idea of using reusable 可重复使用的 coffee cups for hot drinks and refilling water bottles has already proved successful, so this could be another step in the right direction. A trial in East Anglia (in the UK) showed that offering a 10% price reduction did persuade some customers to come prepared with their own lunch box 饭盒 . The problem with eating on the move is that you might want to carry your grub 食物 in something that is disposable, so it ’s a good idea to make sure it’s something that is recyclable and not to take extra sachets (仅够用一次的)小包,小袋 of sauce or utensils 厨房用具 that you ’re not going to use. The message seems to be that if we give our lunchtime eating habits some thought, we can all do our bit in helping reduce climate change and damage to our environment. That is something for all of us to chew on 仔细考虑,好好想想 !



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