

Google Home and Nest smart speakers and displays allow you to make calls without using your phone. By setting up “Household Contacts,” anyone in your home can easily call friends and family members with Google Assistant-enabled devices.

Google Home和Nest智能扬声器和显示屏可让您无需使用电话即可拨打电话。 通过设置“家庭联系人”,您家里的任何人都可以使用支持Google Assistant的设备轻松致电给朋友和家人。

“Household Contacts” are the people everyone in your home knows. These might be parents, grandparents, aunts and uncles, common friends, and so on. If someone is added to the “Household Contacts” list, anyone in the home can then call that person from a Google Assistant-enabled device.

“家庭联系人”是您家里每个人都认识的人。 这些人可能是父母,祖父母,阿姨和叔叔,共同的朋友等等。 如果将某人添加到“家庭联系人”列表中,则家里的任何人都可以从启用了Google Assistant的设备中呼叫该人。

For example, your spouse might call your brother Bob, even if she doesn’t have his number saved in her personal contacts. She can just say, “OK Google, call Bob.”

例如,您的配偶可能会给您的兄弟Bob打电话,即使她的个人联系人中没有保存他的电话号码。 她可以说:“好的,谷歌,给鲍勃打电话。”

We’ll show you how to set this up.


如何将某人添加到“家庭联系人” (How to Add Someone to “Household Contacts”)

To get started, open the “Google Home” app on your iPhone, iPad, or Android device. Tap your profile icon at the top right.

首先,请在iPhone , iPad或Android设备上打开“ Google Home”应用。 点击右上角的个人资料图标。

Tap “Assistant Settings.”


Under the “You” tab, select “Your People.”


Some people might already be listed here. If not, tap “Add Person.”

有些人可能已经在这里列出。 如果没有,请点击“添加人”。

Choose someone from your contacts list.


On the next screen, type the necessary information, such as that person’s relationship to you, their birthday, home address, and nickname. Ensure the “Household Contacts” option is toggled on, and then tap “Add.”

在下一个屏幕上,键入必要的信息,例如该人与您的关系,他们的生日,家庭住址和昵称。 确保已打开“家庭联系人”选项,然后点击“添加”。

Now, return to the “Your People” menu and tap someone in the list.


Scroll down and toggle-On the “Household Contact” option.


You can also edit your contact’s details (including the “Nickname”) in the text box to make it easier to call him or her with a voice command. Tap “Save” when you’re done.

您还可以在文本框中编辑联系人的详细信息(包括“昵称”),以使其更容易通过语音命令呼叫他或她。 完成后,点击“保存”。

如何致电家庭联系 (How to Call Household Contacts)

You can call a Household Contact by giving a simple voice command to a Google Assistant-enabled device, like:

您可以通过向启用了Google Assistant的设备发出简单的语音命令来呼叫家庭联系人,例如:

  • “Hey Google, call [name].”“嘿Google,打给[名字]。”
  • “Hey Google, call [nickname].”“嘿Google,打[昵称]。”

Alternatively, if you have a Smart Display device, you can swipe over to the “Household Contacts” card, and then tap the Phone or Video icon next to a contact to make a call.





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