
Believe it or not, the Amazon Echo has something similar to what your web browser history is on your computer: Alexa records and logs every single command you’ve ever given. Here’s how to access it and see (and hear) everything you’ve ever said to her.

信不信由你,Amazon Echo具有类似于您计算机上的Web浏览器历史记录的东西:Alexa记录并记录您曾经给出的每个命令。 这是访问它并查看(和听到)您对她说过的所有内容的方法。

You might assume that the main screen of the Alexa app shows you past commands that you’ve shouted out. While this is partially true, the main screen is really only there to show you additional info for specific commands.

您可能会假设Alexa应用程序的主屏幕显示了您喊出的过去命令。 尽管这部分是正确的,但主屏幕实际上仅在此处显示特定命令的其他信息。

For example, if you ask Alexa about the weather, you’ll see a weather card appear in the Alexa app, giving you more details about the forecast. If you set a timer, you’ll see that timer appear in the Alexa app, where you can view the time remaining. However, saying something like “Alexa, turn the lights on” won’t appear on the main screen.

例如,如果您向Alexa询问天气,您会在Alexa应用程序中看到气象卡,为您提供有关天气预报的更多详细信息。 如果您设置了计时器,您会看到该计时器出现在Alexa应用程序中,您可以在其中查看剩余时间。 但是,诸如“ Alexa,打开灯”之类的内容不会出现在主屏幕上。

With that said, here’s how to see and hear every single command that you’ve ever told Alexa on any of your Alexa devices.


Start by opening up the Alexa app and tapping on the menu button up in the top-left corner of the screen.


Select “Settings” at the bottom.


Scroll all the way down to the bottom and tap on “History”.


On this screen, you’ll see a list of commands that you’ve given to Alexa, including all those times she misheard you.


Tapping on a command will bring up more options, like the ability to listen to the recording of the command (by tapping on the play button), sending feedback to Amazon about the command (by tapping “Yes” or “No” as far whether or not Alexa correctly understood you), and deleting the command from the history entirely.


Keep in mind that this section of the Alexa app is the only place where you can delete a specific command completely—deleting just the card on the main screen won’t actually delete the command from the history, as it will still show up here.


If you want to delete the entire history of your Alexa commands, you can do so on a per-device basis by first visiting Amazon’s website in your web browser of choice. From there, click on “Accounts & Lists”.

如果要删除Alexa命令的整个历史记录,则可以按设备逐个删除,方法是先在所选的Web浏览器中访问Amazon的网站。 从那里,单击“帐户和列表”。

Under the section “Digital Content and Devices”, click on “Content and Devices”.


Click on the “Your Devices” tab.


Directly to the left of an Echo device in the list, click on the ellipses button.


Click on “Manage Voice Recordings”.


Click on “Delete”.


Amazon warns that deleting your Alexa command history may degrade the voice recognition experience, since it uses those recordings to improve itself. So keep that in mind if you plan to go this route.

亚马逊警告说,删除您的Alexa命令历史记录可能会降低语音识别体验,因为它使用这些录音来改善自身。 因此,如果您打算走这条路,请记住这一点。




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