
Community is a group of people with similar interests, interests or pursuits. The influence of the Internet has made the "community" an important concept for new media as it reduces the costs of publishing, broadcasting and distribution and eliminates the barriers to building new social groups.

Not long ago, an analysis of the survey pointed out that the Chinese network has experienced more than a decade of development and has moved from the age of 1.0 based on the "acquaintance community" to the era of mobile Internet 3.0 and the mobile community 3.0. Internet community 3.0 era will be more based on the mobile Internet, through the emotional flow between the community to connect people, the information and resources to connect to form more community of interests.

Based on the above background, the researchers collected the data of WeChat group and Weibo group, combined with the survey of netizens, used the data to explore the "group socialization" and outlined the community ecological status.

 Seeking labels and helping to become the most immediate value to the community

In terms of population distribution, more than half of the population is between 50 and 100, followed by groups of less than 50 and groups of 200 and 500.

Among the reasons for entering the group, we found that the most direct value of the community in the user's mind is still the common label. More than half of the respondents entered the group because of their colleagues' recommendation and common interest. At the same time, .

Based on interest and area "Search Friends" more easily establish identity

From the type of group point of view, the industry exchanges the largest group, followed by friends group, and then there is a marketing group and all kinds of hobbies.

In terms of the relationship between regions and group types, Guangzhou is the largest number of places in the cluster, followed by Beijing. In addition to Tier 1 cities, the popularity of WeChat has also witnessed the development of these two cities in Hangzhou and Chengdu to some extent.

The location of different types of groups roughly matches the general trend. As a leisure city, you can find a large number of interest groups in Chengdu and Hangzhou.


Different types of interest groups (ALICE, photography group ...) have commercial potential and make it easier to get through the service and consumption chain.

Relative to the traditional online dating, upgrade to "search friends" based on interests and regions, which is easier to establish the identity of both parties.


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