


  • 1 简单的理论
  • 2 Benchmark
  • 3 安装
    • 3.1 v0.x版本
    • 3.2 v1.0版本
  • 4 基于infomap的词聚类
    • 4.1 v0.x版本
    • 4.2 v1.0版本
  • 5 v1.0版本其他的一些尝试
    • 5.1 Infomap + NetworkX 画图
    • 5.2 v1.0版本分层infoMap——Multilayer
      • 5.2.1 infomap直接初始化
      • 5.2.2 network初始化

1 简单的理论

Infomap 的双层编码方式把群组识别(社区发现)同信息编码联系到了一起。一个好的群组划分,可以带来更短的编码。所以,如果能量化编码长度,找到使得长度最短的群组划分,那就找到了一个好的群组划分。

Infomap 在具体做法上,为了区分随机游走从一个群组进入到了另一个群组,除了群组的名字之外,对于每个群组的跳出动作也给予了一个编码。比如,下图(c)中红色节点部分是一个群组,群组名的编码是 111,跳出编码是 0001。这样在描述某个群组内部的一段随机游走路径的时候,总是以群组名的编码开头,以跳出编码结束。

总结一下,Infomap 算法的大体步骤如下(看起来跟 Louvain 有些许类似):

(3)重复直到步骤 2 直到 L(M)不再能被优化。

2 Benchmark

参考:Source code for multilevel community detection with Infomap

该聚类方法刚好可以顺着词向量做一些词间发现,相比Kmeans之类的效果确实好不少。相比其他network 方法(Louvain)实验结果也要好一些,来看一下对比:

  • 速度:运行时长

  • 精确度:精度以输出群集和参考群集之间的标准化互信息(NMI)进行衡量。基准网络由5000个节点组成,社区规模在20到200之间。

  • 分层精度:该图显示了该算法很好地揭示了不同级别的三角网络中节点的层次结构(请参见下图)。

3 安装


3.1 v0.x版本


wget -c https://github.com/mapequation/infomap/archive/6ab17f8b18a6fdf34b2a53454f79a3b976a49201.zip
unzip 6ab17f8b18a6fdf34b2a53454f79a3b976a49201.zip
cd infomap-6ab17f8b18a6fdf34b2a53454f79a3b976a49201
cd examples/python
make# 编译完之后,当前目录下就会有一个infomap文件夹,就是编译好的模块;
# 为了方便调用,可以复制到python的模块文件夹(每台电脑的路径可能不一样)中
python example-simple.py
cp infomap /home/you/you/python/lib/python2.7/site-packages -rf

笔者电脑安装的时候,还要安装一个apt-get install swig

3.2 v1.0版本

pip install infomap

4 基于infomap的词聚类


  • from infomap import infomap是v0.x版本,
  • import infomap是v1.0版本


  • node.physIndex - v0.x版本的词编号
  • node.moduleIndex - v0.x版本的聚类编号
  • infomapWrapper = infomap.MemInfomap("--two-level") 这个好像是v0.x中特有的算法(Memory networks
  • tree.leafIter()- 树状结构
  • infomapWrapper.addTrigram(3, 2, 3),v1.0没有这种形态,Trigrams represents a path from node A through B to C.


  • node.physicalId - v1.0版本的词编号
  • node.moduleIndex() - v1.0版本的聚类编号
  • myInfomap.iterTree() - 树状结构
  • network = myInfomap.network() 好像是v1.0独有的算法模块
  • 1.0不能够使用 --overlapping这样的命令,一用就卡掉。。。


- tree.numTopModules() - 聚类之后的总数,2365个聚类
- tree.codelength() - 每个聚类中平均有多少个词
- addLink(self, n1, n2, weight=1.0) - _infomap.Infomap_addLink(self, n1, n2, weight),可以[点1,点2,权重]

4.1 v0.x版本



from infomap import infomapinfomapWrapper = infomap.Infomap("--two-level --directed")
# 如果重叠社区发现,则只需要:
# infomapWrapper = infomap.Infomap("--two-level --directed --overlapping")for (i, j), sim in tqdm(links.items()):_ = infomapWrapper.addLink(i, j, sim)infomapWrapper.run()
tree = infomapWrapper.treeword2class = {}
class2word = {}
for node in tree.leafIter():if id2word[node.physIndex] not in word2class:word2class[id2word[node.physIndex]] = []word2class[id2word[node.physIndex]].append(node.moduleIndex())if node.moduleIndex() not in class2word:class2word[node.moduleIndex()] = []class2word[node.moduleIndex()].append(id2word[node.physIndex])

– two-level:两阶段网络,Optimize a two-level partition of the network.
– 对应的
– directed :有向
–overlapping:Let nodes be part of different and overlapping modules. Applies to ordinary networks by first representing the memoryless dynamics with memory nodes.
–expanded:打印记忆网络的节点,Print the expanded network of memory nodes if possible.
–silent:No output on the console,命令中不显示结果


4.2 v1.0版本


import infomap# Command line flags can be added as a string to Infomap
infomapSimple = infomap.Infomap("--two-level --directed")# Access the default network to add links programmatically
network = myInfomap.network()# Add weight as optional third argument
network.addLink(0, 1)
network.addLink(0, 2)
network.addLink(0, 3)
network.addLink(1, 0)
network.addLink(1, 2)
network.addLink(2, 1)
network.addLink(2, 0)
network.addLink(3, 0)
network.addLink(3, 4)
network.addLink(3, 5)
network.addLink(4, 3)
network.addLink(4, 5)
network.addLink(5, 4)
network.addLink(5, 3)# Run the Infomap search algorithm to find optimal modules
myInfomap.run()print("Found {} modules with codelength: {}".format(myInfomap.numTopModules(), myInfomap.codelength()))print("Result")
print("\n#node module")
for node in myInfomap.iterTree():if node.isLeaf():print("{} {}".format(node.physicalId, node.moduleIndex()))


#import uniout
import numpy as np
from gensim.models import Word2Vec
from tqdm import tqdm
#from infomap import infomap # v0.x
import infomap # v1.0num_words = 10000 # 只保留前10000个词
min_sim = 0.6word2vec = Word2Vec.load('baike_word2vec/word2vec_baike')word_vecs = word2vec.wv.syn0[:num_words]
word_vecs /= (word_vecs**2).sum(axis=1, keepdims=True)**0.5
id2word = word2vec.wv.index2word[:num_words]
word2id = {j: i for i, j in enumerate(id2word)}# 构造[wordA,wordB,相似性]
links = {}# 每个词找与它相似度不小于0.6的词(不超过50个),来作为图上的边
for i in tqdm(range(num_words)):sims = np.dot(word_vecs, word_vecs[i])idxs = sims.argsort()[::-1][1:]for j in idxs[:50]:if sims[j] >= min_sim:links[(i, j)] = float(sims[j])else:break# 方式一(infomap模型初始化):Infomap直接addLinkinfomapWrapper = infomap.Infomap("--two-level --directed")
#infomapWrapper = infomap.Infomap("--two-level")
# 如果重叠社区发现,则只需要:
# infomapWrapper = infomap.Infomap("--two-level --directed --overlapping")for (i, j), sim in tqdm(links.items()):#print(i, j,sim)_ = infomapWrapper.addLink(int(i), int(j),sim)# 方式二(infomap模型初始化):network 添加addLink
infomapWrapper = infomap.Infomap("--two-level --directed")
network = infomapWrapper.network()
for (i, j), sim in tqdm(links.items()):network.addLink(int(i), int(j),sim)# 聚类运算
infomapWrapper.run()# 有多少聚类数
print("Found {} modules with codelength: {}".format(infomapWrapper.numTopModules(), infomapWrapper.codelength()))# 聚类结果显示
word2class = {}
class2word = {}
# for node in tree.leafIter():
#     if id2word[node.physIndex] not in word2class:
#         word2class[id2word[node.physIndex]] = []
#     word2class[id2word[node.physIndex]].append(node.moduleIndex())#     if node.moduleIndex() not in class2word:
#         class2word[node.moduleIndex()] = []
#     class2word[node.moduleIndex()].append(id2word[node.physIndex])
for node in tree.iterTree():if id2word[node.physicalId] not in word2class:word2class[id2word[node.physicalId]] = []  # node.physicalId 词的编号word2class[id2word[node.physicalId]].append(node.moduleIndex())  # node.moduleIndex() 聚类的编号if node.moduleIndex() not in class2word:class2word[node.moduleIndex()] = []class2word[node.moduleIndex()].append(id2word[node.physicalId])for i in range(100):print('---------------')print (class2word[i][1:])



如果是network 添加addLink(感觉上,使用network要好一些):

5 v1.0版本其他的一些尝试


5.1 Infomap + NetworkX 画图

最终效果,不如之前的 版本。

import networkx as nx
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib.colors as colors
%matplotlib inlinedef findCommunities(G):"""Partition network with the Infomap algorithm.Annotates nodes with 'community' id and return number of communities found."""infomapWrapper = infomap.Infomap("--two-level --silent")print("Building Infomap network from a NetworkX graph...")for e in G.edges():infomapWrapper.addLink(*e)print("Find communities with Infomap...")infomapWrapper.run();tree = infomapWrapperprint("Found %d modules with codelength: %f" % (tree.numTopModules(), tree.codelength()))communities = {}#for node in tree.leafIter():for node in tree.iterTree():#communities[node.originalLeafIndex] = node.moduleIndex()communities[node.physicalId] = node.moduleIndex()nx.set_node_attributes(G, name='community', values=communities)return tree.numTopModules()def drawNetwork(G):# position mappos = nx.spring_layout(G)# community idscommunities = [v for k,v in nx.get_node_attributes(G, 'community').items()]numCommunities = max(communities) + 1# color map from http://colorbrewer2.org/cmapLight = colors.ListedColormap(['#a6cee3', '#b2df8a', '#fb9a99', '#fdbf6f', '#cab2d6'], 'indexed', numCommunities)cmapDark = colors.ListedColormap(['#1f78b4', '#33a02c', '#e31a1c', '#ff7f00', '#6a3d9a'], 'indexed', numCommunities)# Draw edgesnx.draw_networkx_edges(G, pos)# Draw nodesnodeCollection = nx.draw_networkx_nodes(G,pos = pos,node_color = communities,cmap = cmapLight)# Set node border color to the darker shadedarkColors = [cmapDark(v) for v in communities]nodeCollection.set_edgecolor(darkColors)# Draw node labelsfor n in G.nodes():plt.annotate(n,xy = pos[n],textcoords = 'offset points',horizontalalignment = 'center',verticalalignment = 'center',xytext = [0, 0],color = cmapDark(communities[n]))plt.axis('off')# plt.savefig("karate.png")plt.show()G=nx.karate_club_graph()findCommunities(G)drawNetwork(G)


Building Infomap network from a NetworkX graph...
Find communities with Infomap...
Found 3 modules with codelength: 4.311793


5.2 v1.0版本分层infoMap——Multilayer



5.2.1 infomap直接初始化

import infomapinfomapWrapper = infomap.Infomap("--two-level --directed")# from (layer, node) to (layer, node) weight
# infomapWrapper.addMultiplexLink(2, 1, 1, 2, 1.0)
# infomapWrapper.addMultiplexLink(1, 2, 2, 1, 1.0)
# infomapWrapper.addMultiplexLink(3, 2, 2, 3, 1.0)# from (layer, node) to (layer, node) weight
infomapWrapper.addMultilayerLink(2, 1, 1, 2, 1.0)
infomapWrapper.addMultilayerLink(1, 2, 2, 1, 1.0)
infomapWrapper.addMultilayerLink(3, 2, 2, 3, 1.0)infomapWrapper.run()tree = infomapWrapperprint("Found %d modules with codelength: %f" % (tree.numTopModules(), tree.codelength()))for node in tree.iterTree():print(node.stateId,node.physicalId,node.moduleIndex(),node.path(),node.data.flow,node.data.enterFlow,node.data.exitFlow)


Found 2 modules with codelength: 0.930233
0 0 0 () 0.9999999999999998 0.0 0.0
0 0 0 (0,) 0.9302325581395346 0.0 0.0
0 1 0 (0, 0) 0.4651162790697673 0.4651162790697673 0.4651162790697673
1 2 0 (0, 1) 0.4651162790697673 0.4651162790697673 0.4651162790697673
0 0 1 (1,) 0.06976744186046516 0.0 0.0
2 2 1 (1, 0) 0.0 0.0 0.06976744186046516
3 3 1 (1, 1) 0.06976744186046516 0.06976744186046516 0.0

5.2.2 network初始化

import infomapinfomapWrapper = infomap.Infomap("--two-level --directed")# from (layer, node) to (layer, node) weight
# infomapWrapper.addMultiplexLink(2, 1, 1, 2, 1.0)
# infomapWrapper.addMultiplexLink(1, 2, 2, 1, 1.0)
# infomapWrapper.addMultiplexLink(3, 2, 2, 3, 1.0)network = infomapWrapper.network() # from (layer, node) to (layer, node) weight
network.addMultilayerLink(2, 1, 1, 2, 1.0)
network.addMultilayerLink(1, 2, 2, 1, 1.0)
network.addMultilayerLink(3, 2, 2, 3, 1.0)infomapWrapper.run()tree = infomapWrapperprint("Found %d modules with codelength: %f" % (tree.numTopModules(), tree.codelength()))for node in tree.iterTree():print(node.stateId,node.physicalId,node.moduleIndex(),node.path(),node.data.flow,node.data.enterFlow,node.data.exitFlow)


Found 2 modules with codelength: 0.930233
0 0 0 () 0.9999999999999998 0.0 0.0
0 0 0 (0,) 0.9302325581395346 0.0 0.0
0 1 0 (0, 0) 0.4651162790697673 0.4651162790697673 0.4651162790697673
1 2 0 (0, 1) 0.4651162790697673 0.4651162790697673 0.4651162790697673
0 0 1 (1,) 0.06976744186046516 0.0 0.0
2 2 1 (1, 0) 0.0 0.0 0.06976744186046516
3 3 1 (1, 1) 0.06976744186046516 0.06976744186046516 0.0

其中,node.stateId 在一般的网络之中就等于node.physicalId,在分层网络addMultilayerLink中两者 才有差异。

stateId The state node id, equals physicalId for ordinary networksReturns
unsigned intThe state node id


The current depth from the start node in the iteratorReturns
unsigned intThe current depthnode.depth()

其中,addMultilayerLink 包括:network.addMultilayerLink(layer1, n1, layer2, n2, weight)

The flow data of the node that defines:
FlowDataThe flow data"""


1 机器学习-社区发现算法介绍(一):Infomap
Source code for multilevel community detection with Infomap
3 Multi-level network clustering based on the Map Equation
4 最小熵原理(五):“层层递进”之社区发现与聚类

聚类 | Map-Equation多级网络聚类模型——InfoMap相关推荐

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