ICMP ping是您遇到过的最常见的网络扫描类型。 打开命令行提示符或终端并输入ping www.google.com非常容易。






# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

# 技术支持:https://www.jianshu.com/u/69f40328d4f0

# 技术支持 https://china-testing.github.io/

# https://github.com/china-testing/python-api-tesing/blob/master/practices/ping.py

#qq群144081101 567351477

# CreateDate: 2018-11-22

import os

import argparse

import socket

import struct

import select

import time

ICMP_ECHO_REQUEST = 8 # Platform specific



class Pinger(object):

""" Pings to a host -- the Pythonic way"""

def __init__(self, target_host, count=DEFAULT_COUNT, timeout=DEFAULT_TIMEOUT):

self.target_host = target_host

self.count = count

self.timeout = timeout

def do_checksum(self, source_string):

""" Verify the packet integritity """

sum = 0

max_count = (len(source_string)/2)*2

count = 0

while count < max_count:

val = source_string[count + 1]*256 + source_string[count]

sum = sum + val

sum = sum & 0xffffffff

count = count + 2

if max_count

sum = sum + ord(source_string[len(source_string) - 1])

sum = sum & 0xffffffff

sum = (sum >> 16) + (sum & 0xffff)

sum = sum + (sum >> 16)

answer = ~sum

answer = answer & 0xffff

answer = answer >> 8 | (answer << 8 & 0xff00)

return answer

def receive_pong(self, sock, ID, timeout):


Receive ping from the socket.


time_remaining = timeout

while True:

start_time = time.time()

readable = select.select([sock], [], [], time_remaining)

time_spent = (time.time() - start_time)

if readable[0] == []: # Timeout


time_received = time.time()

recv_packet, addr = sock.recvfrom(1024)

icmp_header = recv_packet[20:28]

type, code, checksum, packet_ID, sequence = struct.unpack(

"bbHHh", icmp_header


if packet_ID == ID:

bytes_In_double = struct.calcsize("d")

time_sent = struct.unpack("d", recv_packet[28:28 + bytes_In_double])[0]

return time_received - time_sent

time_remaining = time_remaining - time_spent

if time_remaining <= 0:


def send_ping(self, sock, ID):


Send ping to the target host


target_addr = socket.gethostbyname(self.target_host)

my_checksum = 0

# Create a dummy heder with a 0 checksum.

header = struct.pack("bbHHh", ICMP_ECHO_REQUEST, 0, my_checksum, ID, 1)

bytes_In_double = struct.calcsize("d")

data = (192 - bytes_In_double) * "Q"

data = struct.pack("d", time.time()) + bytes(data.encode('utf-8'))

# Get the checksum on the data and the dummy header.

my_checksum = self.do_checksum(header + data)

header = struct.pack(

"bbHHh", ICMP_ECHO_REQUEST, 0, socket.htons(my_checksum), ID, 1


packet = header + data

sock.sendto(packet, (target_addr, 1))

def ping_once(self):


Returns the delay (in seconds) or none on timeout.


icmp = socket.getprotobyname("icmp")


sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_RAW, icmp)

except socket.error as e:

if e.errno == 1:

# Not superuser, so operation not permitted

e.msg += "ICMP messages can only be sent from root user processes"

raise socket.error(e.msg)

except Exception as e:

print ("Exception: %s" %(e))

my_ID = os.getpid() & 0xFFFF

self.send_ping(sock, my_ID)

delay = self.receive_pong(sock, my_ID, self.timeout)


return delay

def ping(self):


Run the ping process


for i in range(self.count):

print ("Ping to %s..." % self.target_host,)


delay = self.ping_once()

except socket.gaierror as e:

print ("Ping failed. (socket error: '%s')" % e[1])


if delay == None:

print ("Ping failed. (timeout within %ssec.)" % self.timeout)


delay = delay * 1000

print ("Get pong in %0.4fms" % delay)

if __name__ == '__main__':

parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Python ping')

parser.add_argument('host', action="store", help=u'主机名')

given_args = parser.parse_args()

target_host = given_args.host

pinger = Pinger(target_host=target_host)





# python3 ping.py china-testing.github.io

Ping to china-testing.github.io...

Get pong in 160.7175ms

Ping to china-testing.github.io...

Get pong in 160.8465ms

Ping to china-testing.github.io...

Get pong in 12.0983ms

Ping to china-testing.github.io...

Get pong in 161.3324ms

# python3 ping.py www.so.com

Ping to www.so.com...

Get pong in 29.0303ms

Ping to www.so.com...

Get pong in 28.8599ms

Ping to www.so.com...

Get pong in 28.9860ms

Ping to www.so.com...

Get pong in 29.0167ms


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