


英文→中文 翻译

论文题目红外光通信系统设计姓 名邓谋专 业通信工程班 级2010级一班学 号2010101039指导教师赵建日 期2014年 02 月 27 日



Infrared remote control system is mainly composed by the remote control transmitter, integrated receiver head, microcontroller, interface circuit shown in Figure 1. The remote control is used to generate the remote encoder pulse drive infrared emission control output of the infrared remote control signal, the remote control receiver on the remote control signal amplification, detection, shaping, demodulation remote encoder pulse. The remote control encoder pulse is a serial binary code for the infrared remote control system, the serial code input to the microcontroller, its internal CPU instruction decode on the remote control, and perform remote control functions. Using the remote control as the input of the control system, we need to address the following key questions: how to receive the infrared remote control signal; how to identify the infrared remote control signal, and decoding software design, design of control procedures.

SCM history

SCM was born in 1971, has gone through three major phases of the SCM, the MCU SoC.It consists of computing device, controller, memory, input output devices.Its full name is a single-chip microcomputer, is typical of embedded micro-controller (Microcontroller Unit), the commonly used letters of the abbreviation MCU single-chip, and it was first used in the field of industrial control.Master microcontroller technology to enable more people in the industry, students, enthusiasts, product developers, the question arose due to the extensive application of SCM in the field of industrial control, microcontroller development board, the more famous such as e-DZR-01A microcontroller development board.Microcontroller chip dedicated processor developed from the CPU.The first design concept by a large number of peripherals and CPU integrated in a single chip, the com


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