
nmap  is a very popular network scanning tool. Windows operating systems like 7, 10, Server are the most used operating systems too. But we know that these two popular things do not meet together in most of the time. Nmap is by default provided by most of the Linux distributions like Fedora, Ubuntu, Kali, Mint, Debian, Centos, RHEL, etc. Installing it in Windows is a bit harder. In this tutorial, we will look at how to download and install nmap  for Windows operating systems.

nmap是非常流行的网络扫描工具。 Windows操作系统(如7、10,Server)也是最常用的操作系统。 但是我们知道,这两种流行的事物在大多数情况下并不会在一起。 Nmap默认是由大多数Linux发行版提供的,例如Fedora,Ubuntu,Kali,Mint,Debian,Centos,RHEL等。在Windows中安装它会比较困难。 在本教程中,我们将研究如何为Windows操作系统下载和安装nmap

下载Nmap (Download Nmap)

As stated previously nmap  is provided by most of the Linux distributions via repositories. In Windows, we should download the installer executable file. We can download executable from the following links. As of writing, this tutorial nmap latest version was 7.60

如前所述,大多数Linux发行版都通过存储库提供了nmap 。 在Windows中,我们应该下载安装程序可执行文件。 我们可以从以下链接下载可执行文件。 撰写本文时,本教程的nmap最新版本为7.60

Download Nmap

安装 (Install)

We can install nmap  with Windows style Next->Next like below.

我们可以使用Windows风格的Next-> Next安装nmap ,如下所示。


命令行用法(Command Line Usage)

We can use installed nmap via command line. We should navigate to the nmap directory. Then we will issue nmap command like below. In this example, nmap is located at the C:\net\nmap\  path.

我们可以通过命令行使用已安装的nmap。 我们应该导航到nmap目录。 然后我们将发出nmap命令,如下所示。 在此示例中,nmap位于C:\net\nmap\路径。

Command Line Usage

无需安装即可使用(Use Without Install)

In some cases, we may do not have any privileges to install applications in the current operating system. So we need to use nmap  without installing it. We can download the following zip file where 32-bit nmap can be used. We should extract before using it.

在某些情况下,我们可能没有任何特权在当前操作系统上安装应用程序。 因此,我们需要使用nmap而不安装它。 我们可以下载以下可以使用32位nmap的压缩文件。 我们应该在使用它之前将其提取。

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LEARN MORE  How To Scan TCP and UDP Ports With Nmap?

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