
  最近需要做一个外设汽车驾驶相关的软件,采用的外设 罗技G29方向盘,项目中遇到的问题这里记录一下。

  3.Unity商店中导入Logitech Gaming SDK

  1.Unity商店中导入的SDK运行会报错,将项目准备中步骤一下载的SDK 路径:Lib\x64\LogitechSteeringWheelLib.lib 复制到Logitech SDK文件夹下



using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
using System.Text;public class LogitechSteeringWheel : MonoBehaviour
{LogitechGSDK.LogiControllerPropertiesData properties;private string actualState;private string activeForces;private string propertiesEdit;private string buttonStatus;private string forcesLabel;string[] activeForceAndEffect;// Use this for initializationvoid Start(){activeForces = "";propertiesEdit = "";actualState = "";buttonStatus = "";forcesLabel = "Press the following keys to activate forces and effects on the steering wheel / gaming controller \n";forcesLabel += "Spring force : S\n";    //弹簧弹力forcesLabel += "Constant force : C\n";  //恒力forcesLabel += "Damper force : D\n";    //阻尼力forcesLabel += "Side collision : Left or Right Arrow\n";  //侧向碰撞forcesLabel += "Front collision : Up arrow\n";     //正面碰撞forcesLabel += "Dirt road effect : I\n";           //土路效应forcesLabel += "Bumpy road effect : B\n";          //崎岖不平的道路forcesLabel += "Slippery road effect : L\n";       //滑路效应forcesLabel += "Surface effect : U\n";             //表面效应forcesLabel += "Car Airborne effect : A\n";        //汽车空气的影响forcesLabel += "Soft Stop Force : O\n";            //forcesLabel += "Set example controller properties : PageUp\n";forcesLabel += "Play Leds : P\n";                  //发光activeForceAndEffect = new string[9];Debug.Log("SteeringInit:" + LogitechGSDK.LogiSteeringInitialize(false));}void OnApplicationQuit(){Debug.Log("SteeringShutdown:" + LogitechGSDK.LogiSteeringShutdown());}void OnGUI(){activeForces = GUI.TextArea(new Rect(10, 10, 180, 200), activeForces, 400);propertiesEdit = GUI.TextArea(new Rect(200, 10, 200, 200), propertiesEdit, 400);actualState = GUI.TextArea(new Rect(410, 10, 300, 200), actualState, 1000);buttonStatus = GUI.TextArea(new Rect(720, 10, 300, 200), buttonStatus, 1000);GUI.Label(new Rect(10, 400, 800, 400), forcesLabel);}// Update is called once per framevoid Update(){//All the test functions are called on the first device plugged in(index = 0)if (LogitechGSDK.LogiUpdate() && LogitechGSDK.LogiIsConnected(0)){//CONTROLLER PROPERTIESStringBuilder deviceName = new StringBuilder(256);LogitechGSDK.LogiGetFriendlyProductName(0, deviceName, 256);propertiesEdit = "Current Controller : " + deviceName + "\n";propertiesEdit += "Current controller properties : \n\n";LogitechGSDK.LogiControllerPropertiesData actualProperties = new LogitechGSDK.LogiControllerPropertiesData();LogitechGSDK.LogiGetCurrentControllerProperties(0, ref actualProperties);propertiesEdit += "forceEnable = " + actualProperties.forceEnable + "\n";propertiesEdit += "overallGain = " + actualProperties.overallGain + "\n";propertiesEdit += "springGain = " + actualProperties.springGain + "\n";propertiesEdit += "damperGain = " + actualProperties.damperGain + "\n";propertiesEdit += "defaultSpringEnabled = " + actualProperties.defaultSpringEnabled + "\n";propertiesEdit += "combinePedals = " + actualProperties.combinePedals + "\n";propertiesEdit += "wheelRange = " + actualProperties.wheelRange + "\n";propertiesEdit += "gameSettingsEnabled = " + actualProperties.gameSettingsEnabled + "\n";propertiesEdit += "allowGameSettings = " + actualProperties.allowGameSettings + "\n";//CONTROLLER STATEactualState = "Steering wheel current state : \n\n";LogitechGSDK.DIJOYSTATE2ENGINES rec;rec = LogitechGSDK.LogiGetStateUnity(0);actualState += "x-axis position :" + rec.lX + "\n";   //方向盘actualState += "y-axis position :" + rec.lY + "\n";   //油门actualState += "z-axis position :" + rec.lZ + "\n";actualState += "x-axis rotation :" + rec.lRx + "\n";actualState += "y-axis rotation :" + rec.lRy + "\n";actualState += "z-axis rotation :" + rec.lRz + "\n";  //刹车actualState += "extra axes positions 1 :" + rec.rglSlider[0] + "\n";    //离合actualState += "extra axes positions 2 :" + rec.rglSlider[1] + "\n";switch (rec.rgdwPOV[0]){case (0): actualState += "POV : UP\n"; break;case (4500): actualState += "POV : UP-RIGHT\n"; break;case (9000): actualState += "POV : RIGHT\n"; break;case (13500): actualState += "POV : DOWN-RIGHT\n"; break;case (18000): actualState += "POV : DOWN\n"; break;case (22500): actualState += "POV : DOWN-LEFT\n"; break;case (27000): actualState += "POV : LEFT\n"; break;case (31500): actualState += "POV : UP-LEFT\n"; break;default: actualState += "POV : CENTER\n"; break;}//Button status :buttonStatus = "Button pressed : \n\n";for (int i = 0; i < 128; i++){if (rec.rgbButtons[i] == 128){buttonStatus += "Button " + i + " pressed\n";}}/* THIS AXIS ARE NEVER REPORTED BY LOGITECH CONTROLLERS * * actualState += "x-axis velocity :" + rec.lVX + "\n";* actualState += "y-axis velocity :" + rec.lVY + "\n";* actualState += "z-axis velocity :" + rec.lVZ + "\n";* actualState += "x-axis angular velocity :" + rec.lVRx + "\n";* actualState += "y-axis angular velocity :" + rec.lVRy + "\n";* actualState += "z-axis angular velocity :" + rec.lVRz + "\n";* actualState += "extra axes velocities 1 :" + rec.rglVSlider[0] + "\n";* actualState += "extra axes velocities 2 :" + rec.rglVSlider[1] + "\n";* actualState += "x-axis acceleration :" + rec.lAX + "\n";* actualState += "y-axis acceleration :" + rec.lAY + "\n";* actualState += "z-axis acceleration :" + rec.lAZ + "\n";* actualState += "x-axis angular acceleration :" + rec.lARx + "\n";* actualState += "y-axis angular acceleration :" + rec.lARy + "\n";* actualState += "z-axis angular acceleration :" + rec.lARz + "\n";* actualState += "extra axes accelerations 1 :" + rec.rglASlider[0] + "\n";* actualState += "extra axes accelerations 2 :" + rec.rglASlider[1] + "\n";* actualState += "x-axis force :" + rec.lFX + "\n";* actualState += "y-axis force :" + rec.lFY + "\n";* actualState += "z-axis force :" + rec.lFZ + "\n";* actualState += "x-axis torque :" + rec.lFRx + "\n";* actualState += "y-axis torque :" + rec.lFRy + "\n";* actualState += "z-axis torque :" + rec.lFRz + "\n";* actualState += "extra axes forces 1 :" + rec.rglFSlider[0] + "\n";* actualState += "extra axes forces 2 :" + rec.rglFSlider[1] + "\n";*/int shifterTipe = LogitechGSDK.LogiGetShifterMode(0);string shifterString = "";if (shifterTipe == 1) shifterString = "Gated";else if (shifterTipe == 0) shifterString = "Sequential";else shifterString = "Unknown";actualState += "\nSHIFTER MODE:" + shifterString;}else if (!LogitechGSDK.LogiIsConnected(0)){actualState = "PLEASE PLUG IN A STEERING WHEEL OR A FORCE FEEDBACK CONTROLLER";}else{actualState = "THIS WINDOW NEEDS TO BE IN FOREGROUND IN ORDER FOR THE SDK TO WORK PROPERLY";}}



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