












package function;import java.io.*;
import java.util.*;public class LZWCompression {/*** Define a HashMap and other variables that will be used in the program*/public HashMap<String, Integer> table = new HashMap<String, Integer>();// public TreeMap<String,Integer> table = new TreeMap<String,Integer>();private String[] Array_char;private int count;/** Default Constructor */public LZWCompression() {}public void LZW_Compress(String input, String output) throws IOException {/** Initialize the variables */Array_char = new String[4096];for (int i = 0; i < 256; i++) {table.put(Character.toString((char) i), i);Array_char[i] = Character.toString((char) i);}count = 256;/** Pointer to input and output file */DataInputStream read = new DataInputStream(new BufferedInputStream(new FileInputStream(input)));DataOutputStream out = new DataOutputStream(new BufferedOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(output)));/** Local Variables */byte input_byte;String temp = "";byte[] buffer = new byte[3];boolean onleft = true;try {/** Read the First Character from input file into the String */input_byte = read.readByte();int i = new Byte(input_byte).intValue();if (i < 0) {i += 256;}char c = (char) i;temp = "" + c;/** Read Character by Character */while (true) {input_byte = read.readByte();i = new Byte(input_byte).intValue();if (i < 0) {i += 256;}c = (char) i;if (table.containsKey(temp + c)) {temp = temp + c;} else {String s12 = to12bit(table.get(temp));/*** Store the 12 bits into an array and then write it to the* output file*/if (onleft) {buffer[0] = (byte) Integer.parseInt(s12.substring(0, 8), 2);buffer[1] = (byte) Integer.parseInt(s12.substring(8, 12) + "0000", 2);} else {buffer[1] += (byte) Integer.parseInt(s12.substring(0, 4), 2);buffer[2] = (byte) Integer.parseInt(s12.substring(4, 12), 2);for (int b = 0; b < buffer.length; b++) {out.writeByte(buffer[b]);buffer[b] = 0;}}onleft = !onleft;if (count < 4096) {table.put(temp + c, count++);}temp = "" + c;}}} catch (EOFException e) {String temp_12 = to12bit(table.get(temp));if (onleft) {buffer[0] = (byte) Integer.parseInt(temp_12.substring(0, 8), 2);buffer[1] = (byte) Integer.parseInt(temp_12.substring(8, 12)+ "0000", 2);out.writeByte(buffer[0]);out.writeByte(buffer[1]);} else {buffer[1] += (byte) Integer.parseInt(temp_12.substring(0, 4), 2);buffer[2] = (byte) Integer.parseInt(temp_12.substring(4, 12), 2);for (int b = 0; b < buffer.length; b++) {out.writeByte(buffer[b]);buffer[b] = 0;}}read.close();out.close();}}/** Convert 8 bit to 12 bit */public String to12bit(int i) {String temp = Integer.toBinaryString(i);while (temp.length() < 12) {temp = "0" + temp;}return temp;}public int getvalue(byte b1, byte b2, boolean onleft) {String temp1 = Integer.toBinaryString(b1);String temp2 = Integer.toBinaryString(b2);while (temp1.length() < 8) {temp1 = "0" + temp1;}if (temp1.length() == 32) {temp1 = temp1.substring(24, 32);}while (temp2.length() < 8) {temp2 = "0" + temp2;}if (temp2.length() == 32) {temp2 = temp2.substring(24, 32);}/** On left being true */if (onleft) {return Integer.parseInt(temp1 + temp2.substring(0, 4), 2);} else {return Integer.parseInt(temp1.substring(4, 8) + temp2, 2);}}public void LZW_Decompress(String input, String output) throws IOException {/** Initialize the variables */Array_char = new String[4096];for (int i = 0; i < 256; i++) {table.put(Character.toString((char) i), i);Array_char[i] = Character.toString((char) i);}count = 256;/** Stream pointer to input and output file path */DataInputStream in = new DataInputStream(new BufferedInputStream(new FileInputStream(input)));DataOutputStream out = new DataOutputStream(new BufferedOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(output)));int currword, priorword;byte[] buffer = new byte[3];boolean onleft = true;try {/*** Get the first word in code and output its corresponding character*/buffer[0] = in.readByte();buffer[1] = in.readByte();priorword = getvalue(buffer[0], buffer[1], onleft);onleft = !onleft;out.writeBytes(Array_char[priorword]);/*** Read every 3 bytes and generate a corresponding characters - 2* character*/while (true) {if (onleft) {buffer[0] = in.readByte();buffer[1] = in.readByte();currword = getvalue(buffer[0], buffer[1], onleft);} else {buffer[2] = in.readByte();currword = getvalue(buffer[1], buffer[2], onleft);}onleft = !onleft;if (currword >= count) {if (count < 4096)Array_char[count] = Array_char[priorword]+ Array_char[priorword].charAt(0);count++;out.writeBytes(Array_char[priorword]+ Array_char[priorword].charAt(0));} else {if (count < 4096)Array_char[count] = Array_char[priorword]+ Array_char[currword].charAt(0);count++;out.writeBytes(Array_char[currword]);}priorword = currword;}} catch (EOFException e) {in.close();out.close();}}




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