
Query Analyzer Tool (QAT) functions similarly to the standard SQL Server Query Analyzer application. The main feature of QAT is that it allows you to view plans in a hierarchical tree and save them for future reference.

It is often the case that when you are analyzing the execution plans of a complex query, the graphical plan in Query Analyzer becomes unusable due to its size, unless you have a very large display. QAT displays plans in a hierarchical tree, and highlights immediately the 5 most costly processes. In addition, you can save the plan and compare them with the plans of other queries later.

QAT has other features that aim to assist you in writing/optimizing SQL queries, among them:

  • An index analysis screen that displays all the indexes of a table and allows you to quickly see what columns are indexed, and in which index they are in.
  • A simple SQL parser to determine what tables are used in a query and the number of rows in each table.
  • An editor that allows you to place up to 10 bookmarks, and quickly jump to individual bookmarks using keyboard shortcuts.
  • An editor that locates matching braces. Just place your cursor before an opening or closing brace, hit F4, and QAT will move the cursor to the corresponding closing or opening brace.
  • A results panel that allows you to export most data to Excel files, comma delimited files or plain text files.
  • A results panel that allows you to sort most columns locally, without having you to submit the query again to the server with an ORDER BY column
  • A columns panel that lists out all columns returned by the query and their data type.
  • A results comparison feature that can highlight the differences between two result sets.
  • A simple object browser for tables and views. Displays number of rows, size and columns of tables/views.

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