Hey there, Caitlyn Meeks here – your Unity Asset Store content manager! In case you haven’t heard, the Unity Asset Store is your in-editor drag-and-drop one-stop prop-shop, packed with models, textures, scripts, editor extensions, visual effects, even complete game projects.  You’ll find ready-to-use, completely modifiable and customizable content for your own game projects just a few clicks away. Even though the Unity Asset Store is merely two months old, we already have over 10,000 downloads per month, about 150 new users registering per day, and individual content creators making thousands of dollars a month – and these numbers are steadily growing!

嗨,Caitlyn Meeks在这里–您的Unity Asset Store内容管理员! 如果您没有听说过,Unity Asset Store是您在编辑器中的一站式拖放式道具商店,其中包含模型,纹理,脚本,编辑器扩展,视觉效果,甚至是完整的游戏项目。 只需单击几下,您便可以找到适用于您自己的游戏项目的即用型,完全可修改和可自定义的内容。 即使Unity Asset Store成立只有两个月之久,我们每个月的下载量仍超过10,000次,每天约有150个新用户注册,并且单个内容创作者每月可赚取成千上万的美元-这些数字正在稳步增长!

As a developer, the Unity Asset Store can save you money, time, and enable you to do things that were previously out of your reach.  Imagine the following game scenario: your warrior heroes have been adventuring through dense forest wilderness and set up camp in a clearing, sitting before a warm, crackling campfire. Distant roaring is heard! Moments later a pack of sword-wielding homicidal pirate goblins come tearing into the camp on Harley Davidson motorcycles.  With swords and battle axes swinging, your adventurers engage the pirate goblin bikers in awesome battle, dodging lasers and tire irons!  Finally you take them all down in a glorious explosion with a grenade launcher! Perfect idea for a game, right? (if you use it, I want to be in the credits -CM)

作为开发人员,Unity Asset Store可以为您节省金钱,时间,并使您能够执行以前无法企及的事情。 想象一下以下游戏场景:您的战士英雄们正在茂密的森林荒野中冒险,并在温暖而脆脆的篝火旁的空地上建立营地。 听到远处的轰鸣声! 片刻之后,一包挥舞着剑的凶杀海盗妖精骑着哈雷戴维森摩托车闯入营地。 随着剑和战斧的摆动,冒险家会与海盗小妖精骑手一起进行令人敬畏的战斗,躲避激光和轮胎铁杆! 最后,您将使用手榴弹发射器在光荣的爆炸中将他们全部击落! 游戏的完美主意,对吧? (如果您使用它,我想成为学分-CM)

The necessary models, animation and textures seem beyond your resources? No worries!  Launch Unity and open the Asset Store window (Window > Asset Store) and find time-saving assets to get going! First you need to get your Adventurers in order. Check out Art Packages > Warriors And Commoners, by Frogames. In this best-selling package, you’ll find an assortment of configurable, professional quality, rigged and animated adventurer characters ready to go.  There are so many combinations of configurations, you find a style that suits your game uniquely. You grab our own Free Terrain Assets package, as well as Art Packages > Shanty Town Trees and artfully lay out your forest in less than an hour. A few clicks later you find the perfect campfire, by Unity Magic, complete with crackling sounds, smoke and dancing flames, saving hours of work. After clicking Download & Import, moments later your campfire is in your project and ready to use in your scene.

必要的模型,动画和纹理似乎超出了您的能力范围? 别担心! 启动Unity并打开“资产商店”窗口(“ 窗口”>“资产商店” ),然后找到节省时间的资产以继续! 首先,您需要按顺序安排冒险家。 看看Frogames的Art Packages> Warriors and Commoners。 在这个最畅销的程序包中,您将找到各种可配置的,专业的品质,装备精巧且具有动画效果的冒险家角色,随时可以使用。 配置的组合太多了,您会找到一种独特的适合您游戏的风格。 您可以获取我们自己的“ 免费地形资产”包,以及“ 艺术包”>“棚户区树木”,并在不到一个小时的时间内巧妙地布置您的森林。 只需单击几下,您便可以找到Unity Magic的完美篝火,声音嘶哑,冒烟,舞动,节省了工作时间。 单击“下载并导入”后,片刻之后您的篝火在您的项目中,可以在场景中使用。

“But surely,” you say, “Unity does not have Pirate Biker Goblins on the Asset Store!” We look you knowingly in the eye and guide you to the Dungeon Guardians package, featuring professional quality, ready-to-go goblins. With a little texture work in Photoshop, you add classic leather biker chaps, evil mustaches and menacing eye-patches to the characters. Throw in your own peg-leg and hook-hand as meshes to complete the look. “This is unbelievably awesome!” you say, as you dive deeper and find that the battle axes, swords, and motorcycles are really just a download away. For the amazing boss-fight explosions, you download and import the stunning Detonator explosion package. Which is free, by the way.  Suddenly your project has professional quality artwork and effects in place, allowing you to focus on the important work – unleashing your creative vision upon the world!

“但是可以肯定地,”您说,“ Unity在资产商店中没有海盗机车哥布林!” 我们会明知您的眼睛,并向您介绍Dungeon Guardians软件包,该软件包具有专业品质,随时可用的地精。 在Photoshop中进行少量纹理处理,即可为角色添加经典的皮革机车骑士,邪恶的胡须和险恶的眼罩。 将自己的桩腿和钩手作为网格物体投入使用,以完成外观。 “这真是太棒了!” 您说的是,当您深入潜水时,发现战斧,剑和摩托车真的可以下载。 对于惊人的boss-fight爆炸,您可以下载并导入惊人的Detonator爆炸包。 顺便说一句,这是免费的。 突然之间,您的项目就安装了专业品质的艺术品和特效,使您可以专注于重要的工作-在世界上释放您的创造力!

For Content Creators, the Unity Asset Store is a fantastic way to publish, distribute and monetize your hard work – it’s a quick and effective gateway to connect with a rapidly growing base of game designers!  Because your customers can download and use assets directly in the Unity Editor,  your content is easy to purchase and immediately usable.

对于Content Creators而言,Unity Asset Store是发布,分发和通过您的辛勤工作赚钱的绝妙方式–它是与快速增长的游戏设计师群建立联系的快速有效的途径! 因为您的客户可以直接在Unity编辑器中下载和使用资产,所以您的内容易于购买并且可以立即使用。

As of this blog posting, we’ve just released a brand new Asset Store Tools submission package. Check it out and show us what you’ve got!

在此博客发布中,我们刚刚发布了全新的Asset Store Tools提交包。 检查一下 ,告诉我们您所拥有的!

Sure, the Unity Asset Store is an awesome resource for game designers and a great way to make money for content creators.  But it’s not just a place to buy and sell tanks, trees and scripts, it’s an exchange of creativity, ingenuity, and passion.  You’ll find the Asset Store waiting for you under the Window menu directly in the Unity Editor.

当然, Unity Asset Store是游戏设计师的绝佳资源,也是为内容创作者赚钱的绝妙方法。 但这不仅是买卖坦克,树木和文字的地方,还是创造力,创造力和热情的交换。 您将在Unity编辑器中的“窗口”菜单下直接找到资产商店。

翻译自: https://blogs.unity3d.com/2010/12/22/unity-asset-store-update/

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