Python 操作 Excel 表格


  • Python 操作 Excel 表格
    • 一、xlrd
    • 二、xlwt






open_workbook(filename=None, logfile=<_io.TextIOWrapper name='<stdout>' mode='w' encoding='utf-8'>, verbosity=0, use_mmap=True, file_contents=None, encoding_override=None, formatting_info=False, on_demand=False, ragged_rows=False, ignore_workbook_corruption=False)


Open a spreadsheet file for data extraction.:param filename: The path to the spreadsheet file to be opened.:param logfile: An open file to which messages and diagnostics are written.:param verbosity: Increases the volume of trace material written to thelogfile.:param use_mmap:Whether to use the mmap module is determined heuristically.Use this arg to override the result.Current heuristic: mmap is used if it exists.:param file_contents:A string or an :class:`mmap.mmap` object or some other behave-alikeobject. If ``file_contents`` is supplied, ``filename`` will not be used,except (possibly) in messages.:param encoding_override:Used to overcome missing or bad codepage informationin older-version files. See :doc:`unicode`.:param formatting_info:The default is ``False``, which saves memory.In this case, "Blank" cells, which are those with their own formattinginformation but no data, are treated as empty by ignoring the file's``BLANK`` and ``MULBLANK`` records.This cuts off any bottom or right "margin" of rows of empty or blankcells.Only :meth:`~xlrd.sheet.Sheet.cell_value` and:meth:`~xlrd.sheet.Sheet.cell_type` are available.When ``True``, formatting information will be read from the spreadsheetfile. This provides all cells, including empty and blank cells.Formatting information is available for each cell.Note that this will raise a NotImplementedError when used with anxlsx file.:param on_demand:Governs whether sheets are all loaded initially or when demandedby the caller. See :doc:`on_demand`.:param ragged_rows:The default of ``False`` means all rows are padded out with empty cells sothat all rows have the same size as found in:attr:`~xlrd.sheet.Sheet.ncols`.``True`` means that there are no empty cells at the ends of rows.This can result in substantial memory savings if rows are of widelyvarying sizes. See also the :meth:`~xlrd.sheet.Sheet.row_len` method.:param ignore_workbook_corruption:This option allows to read corrupted workbooks.When ``False`` you may face CompDocError: Workbook corruption.When ``True`` that exception will be ignored.:returns: An instance of the :class:`` class.




xls_0 = xlrd.open_workbook("filename")# 读取表格文件new_sheet = xls_0.sheet_by_index(0)# 获取表单



xls_0 = xlrd.open_workbook("filename")# 读取表格文件new_sheet = xls_0.sheet_by_index(0)# 获取表单value_0 = new_sheet.cell(rowx, colx).value# 获取元素的值




wb = xlwt.Workbook()  # 创建 excel 表格sh = wb.add_sheet("sheetname")  # 创建一个 表单sh.write(rowx, colx, content)# 在文件中进行写入的操作 保存文件



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