Unity: 打飞碟简单版


  • 一共有三个回合,随着回合增加,单位时间出现的飞碟数合飞碟的速度都会增加
  • 分数由玩家点击的飞碟颜色决定,黑色3分,红色2分,黄色1分
  • 每个回合有20个飞碟
  • 没有失败的条件,最后看分数多少






Disk.cs 飞碟的属性脚本

using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;public class Disk : MonoBehaviour {//初始化的位置public Vector3 StartPoint { get { return gameObject.transform.position; } set { gameObject.transform.position = value; } }public Color color { get { return gameObject.GetComponent<Renderer>().material.color; } set { gameObject.GetComponent<Renderer>().material.color = value; } }//初始速度public float speed { get;set; }//方向public Vector3 Direction { get { return Direction; } set { gameObject.transform.Rotate(value); } }public int score;   //后面没用到

DiskFactory.cs 飞碟工厂,管理飞碟的产生、销毁

using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;public class DiskFactory { public GameObject diskPrefab;public static DiskFactory DF = new DiskFactory();private Dictionary<int, Disk> used = new Dictionary<int, Disk>();//used是用来保存正在使用的飞碟 private List<Disk> free = new List<Disk>();//free是用来保存未激活的飞碟 private DiskFactory(){diskPrefab = GameObject.Instantiate<GameObject>(Resources.Load<GameObject>("Prefabs/disk"));//获取预制的游戏对象diskPrefab.AddComponent<Disk>();diskPrefab.SetActive(false);}//更新used和free列表里的飞碟public void FreeDisk(){foreach (Disk x in used.Values){if (!x.gameObject.activeSelf){free.Add(x);used.Remove(x.GetInstanceID());return;}}}//获取一个free的飞碟public Disk GetDisk(int round)  {FreeDisk();GameObject newDisk = null;Disk disk;if (free.Count > 0){//从之前生产的Disk中拿出可用的newDisk = free[0].gameObject;free.Remove(free[0]);}else{//克隆预制对象,生产新DisknewDisk = GameObject.Instantiate<GameObject>(diskPrefab, Vector3.zero, Quaternion.identity);}newDisk.SetActive(true);disk = newDisk.AddComponent<Disk>();    //添加属性脚本int initCase;initCase = Random.Range(0, 5);/** * 根据回合数来生成相应的飞碟,难度逐渐增加。*/float initSpeed;if (round == 1){initSpeed = Random.Range(40, 60);}else if (round == 2){initSpeed = Random.Range(60, 90);}else {initSpeed = Random.Range(90, 120);} //根据initCase的不同设计飞碟的颜色、初速度、初始化位置等switch (initCase)  {  case 0:  {  disk.color = Color.yellow;  disk.speed = initSpeed;  float RanX = UnityEngine.Random.Range(-1f, 1f) < 0 ? -1 : 1;  disk.Direction = new Vector3(RanX, 1, 0);disk.StartPoint = new Vector3(Random.Range(-130, -110), Random.Range(30,90), Random.Range(110,140));break;  }  case 1:  {  disk.color = Color.red;  disk.speed = initSpeed + 10;  float RanX = UnityEngine.Random.Range(-1f, 1f) < 0 ? -1 : 1;  disk.Direction = new Vector3(RanX, 1, 0);disk.StartPoint = new Vector3(Random.Range(-130, -110), Random.Range(30, 80), Random.Range(110, 130));break;  }  case 2:  {  disk.color = Color.black;  disk.speed = initSpeed + 15;  float RanX = UnityEngine.Random.Range(-1f, 1f) < 0 ? -1 : 1;  disk.Direction = new Vector3(RanX, 1, 0);disk.StartPoint = new Vector3(Random.Range(-130,-110), Random.Range(30, 70), Random.Range(90, 120));break;  }case 3:{disk.color = Color.yellow;disk.speed = -initSpeed;float RanX = UnityEngine.Random.Range(-1f, 1f) < 0 ? -1 : 1;disk.Direction = new Vector3(RanX, 1, 0);disk.StartPoint = new Vector3(Random.Range(130, 110), Random.Range(30, 90), Random.Range(110, 140));break;}case 4:{disk.color = Color.red;disk.speed = -initSpeed - 10;float RanX = UnityEngine.Random.Range(-1f, 1f) < 0 ? -1 : 1;disk.Direction = new Vector3(RanX, 1, 0);disk.StartPoint = new Vector3(Random.Range(130, 110), Random.Range(30, 80), Random.Range(110, 130));break;}case 5:{disk.color = Color.black;disk.speed = -initSpeed - 15;float RanX = UnityEngine.Random.Range(-1f, 1f) < 0 ? -1 : 1;disk.Direction = new Vector3(RanX, 1, 0);disk.StartPoint = new Vector3(Random.Range(130, 110), Random.Range(30, 70), Random.Range(90, 120));break;}}if (disk.color == Color.black) disk.score = 3;else if (disk.color == Color.red) disk.score = 2;else disk.score = 1;used.Add(disk.GetInstanceID(), disk); //添加到使用队列里disk.name = disk.GetInstanceID().ToString();return disk;  }

CCFlyAction.cs 具体的飞行动作

using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;//飞行的动作,由上个游戏的CCMoveToAction改动过来的
public class CCFlyAction : SSAction
{//速度分解为x和y方向,y方向初始为0public float speedx;public float speedy = 0;private CCFlyAction() { }//单例模式,给定初始的x方向速度public static CCFlyAction getAction(float speedx){CCFlyAction action = CreateInstance<CCFlyAction>();action.speedx = speedx;return action;}//运动public override void Update(){// dx = vtfloat deltax = speedx * Time.deltaTime;// dy = yt + 0.5at^2float deltay = -speedy * Time.deltaTime + (float)-0.5 * 10 * Time.deltaTime * Time.deltaTime;this.transform.position += new Vector3(deltax, deltay,0);// y' = y + atspeedy += 10*Time.deltaTime;//当飞碟的位置的y坐标小于阈值,认为消失在用户视野中,执行销毁if (transform.position.y <= 1){destroy = true;CallBack.SSActionCallback(this);}}public override void Start(){}


using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;namespace Interfaces
{public interface ISceneController{void LoadResources();}public interface UserAction{void Hit(Vector3 pos);      //鼠标点击void Restart();             //开始和重新开始都一样int GetScore();             bool RoundStop();           //最后的回合结束int GetRound();             }   public enum SSActionEventType : int { Started, Completed }public interface SSActionCallback{void SSActionCallback(SSAction source);}


using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
using Interfaces;public class FirstSceneController : MonoBehaviour, ISceneController, UserAction
{int score = 0;      //分数int round = 1;      //回合,设置了3个int producedDiskNum = 0;    //每回合已经产生的飞碟数目bool start = false;CCActionManager Manager;DiskFactory DF;void Awake(){SSDirector director = SSDirector.getInstance();director.currentScenceController = this;DF = DiskFactory.DF;Manager = GetComponent<CCActionManager>();}// Use this for initializationvoid Start () {}// Update is called once per frameint count = 0;void Update () {//val帧产生一个飞碟int val;switch (round){case 1:val = Random.Range(60, 80);break;case 2:val = Random.Range(45, 60);break;default:val = 40;break;}if(start){count++;if (count >= val)    //val帧一个飞碟{count = 0;if(DF == null){Debug.LogWarning("DF is NUll!");return;}producedDiskNum++;Disk d = DF.GetDisk(round);Manager.MoveDisk(d);if (producedDiskNum == 15) //15个飞碟进入下一个回合{round++;producedDiskNum = 0;}}}}public void LoadResources(){}public void Hit(Vector3 pos){Ray ray = Camera.main.ScreenPointToRay(pos);RaycastHit[] hits;hits = Physics.RaycastAll(ray);for (int i = 0; i < hits.Length; i++){RaycastHit hit = hits[i];//根据颜色加分if (hit.collider.gameObject.GetComponent<Disk>() != null){Color c = hit.collider.gameObject.GetComponent<Renderer>().material.color;if (c == Color.yellow) score += 1;if (c == Color.red) score += 2;if (c == Color.black) score += 3;hit.collider.gameObject.transform.position = new Vector3(0, -5, 0);}}}public int GetScore(){return score;}//初始化各变量public void Restart(){score = 0;round = 1;start = true;}//到了第三回合要判断是否结束public bool RoundStop(){if (round > 3){start = false;return Manager.IsAllFinished();//是否还有飞碟留在used列表里}else return false;}public int GetRound(){return round;}


using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
using Interfaces;
using UnityEngine.UI;//挂在相机的脚本
public class InterfaceGUI : MonoBehaviour {UserAction userAction;bool isPlaying = false;float S;int round = 1;// Use this for initializationvoid Start () {userAction = SSDirector.getInstance().currentScenceController as UserAction;S = Time.time;}private void OnGUI(){if(!isPlaying) S = Time.time;//分数、时间、回合string text = "分数: " + userAction.GetScore().ToString() + "  时间:  " + ((int)(Time.time - S)).ToString() + "  回合:  " + round;GUI.Label(new Rect(10, 10, Screen.width, 50),text);if (!isPlaying && GUI.Button(new Rect(Screen.width / 2 - 75, Screen.height / 2 - 25, 150, 50), "开始游戏")){S = Time.time;isPlaying = true;userAction.Restart();   //点击开始游戏,FirstSceneController开始游戏}if (isPlaying){round = userAction.GetRound();if (Input.GetButtonDown("Fire1")){//把鼠标点击的位置传给FirstScenceController,处理点击事件Vector3 pos = Input.mousePosition;userAction.Hit(pos);}if (round > 3)  //round>3要等待飞碟都用完了{round = 3;if (userAction.RoundStop()){isPlaying = false;}}}}





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