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Wow. Over the last two weeks we’ve launched an outstanding addition of over 40 new assets ready to use in your game projects!  This brings our total number of asset store packages to over 170, and the submissions keep coming in!  Whether you need extra assets to add more detail and decor to your scene, models and animations for players and NPCs, extensions to enhance editor functionality, or a complete project to retool for your own purposes,  the Asset Store has content that will both save you time and enhance your projects. Almost everything new to the store is exciting, but there are a few especially outstanding offerings.

哇。 在过去的两周中,我们推出了杰出的40多种新资产,可供您在游戏项目中使用! 这使我们的资产存储包总数达到170多个,并且提交的邮件不断涌入! 无论您是需要额外的资产来为场景添加更多细节和装饰,播放器和NPC的模型和动画,用于增强编辑器功能的扩展,还是用于您自己的目的进行重组的完整项目,资产商店中的内容都可以为您节省时间并改善您的项目。 几乎所有商店的新鲜事物都令人兴奋,但也有一些特别出色的产品。

Mixamo Animation and Character Packs Mixamo brings several characters and matching animation packs to the asset store.  You’ll find almost everything you’ll need for third person and NPC character action in these kits.  Most impressive, in my opinion, is their amazing Mixamo Dragon pack.  Featuring two AAA quality, rigged and animated dragons, this pack is jaw-droppingly good.   As a player character, an enemy for a boss-fight, a fantasy background character, or extreme marshmallow roaster, your game will be on fire with these stunning dragons!

Mixamo动画和角色包 Mixamo将多个角色和匹配的动画包带到资产商店。 在这些工具包中,您几乎可以找到第三人称和NPC角色动作所需的一切。 在我看来,最令人印象深刻的是他们令人惊叹的Mixamo Dragon包装。 具有两种AAA质量,索具和动画龙,非常令人赞叹。 作为玩家角色,BOSS战斗的敌人,幻想背景角色或极端的棉花糖烤架,这些令人赞叹的巨龙将为您的游戏增光添彩!

Age of Sails This pack of highly stylized, well-crafted frigates, ships and barges will work great in any RTS, sailing or pirate game, or just for packing your harbors and oceans.  They weigh in at a triangle-count low enough for usage on any mobile device, but are so well textured and modeled to look great in any platform.

航海时代这套高度程式化,精心制作的护卫舰,轮船和驳船将在任何RTS,航海或海盗游戏中,或仅用于包装港口和海洋时,都非常有用。 它们的三角形计数足够低,足以在任何移动设备上使用,但它们的纹理和造型如此好,在任何平台上看起来都很棒。

Unisky Six times Nothing (aka 000000) brings an innovative extension that I believe will be put to use in games everywhere, UniSky.  UniSky is a great solution which can generate procedurally animated skies with 24-hour day/night cycles (with moon, sun and stars), atmospheric scattering, procedural 2D clouds and parameters for weather (including precipitation!).  There’s a great demand for this functionality in all kinds of games, and no reason to reinvent the wheel– especially now that Six Times Zero has done it so well!

Unisky六次Nothing(又名000000)带来了一项创新的扩展,我相信UniSky将在所有游戏中使用。 UniSky是一种出色的解决方案,它可以生成具有程序动画的天空,具有24小时的昼/夜循环(带有月亮,太阳和星星),大气散射,程序2D云和天气参数(包括降水!)。 在所有类型的游戏中对此功能都有很高的需求,没有理由重新发明轮子了—尤其是由于《六次零零》已经做得如此出色!

Other awesome packages worth checking out include…


Pacific Aircraft Pack It’s 1943 all over again with Digital Lightbox’s highly professional Pacific Aircraft Pack.  Need a B17 Flying Fortress for your game?  How about a Nakajima Ki-43?  We got em!  Pro enough for any platform, light enough for a mobile game.   Check them out!

太平洋飞机背包 Digital Lightbox的高度专业的太平洋飞机背包重新回到 1943年。 您的游戏需要B17飞行堡垒吗? 中岛Ki-43怎么样? 我们得到了! 足够专业,适用于任何平台,轻巧,适合移动游戏。 去看一下!

MultiPanel by Owlchemy Labs The great owlchemists at Owlchemy Labs have created a wonderful time-saver–  Multipanel.  This editor extension allows you to apply common actions on multiple objects in your hierarchy at the same time– things you would normally have to do manually, including toggling, resetting, adding, removing, tagging, and more.  Just $5!

Owlchemy LabsMultiPanel Owlchemy Labs的出色猫头鹰化学家创建了一个出色的省时功能– Multipanel。 使用此编辑器扩展,您可以同时对层次结构中的多个对象应用通用操作-通常需要手动执行的操作,包括切换,重置,添加,删除,标记等。 才5美元!

Crates – Love em, hate em, can’t live without em. Okay. Let’s cut to the chase– we all love and hate crates.  But the inescapable fact is that you need them.  Explode them, hide behind them, push them around, drop them, and stuff them in warehouses.  Use the best ones out there– namely the crate-tastic Ultimate Crate Pack by 3D Attack.

板条箱–爱他们,恨他们,没有他们就无法生存。 好的。 让我们开始追逐吧–我们都爱与恨板条箱。 但是不可避免的事实是您需要它们。 爆炸它们,躲在它们后面,将它们推向四周,放下它们,并将其塞入仓库。 使用那里最好的-即3D Attack制作的板条箱式Ultimate Crate Pack。

Enrich developers, enrich yourself! Our top sellers are making thousands of dollars a month. Got something mind-blowing, time-saving or awe-inspiring?  Submit it to the Unity Asset Store and make some money while you’re at it.  Although we’re a bit picky about quality, if you think you’ve got it, send your stuff our way!  For more information, just click here:

丰富开发人员,丰富自己! 我们的畅销书每月可赚数千美元。 有令人惊讶,省时或令人敬畏的东西吗? 将其提交到Unity Asset Store,并在使用时赚钱。 尽管我们对质量有些挑剔,但如果您认为自己有质量,请按照我们的方式发送! 有关更多信息,请单击此处: http : //


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