本文翻译自:Removing duplicate rows in Notepad++

是否可以在Notepad ++中删除重复的行,而只留下一行?




The latter versions of Notepad++ do not apparently include the TextFX plugin at all. 后来的Notepad ++版本显然根本不包含TextFX插件。 In order to use the plugin for sorting/eliminating duplicates, the plugin must be either downloaded and installed (more involved) or added using the plugin manager. 为了使用该插件对重复项进行排序/消除,必须下载并安装该插件(涉及更多)或使用插件管理器添加该插件。

A) Easy way (as described here ). A)简单的方法(如描述在这里 )。

Plugins -> Plugin Manager -> Show Plugin Manager -> Available tab -> TextFX Characters -> Install 插件->插件管理器->显示插件管理器->可用选项卡-> TextFX字符->安装

B) More involved way, if another version is needed or the easy way does not work. B)如果需要另一个版本或简单方法不起作用,则采用更多的参与方式。

  1. Download the plugin from SourceForge: 从SourceForge下载插件:

    http://downloads.sourceforge.net/project/npp-plugins/TextFX/TextFX%20v0.26/TextFX.v0.26.unicode.bin.zip http://downloads.sourceforge.net/project/npp-plugins/TextFX/TextFX%20v0.26/TextFX.v0.26.unicode.bin.zip

  2. Open the zip file and extract NppTextFX.dll 打开压缩文件并解压缩NppTextFX.dll

  3. Place NppTextFX.dll in the Notepad++ plugins directory, such as: NppTextFX.dll放在Notepad ++插件目录中,例如:
    C:\\Program Files\\Notepad++\\plugins C:\\ Program Files \\ Notepad ++ \\ plugins

  4. Start Notepad++, and TextFX will be one of the file menu items (as seen in Answer #1 above by Colin Pickard) 启动Notepad ++,TextFX将成为文件菜单项之一(如上述Colin Pickard的答案#1所示)

After installing the TextFX plugin, follow the instructions in Answer #1 to sort and remove duplicates. 安装TextFX插件后,请按照答案1中的说明进行排序并删除重复项。

Also, consider setting up a keyboard shortcut using Settings > Shorcut mapper if you use this command frequently or want to replicate a keyboard shortcut, such as F9 in TextPad for sorting. 另外,如果您经常使用此命令,或者想复制键盘快捷键(例如TextPad中的F9)进行排序,请考虑使用“设置”>“ Shorcut映射器”来设置键盘快捷键。


Since Notepad++ Version 6 you can use this regex in the search and replace dialogue: 从Notepad ++版本6开始,您可以在搜索和替换对话框中使用此正则表达式:


and replace with nothing . 一无所获 。 This leaves from all duplicate rows the last occurrence in the file. 这将使所有重复的行中文件中的最后一次出现。

No sorting is needed for that and the duplicate rows can be anywhere in the file! 无需排序,重复的行可以在文件中的任何位置!

You need to check the options "Regular expression" and ". matches newline": 您需要检查选项“正则表达式”和“。匹配换行符”:

  • ^ matches the start of the line. ^与行的开头匹配。

  • (.*?) matches any characters 0 or more times, but as few as possible (It matches exactly on row, this is needed because of the ". matches newline" option). (.*?)匹配任何字符0次或多次,但应尽可能少(它与行完全匹配,这是必需的,因为“ .matches newline”选项)。 The matched row is stored, because of the brackets around and accessible using \\1 之所以存储匹配的行,是因为方括号括起来并且可以使用\\1访问

  • $ matches the end of the line. $匹配行尾。

  • \\s+?^ this part matches all whitespace characters (newlines!) till the start of the next row ==> This removes the newlines after the matchd row, so that no empty row is there after the replacement. \\s+?^这部分匹配所有空格字符(换行!),直到下一行的开始==>这将删除匹配行之后的换行符,以便替换后没有空行。

  • (?=.*^\\1$) this is a positive lookahead assertion. (?=.*^\\1$)这是一个肯定的超前断言。 This is the important part in this regex, a row is only matched (and removed), when there is exactly the same row following somewhere else in the file. 这是此正则表达式中的重要部分,当文件中其他位置后面紧随同一行时,仅匹配(并删除)一行。


Search for the regular expression: \\b(\\w+)\\b([\\w\\W]*)\\b\\1\\b 搜索正则表达式: \\b(\\w+)\\b([\\w\\W]*)\\b\\1\\b

Replace it with: $1$2 替换为: $1$2

Hit the Replace button until there are no more matches for the regular expression in your file. 点击替换按钮,直到文件中的正则表达式不再匹配。


None worked for me. 没有人为我工作。

A solution is: 一个解决方案是:

Replace 更换





If you don't care about row order (which I don't think you do), then you can use a Linux/FreeBSD/Mac OS X/Cygwin box and do: 如果您不关心行顺序(我不认为这样做),则可以使用Linux / FreeBSD / Mac OS X / Cygwin框并执行以下操作:

$ cat yourfile | sort | uniq > yourfile_nodups

Then open the file again in Notepad++. 然后在Notepad ++中再次打开文件。


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