牛客网 算法入门篇 左程云老师 个人复习,如果侵全,设为私密


  • 先序遍历(中,左,右)

  • 中序遍历(左,中,右)

  • 后序遍历(左,右,中)

  • 如上图所示结构,二叉树的遍历本质上都是递归序,1、2和3节点每个都会出现三次,比如从节点1出发,来到节点2,节点2的左边为空,返回,打印2,右边为空,返回打印2,再返回到节点1,节点3类似。所以最后输出的序列为1,2,2,2,1,3,3,3,1。
  • 如果打印递归序出现的第1次的元素,就是先序遍历
  • 如果打印递归序出现的第2次的元素,就是中序遍历
  • 如果打印递归序出现的第3次的元素,就是后序遍历



  • 二叉树的结构如图所示,准备一个栈用于接收数据
  • 原则只有两点:1,栈中弹出节点叫做cur(当前节点),弹出就打印;2,先打印cur的右节点,仔打印左节点,没有就无需操作。栈空就停止。
  • 1进栈,弹出1,打印1;将3和2压入栈中,弹出2,打印2,将2的孩子节点4和5押入栈中;因为先押入右,再压左,因此先将5押入,再押入4;弹出4,打印4;如上所述,先序遍历为1,2,4,5,3,6,7


package class05;import java.util.Stack;public class Code01_PreInPosTraversal {public static class Node {public int value;public Node left;public Node right;public Node(int data) {this.value = data;}}public static void f(Node head) {// 1if (head == null) {return;}// 1f(head.left); //2//2f(head.right);// 3// 3}public static void preOrderRecur(Node head) {if (head == null) {return;}System.out.print(head.value + " ");preOrderRecur(head.left); preOrderRecur(head.right);}public static void inOrderRecur(Node head) {if (head == null) {return;}inOrderRecur(head.left);System.out.print(head.value + " ");inOrderRecur(head.right);}public static void posOrderRecur(Node head) {if (head == null) {return;}posOrderRecur(head.left);posOrderRecur(head.right);System.out.print(head.value + " ");}public static void preOrderUnRecur(Node head) {System.out.print("pre-order: ");if (head != null) {Stack<Node> stack = new Stack<Node>();stack.add(head);while (!stack.isEmpty()) {head = stack.pop();System.out.print(head.value + " ");if (head.right != null) {stack.push(head.right);}if (head.left != null) {stack.push(head.left);}}}System.out.println();}public static void inOrderUnRecur(Node head) {System.out.print("in-order: ");if (head != null) {Stack<Node> stack = new Stack<Node>();while (!stack.isEmpty() || head != null) {if (head != null) {stack.push(head);head = head.left;} else {head = stack.pop();System.out.print(head.value + " ");head = head.right;}}}System.out.println();}public static void posOrderUnRecur1(Node head) {System.out.print("pos-order: ");if (head != null) {Stack<Node> s1 = new Stack<Node>();Stack<Node> s2 = new Stack<Node>();s1.push(head);while (!s1.isEmpty()) {head = s1.pop();s2.push(head);if (head.left != null) {s1.push(head.left);}if (head.right != null) {s1.push(head.right);}}while (!s2.isEmpty()) {System.out.print(s2.pop().value + " ");}}System.out.println();}public static void posOrderUnRecur2(Node h) {System.out.print("pos-order: ");if (h != null) {Stack<Node> stack = new Stack<Node>();stack.push(h);Node c = null;while (!stack.isEmpty()) {c = stack.peek();if (c.left != null && h != c.left && h != c.right) {stack.push(c.left);} else if (c.right != null && h != c.right) {stack.push(c.right);} else {System.out.print(stack.pop().value + " ");h = c;}}}System.out.println();}public static void main(String[] args) {Node head = new Node(5);head.left = new Node(3);head.right = new Node(8);head.left.left = new Node(2);head.left.right = new Node(4);head.left.left.left = new Node(1);head.right.left = new Node(7);head.right.left.left = new Node(6);head.right.right = new Node(10);head.right.right.left = new Node(9);head.right.right.right = new Node(11);// recursiveSystem.out.println("==============recursive==============");System.out.print("pre-order: ");preOrderRecur(head);System.out.println();System.out.print("in-order: ");inOrderRecur(head);System.out.println();System.out.print("pos-order: ");posOrderRecur(head);System.out.println();// unrecursiveSystem.out.println("============unrecursive=============");preOrderUnRecur(head);inOrderUnRecur(head);posOrderUnRecur1(head);posOrderUnRecur2(head);}}


  • 原则只有两点:1,栈中弹出节点叫做cur(当前节点),弹出就打印;2,先打印cur的左节点,仔打印右节点,没有就无需操作。栈空就停止。
  • 不断将右节点分成左和中节点


  • 原则只有两点:1,栈中弹出节点叫做cur(当前节点),弹出不打印,放到一个新的栈中;2,最后将第二个栈中的元素打印,相当于是(左,右,中),即后序遍历


package class05;public class Code02_PrintBinaryTree {public static class Node {public int value;public Node left;public Node right;public Node(int data) {this.value = data;}}public static void printTree(Node head) {System.out.println("Binary Tree:");printInOrder(head, 0, "H", 17);System.out.println();}public static void printInOrder(Node head, int height, String to, int len) {if (head == null) {return;}printInOrder(head.right, height + 1, "v", len);String val = to + head.value + to;int lenM = val.length();int lenL = (len - lenM) / 2;int lenR = len - lenM - lenL;val = getSpace(lenL) + val + getSpace(lenR);System.out.println(getSpace(height * len) + val);printInOrder(head.left, height + 1, "^", len);}public static String getSpace(int num) {String space = " ";StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer("");for (int i = 0; i < num; i++) {buf.append(space);}return buf.toString();}public static void main(String[] args) {Node head = new Node(1);head.left = new Node(-222222222);head.right = new Node(3);head.left.left = new Node(Integer.MIN_VALUE);head.right.left = new Node(55555555);head.right.right = new Node(66);head.left.left.right = new Node(777);printTree(head);head = new Node(1);head.left = new Node(2);head.right = new Node(3);head.left.left = new Node(4);head.right.left = new Node(5);head.right.right = new Node(6);head.left.left.right = new Node(7);printTree(head);head = new Node(1);head.left = new Node(1);head.right = new Node(1);head.left.left = new Node(1);head.right.left = new Node(1);head.right.right = new Node(1);head.left.left.right = new Node(1);printTree(head);}}



  • 使用一个队列,从头部进入,从尾巴出来;
  • 原则:弹出当前节点cur,弹出并打印;当前节点的话存在左右节点的话,先放入左节点,再放入右节点。如果不存在孩子节点,等队列为null的话,就停止输出。但是,存在一个问题,我们不知道哪些节点是类属于一层的,因此需要进行指定。需要引入哈希表来统计相关的层数、以及最大的跨度


  • 引入哈希表,设置三个变量,max为全局最大宽度,w为统计当前层级的宽度值,level记录统计层级
  • 初始设置max=-1,w=0,level=1;当a输入队列,w变为1,level显示当前层级为1,当a出队列,将其孩子节点b和c放入队列,当b出队列,level查询发现b是2层的,因此将w和max比较大小,将大的数值赋值给max,然后将w清除数据,重新统计第二层级的数的个数。以此类推。


package class05;import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.Queue;public class Code03_TreeMaxWidth {public static class Node {public int value;public Node left;public Node right;public Node(int data) {this.value = data;}}public static int w(Node head) {if(head == null) {return 0;}Queue<Node> queue = new LinkedList<>();queue.add(head);HashMap<Node, Integer> levelMap = new HashMap<>();levelMap.put(head, 1);int curLevel = 1;int curLevelNodes = 0;int max = Integer.MIN_VALUE;while(!queue.isEmpty()) {Node cur = queue.poll();int curNodeLevel = levelMap.get(cur);if(curNodeLevel == curLevel) {curLevelNodes++;} else {max = Math.max(max, curLevelNodes);curLevel++;curLevelNodes = 1;}if(cur.left !=null) {levelMap.put(cur.left, curNodeLevel+1);queue.add(cur.left);}if(cur.right !=null) {levelMap.put(cur.right, curNodeLevel+1);queue.add(cur.right);}}return max;}public static int getMaxWidth(Node head) {if (head == null) {return 0;}int maxWidth = 0;int curWidth = 0;// 目前的层数int curLevel = 0;// node 所在的层数HashMap<Node, Integer> levelMap = new HashMap<>();levelMap.put(head, 1);LinkedList<Node> queue = new LinkedList<>();queue.add(head);Node node = null;Node left = null;Node right = null;while (!queue.isEmpty()) {node = queue.poll();left = node.left;right = node.right;if (left != null) {levelMap.put(left, levelMap.get(node) + 1);queue.add(left);}if (right != null) {levelMap.put(right, levelMap.get(node) + 1);queue.add(right);}if (levelMap.get(node) > curLevel) {curWidth = 1;curLevel = levelMap.get(node);} else {curWidth++;}maxWidth = Math.max(maxWidth, curWidth);//更新最后一层,因为最后一层没有触发逻辑}return maxWidth;}public static void main(String[] args) {// TODO Auto-generated method stub}}



  • 性质 节点数 = 2^树的高度 - 1
  • 思路 假设以x为头节点,只有满足性质才是一个满二叉树。在容许向左右两个孩子要信息的前提下,应该要什么信息,才可以解决问题。
public class IsFull{public static class Node{public int value;public Node left;public Node right;public Node(int data){this.value = data;}}public static boolean isFull(Node head){Info info = processInfo(head);int size = info.size;int height = info.height;return size == (1<<height) - 1;}public static class Info{public int size;public int height;public Info(int s,int h){size = s;height = h;}}public static Info processInfo(Node x){if(x == 0){return new Info(0,0);}Info leftInfo = processInfo(x.left);Info rightInfo = processInfo(x.right);int size = leftInfo.size + rightInfo.size + 1;int height = Math.max(leftInfo.height,rightInfo.height) + 1;return new Info(size, height);}public static void main(String[] args) {}


  • 假设要求以x为头的答案
  • 向左右两个孩子要信息,去分析构成答案的主要元素
  • 确定向左右孩子要的信息,有可能左右要的信息不一样
  • 组织收集到的信息


  • 判断左右孩子的高度差是否相差小于等于1
  • 如果左右孩子不满足平衡二叉树,那么此平衡二叉树不成立


import jdk.vm.ci.code.site.Infopoint;public class IsFull{public static class Node{public int value;public Node left;public Node right;public Node(int data){this.value = data;}}public static class Info{public boolean isBalanced;public int height;public Info(boolean is,int h){isBalanced = is;height = h;}}public static Info process(Node x){if(x == nll){return new Info(true,0);//return null;}Info leftInfo = process(x.left);Info rightInfo = process(x.right);int subTreeMaxHeight = 0;if(leftInfo != null){subTreeMaxHeight = leftInfo.height;}if(rightInfo!=null){subTreeMaxHeight = Math.max(subTreeMaxHeight,rightInfo.height);}int height = 1 + subTreeMaxHeight;boolean isBalanced = true;if(leftInfo!=null && !leftInfo.isBalanced){isBalanced=false;}if(rightInfo!= null && !rightInfo.isBalanced){isBalanced = false;}int leftH = leftInfo != null ? leftInfo.height : 0;int rightH = leftInfo != null ? rightInfo.height : 0; if(Math.abs(leftH - rightH)>1){isBalanced = false;}return new Infopoint(isBalanced, height);}public static void main(String[] args) {}




  • 左树上的最大距离
  • 右树上的最大距离


  • 左边距离x最远和x到右边最远距离(树的高度)


import org.graalvm.compiler.nodes.calc.LeftShiftNode;
import org.graalvm.compiler.nodes.calc.RightShiftNode;import jdk.vm.ci.code.site.Infopoint;public class IsFull{public static int maxDistance(Node head){Info info = process(head);return info.maxDistance;}public static class Info{public int maxDistance;public int height;public Info(boolean is,int h){maxDistance = d;height = h;}}public static Info process(Node x){if(x == null){return new Info(0,0);}Info leftInfo = process(x.left);Info rightInfo = process(x.right);int height = Math.max(leftInfo.height,rightInfo.height) + 1;int maxDistance = Math.max(leftInfo.height + rightInfo.height + 1,Math.max(leftInfo.height,rightInfo.height));return new Info(maxDistance,height);}   public static void main(String[] args) {}




  • 左树是否是搜索二叉树
  • 右树是否是搜索二叉树
  • 左边最大的是否小于 x节点
  • 右边最小的是否大于 x节点


package class05;import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.Stack;import class05.Code01_PreInPosTraversal.Node;public class Code04_IsBST {public static class Node {public int value;public Node left;public Node right;public Node(int data) {this.value = data;}}public static class ReturnData {public boolean isBST;public int min;public int max;public ReturnData(boolean is, int mi, int ma) {isBST = is;min = mi;max = ma;}}public static ReturnData process(Node x) {if(x == null) {return null;}ReturnData leftData = process(x.left);ReturnData rightData = process(x.right);int min = x.value;int max = x.value;if(leftData!=null) {min = Math.min(min, leftData.min);max = Math.max(max, leftData.max);}if(rightData!=null) {min = Math.min(min, rightData.min);max = Math.max(max, rightData.max);}
//      boolean isBST = true;
//      if(leftData!=null && (!leftData.isBST   ||  leftData.max >= x.value  )) {
//          isBST= false;
//      }
//      if(rightData!=null && ( !rightData.isBST || x.value >= rightData.min   )) {
//          isBST= false;
//      }boolean isBST = false;if((leftData != null ? (leftData.isBST  &&  leftData.max < x.value) : true)&&(rightData !=null ? (rightData.isBST  && rightData.min > x.value) : true)        ) {isBST = true;}return new ReturnData(isBST, min, max);}public static boolean isF(Node head) {if(head == null) {return true;}Info data = f(head);return data.nodes == (1 << data.height - 1);}public static class Info{public int height;public int nodes;public Info(int h, int n) {height = h;nodes = n;}}public static Info f(Node x) {if(x == null) {return new Info(0,0);}Info leftData = f(x.left);Info rightData = f(x.right);int height  = Math.max(leftData.height,rightData.height)+1;int nodes = leftData.nodes + rightData.nodes + 1;return new Info(height, nodes);}public static boolean inOrderUnRecur(Node head) {if (head == null) {return true;}int pre = Integer.MIN_VALUE;Stack<Node> stack = new Stack<Node>();while (!stack.isEmpty() || head != null) {if (head != null) {stack.push(head);head = head.left;} else {head = stack.pop();if (head.value <= pre) {return false;}pre = head.value;head = head.right;}}return true;}public static boolean isBST(Node head) {if (head == null) {return true;}LinkedList<Node> inOrderList = new LinkedList<>();process(head, inOrderList);int pre = Integer.MIN_VALUE;for (Node cur : inOrderList) {if (pre >= cur.value) {return false;}pre = cur.value;}return true;}public static void process(Node node, LinkedList<Node> inOrderList) {if (node == null) {return;}process(node.left, inOrderList);inOrderList.add(node);process(node.right, inOrderList);}}


  • 只要递增,就是搜索二叉树

  • 基于非递归中序遍历改进,由先前的打印,变为和前一个节点比较


public static boolean inOrderUnRecur(Node head){if(head == null){return true;}int pre = Integer.MIN_VALUE;Stack<Node> stack = new Stack<Node>();while(!stack.isEmpty() || head != null){if(head != null){stack.push(head);head = head.left;}else{head = stack.pop();if(head.value <= pre){return false;}pre = head.value;head = head.right;}}return true;}



  • 如果使用条件,左子树是否是完全二叉树,右子树是否是完全二叉树来判定根节点是否是完全二叉树

  • 即使左子树和右子树都是完全二叉树,但是左子树比右子树少整整一层的情形下,判定失败


  • 宽度优先遍历,任何一个节点不能有右节点,没有左节点。
  • 当第一次发现某节点左右不双全,后续节点都是右节点
package class05;import java.util.LinkedList;public class Code05_IsCBT {public static class Node {public int value;public Node left;public Node right;public Node(int data) {this.value = data;}}public static boolean isCBT(Node head) {if (head == null) {return true;}LinkedList<Node> queue = new LinkedList<>();// 是否遇到过左右两个孩子不双全的节点boolean leaf = false;Node l = null;Node r = null;queue.add(head);while (!queue.isEmpty()) {head = queue.poll();l = head.left;r = head.right;if (// 如果遇到了不双全的节点之后,又发现当前节点不是叶节点(leaf && !(l == null && r == null)) || (l == null && r != null)) {return false;}if (l != null) {queue.add(l);}if (r != null) {queue.add(r);}if (l == null || r == null) {leaf = true;}}return true;}}



  • x无n1和n2
  • x只有n1
  • x只有n2
  • x有n1和n2:左n1n2;右n1n2;左n1右n2;左n2右n1


package class05;import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;public class Code07_LowestCommonAncestor {public static class Node {public int value;public Node left;public Node right;public Node(int data) {this.value = data;}}public static Node lowestAncestor(Node head, Node o1, Node o2) {if (head == null || head == o1 || head == o2) { // base casereturn head;}Node left = lowestAncestor(head.left, o1, o2);Node right = lowestAncestor(head.right, o1, o2);if (left != null && right != null) {return head;}// 左右两棵树,并不都有返回值return left != null ? left : right;}public static class Record1 {private HashMap<Node, Node> map;public Record1(Node head) {map = new HashMap<Node, Node>();if (head != null) {map.put(head, null);}setMap(head);}private void setMap(Node head) {if (head == null) {return;}if (head.left != null) {map.put(head.left, head);}if (head.right != null) {map.put(head.right, head);}setMap(head.left);setMap(head.right);}public Node query(Node o1, Node o2) {HashSet<Node> path = new HashSet<Node>();while (map.containsKey(o1)) {path.add(o1);o1 = map.get(o1);}while (!path.contains(o2)) {o2 = map.get(o2);}return o2;}}public static class Record2 {private HashMap<Node, HashMap<Node, Node>> map;public Record2(Node head) {map = new HashMap<Node, HashMap<Node, Node>>();initMap(head);setMap(head);}private void initMap(Node head) {if (head == null) {return;}map.put(head, new HashMap<Node, Node>());initMap(head.left);initMap(head.right);}private void setMap(Node head) {if (head == null) {return;}headRecord(head.left, head);headRecord(head.right, head);subRecord(head);setMap(head.left);setMap(head.right);}private void headRecord(Node n, Node h) {if (n == null) {return;}map.get(n).put(h, h);headRecord(n.left, h);headRecord(n.right, h);}private void subRecord(Node head) {if (head == null) {return;}preLeft(head.left, head.right, head);subRecord(head.left);subRecord(head.right);}private void preLeft(Node l, Node r, Node h) {if (l == null) {return;}preRight(l, r, h);preLeft(l.left, r, h);preLeft(l.right, r, h);}private void preRight(Node l, Node r, Node h) {if (r == null) {return;}map.get(l).put(r, h);preRight(l, r.left, h);preRight(l, r.right, h);}public Node query(Node o1, Node o2) {if (o1 == o2) {return o1;}if (map.containsKey(o1)) {return map.get(o1).get(o2);}if (map.containsKey(o2)) {return map.get(o2).get(o1);}return null;}}// for test -- print treepublic static void printTree(Node head) {System.out.println("Binary Tree:");printInOrder(head, 0, "H", 17);System.out.println();}public static void printInOrder(Node head, int height, String to, int len) {if (head == null) {return;}printInOrder(head.right, height + 1, "v", len);String val = to + head.value + to;int lenM = val.length();int lenL = (len - lenM) / 2;int lenR = len - lenM - lenL;val = getSpace(lenL) + val + getSpace(lenR);System.out.println(getSpace(height * len) + val);printInOrder(head.left, height + 1, "^", len);}public static String getSpace(int num) {String space = " ";StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer("");for (int i = 0; i < num; i++) {buf.append(space);}return buf.toString();}public static void main(String[] args) {Node head = new Node(1);head.left = new Node(2);head.right = new Node(3);head.left.left = new Node(4);head.left.right = new Node(5);head.right.left = new Node(6);head.right.right = new Node(7);head.right.right.left = new Node(8);printTree(head);System.out.println("===============");Node o1 = head.left.right;Node o2 = head.right.left;System.out.println("o1 : " + o1.value);System.out.println("o2 : " + o2.value);System.out.println("ancestor : " + lowestAncestor(head, o1, o2).value);System.out.println("===============");}}

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    力扣-914. 卡牌分组 难度-简单 这是一道非常有趣的题,提交通过率令人深思 ,思考它是不是一道简单的题- 开始正题: 给定一副牌,每张牌上都写着一个整数. 此时,你需要选定一个数字 X,使我们可以 ...

  6. 伍六七带你学算法 入门篇-最小的k个数

    java面试题-最小的k个数 难度-简单 输入整数数组 arr ,找出其中最小的 k 个数.例如,输入4.这8个数字,则最小的4个数字是1.2.3.4. 示例 1: 输入:a ...

  7. 伍六七带你学算法 入门篇——最后一个单词的长度

    难度 简单 给定一个仅包含大小写字母和空格 ' ' 的字符串 s,返回其最后一个单词的长度.如果字符串从左向右滚动显示,那么最后一个单词就是最后出现的单词. 如果不存在最后一个单词,请返回 0 . 说 ...

  8. 伍六七带你学算法 入门篇 ——最大子序和

    力扣 53. 最大子序和 难度简单 给定一个整数数组 nums ,找到一个具有最大和的连续子数组(子数组最少包含一个元素),返回其最大和. 示例: 输入: [-2,1,-3,4,-1,2,1,-5,4 ...

  9. 伍六七带你学算法 入门篇-链表的中间节点

    力扣-876链表的中间节点 难度-简单 给定一个带有头结点 head 的非空单链表,返回链表的中间结点. 如果有两个中间结点,则返回第二个中间结点. 示例 1: 输入:[1,2,3,4,5] 输出:此 ...


  1. boost::filesystem模块和boost::timer混合的测试程序
  2. 广义动量定理之速度V的应用分析
  3. Socket编程实践(1) --TCP/IP简述
  4. ABP框架 - 多租户
  5. 第五周作业:瀑布模型
  6. HEVC学习 —— HM的使用
  7. Clouda开发随笔之block标签
  8. 记一个简单Android图书阅读器的制作过程
  9. vue中将html页面转为图片并且下载该图片
  10. 解决树莓派4B 3.5MM耳机接口没有声音的方法
  11. 名表商城ECshop程序网站源码 在线商城网站源码wap+H5支付+https
  12. 微服务--Gateway--服务网关
  13. 无题(2012.5.11 摘自 人人网)
  14. 首申百度联盟、Google Adsense,均败
  15. java数据字典tag,数据字典
  16. 『每周译Go』写了 50 万行 Go 代码后,我明白这些道理
  17. easyExcel 导入Excel数据
  18. 超百个免费api接口
  20. SystemServer


  1. MyBatis笔记——配置文件完成增删改查
  2. Java笔记(一)—StringBuilder类
  3. vue 搜索框header_vue项目header模块编写
  4. 【转】mysql 、oracle中char和varchar以及varchar2的区别
  5. 【转】ABP源码分析三十一:ABP.AutoMapper
  6. 【转】Azure Logic App Demo
  7. 第十节:进一步扩展两种安全校验方式
  8. 【转】c# 协变与抗变
  9. 第四节:框架前期准备篇之进程外Session的两种配置方式
  10. Qt中使用OpenSSL