

Introduction is that part of a document that tries to introduce the document in an interesting manner to the reader. Introduction is all about what a reader can expect in the document, in a concise manner. However, the introduction contains all the major points that are actually covered in the document. Introduction has to be presented in such a manner so that it lures the reader into reading the entire document. This is not easy, and an art in itself to compel the reader to pick up the research paper and read it in its entirety. This compares well with the trailer of a movie that picks up highlights of the movie to make it look very interesting for the viewer.


Background of a research paper is written with the intention of clarifying the importance and the necessity of the paper in the first place. Why the study and what the basic purpose behind the study are the major questions that are answered through background that is presented with a research paper. A background is also a tool in the hands of the writer to prepare a reader for the document who is not familiar with the concepts discussed in the paper. Background also tries to prepare a reader to send him finally to read the full document.
It is hard to expect a reader to read the full document without creating a background as to what made the writer prepare the document. Background information is necessary as often a reader is interested in knowing the incidents prior to the research. It is like the foundation stone of a building upon which the entire edifice later stands.

What is the difference between Introduction and Background?

• Both an introduction, as well as, background is necessary and integral parts of a document
• Introduction is like showing a trailer of a movie to entice a reader to go through the entire document
• Background is to make a reader understand the reasons of conducting a study and the incidents leading up to the study.


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