How can I check if a document is signed with DocuSign API? Exists any API service that lets me know the document status?

I tried to obtain all objects in "completed" folder but the response doesn't contains documentId and I can't know which of documents is each of the objects


DocuSign tracks Recipient status and Envelope status (but not Document status). In other words:

If Envelope status = Completed, you can safely assume that each

Recipient in the envelope workflow supplied all information that the

Sender marked as Required.

If Recipient status = Completed, you can safely assume that the

Recipient supplied all information that the Sender marked as Required

for him/her.

You have several options for determining the status of a Recipient or an Envelope:

Use the DocuSign REST API ( If you're wanting to query for the status of a single envelope, see p118 -- the operation is: GET https://{{env}}{{version}}/accounts/{{acctId}}/envelopes/{{envId}}

Use DocuSign Connect, such that Connect will notify your "listener" application about Envelope and/or Recipient statuses that you specify. See here

Finally, when querying for Envelope status using either the REST API or SOAP API, keep in mind the polling limitations that DocuSign imposes on the request status operations. These limitations are described in the API Best Practices guide


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