
最近在做眼底图像的无监督分类,使用的数据集辣子kaggle的Diabetic Retinopathy,简称DR,中文称糖尿病型眼底疾病。






kappa = (p0-pe) / (n-pe)

其中,P0 = 对角线单元中观测值的总和;pe = 对角线单元中期望值的总和。

根据kappa的计算方法分为简单kappa(simple kappa)和加权kappa(weighted kappa),加权kappa又分为linear weighted kappaquadratic weighted kappa。

weighted kappa

关于linear还是quadratic weighted kappa的选择,取决于你的数据集中不同class之间差异的意义。比如对于眼底图像识别的数据,class=0为健康,class=4为疾病晚期非常严重,所以对于把class=0预测成4的行为所造成的惩罚应该远远大于把class=0预测成class=1的行为,使用quadratic的话0->4所造成的惩罚就等于16倍的0->1的惩罚。如下图是一个四分类的两个计算方法的比较。



#! /usr/bin/env python2.7import numpy as npdef confusion\_matrix(rater\_a, rater\_b, min\_rating=None, max\_rating=None):"""Returns the confusion matrix between rater's ratings"""assert(len(rater_a) == len(rater_b))if min_rating is None:min_rating = min(rater_a + rater_b)if max_rating is None:max_rating = max(rater_a + rater_b)num_ratings = int(max_rating - min_rating + 1)conf_mat = [[0 for i in range(num_ratings)]for j in range(num_ratings)]for a, b in zip(rater_a, rater_b):conf_mat[a - min_rating][b - min_rating] += 1return conf_matdef histogram(ratings, min\_rating=None, max\_rating=None):"""Returns the counts of each type of rating that a rater made"""if min_rating is None:min_rating = min(ratings)if max_rating is None:max_rating = max(ratings)num_ratings = int(max_rating - min_rating + 1)hist_ratings = [0 for x in range(num_ratings)]for r in ratings:hist_ratings[r - min_rating] += 1return hist_ratingsdef quadratic\_weighted\_kappa(rater\_a, rater\_b, min\_rating=None, max\_rating=None):"""Calculates the quadratic weighted kappaquadratic\_weighted\_kappa calculates the quadratic weighted kappavalue, which is a measure of inter-rater agreement between two ratersthat provide discrete numeric ratings. Potential values range from -1(representing complete disagreement) to 1 (representing completeagreement). A kappa value of 0 is expected if all agreement is due tochance.quadratic\_weighted\_kappa(rater\_a, rater\_b), where rater\_a and rater\_beach correspond to a list of integer ratings. These lists must have thesame length.The ratings should be integers, and it is assumed that they containthe complete range of possible ratings.quadratic\_weighted\_kappa(X, min\_rating, max\_rating), where min\_ratingis the minimum possible rating, and max\_rating is the maximum possiblerating"""rater_a = np.array(rater_a, dtype=int)rater_b = np.array(rater_b, dtype=int)assert(len(rater_a) == len(rater_b))if min_rating is None:min_rating = min(min(rater_a), min(rater_b))if max_rating is None:max_rating = max(max(rater_a), max(rater_b))conf_mat = confusion_matrix(rater_a, rater_b,min_rating, max_rating)num_ratings = len(conf_mat)num_scored_items = float(len(rater_a))hist_rater_a = histogram(rater_a, min_rating, max_rating)hist_rater_b = histogram(rater_b, min_rating, max_rating)numerator = 0.0denominator = 0.0for i in range(num_ratings):for j in range(num_ratings):expected_count = (hist_rater_a[i] * hist_rater_b[j]/ num_scored_items)d = pow(i - j, 2.0) / pow(num_ratings - 1, 2.0)numerator += d * conf_mat[i][j] / num_scored_itemsdenominator += d * expected_count / num_scored_itemsreturn 1.0 - numerator / denominatordef linear\_weighted\_kappa(rater\_a, rater\_b, min\_rating=None, max\_rating=None):"""Calculates the linear weighted kappalinear\_weighted\_kappa calculates the linear weighted kappavalue, which is a measure of inter-rater agreement between two ratersthat provide discrete numeric ratings. Potential values range from -1(representing complete disagreement) to 1 (representing completeagreement). A kappa value of 0 is expected if all agreement is due tochance.linear\_weighted\_kappa(rater\_a, rater\_b), where rater\_a and rater\_beach correspond to a list of integer ratings. These lists must have thesame length.The ratings should be integers, and it is assumed that they containthe complete range of possible ratings.linear\_weighted\_kappa(X, min\_rating, max\_rating), where min\_ratingis the minimum possible rating, and max\_rating is the maximum possiblerating"""assert(len(rater_a) == len(rater_b))if min_rating is None:min_rating = min(rater_a + rater_b)if max_rating is None:max_rating = max(rater_a + rater_b)conf_mat = confusion_matrix(rater_a, rater_b,min_rating, max_rating)num_ratings = len(conf_mat)num_scored_items = float(len(rater_a))hist_rater_a = histogram(rater_a, min_rating, max_rating)hist_rater_b = histogram(rater_b, min_rating, max_rating)numerator = 0.0denominator = 0.0for i in range(num_ratings):for j in range(num_ratings):expected_count = (hist_rater_a[i] * hist_rater_b[j]/ num_scored_items)d = abs(i - j) / float(num_ratings - 1)numerator += d * conf_mat[i][j] / num_scored_itemsdenominator += d * expected_count / num_scored_itemsreturn 1.0 - numerator / denominatordef kappa(rater\_a, rater\_b, min\_rating=None, max\_rating=None):"""Calculates the kappakappa calculates the kappavalue, which is a measure of inter-rater agreement between two ratersthat provide discrete numeric ratings. Potential values range from -1(representing complete disagreement) to 1 (representing completeagreement). A kappa value of 0 is expected if all agreement is due tochance.kappa(rater\_a, rater\_b), where rater\_a and rater\_beach correspond to a list of integer ratings. These lists must have thesame length.The ratings should be integers, and it is assumed that they containthe complete range of possible ratings.kappa(X, min\_rating, max\_rating), where min\_ratingis the minimum possible rating, and max\_rating is the maximum possiblerating"""assert(len(rater_a) == len(rater_b))if min_rating is None:min_rating = min(rater_a + rater_b)if max_rating is None:max_rating = max(rater_a + rater_b)conf_mat = confusion_matrix(rater_a, rater_b,min_rating, max_rating)num_ratings = len(conf_mat)num_scored_items = float(len(rater_a))hist_rater_a = histogram(rater_a, min_rating, max_rating)hist_rater_b = histogram(rater_b, min_rating, max_rating)numerator = 0.0denominator = 0.0for i in range(num_ratings):for j in range(num_ratings):expected_count = (hist_rater_a[i] * hist_rater_b[j]/ num_scored_items)if i == j:d = 0.0else:d = 1.0numerator += d * conf_mat[i][j] / num_scored_itemsdenominator += d * expected_count / num_scored_itemsreturn 1.0 - numerator / denominatordef mean\_quadratic\_weighted\_kappa(kappas, weights=None):"""Calculates the mean of the quadraticweighted kappas after applying Fisher's r-to-z transform, which isapproximately a variance-stabilizing transformation. Thistransformation is undefined if one of the kappas is 1.0, so all kappavalues are capped in the range (-0.999, 0.999). The reversetransformation is then applied before returning the result.mean\_quadratic\_weighted\_kappa(kappas), where kappas is a vector ofkappa valuesmean\_quadratic\_weighted\_kappa(kappas, weights), where weights is a vectorof weights that is the same size as kappas. Weights are applied in thez-space"""kappas = np.array(kappas, dtype=float)if weights is None:weights = np.ones(np.shape(kappas))else:weights = weights / np.mean(weights)# ensure that kappas are in the range [-.999, .999]kappas = np.array([min(x, .999) for x in kappas])kappas = np.array([max(x, -.999) for x in kappas])z = 0.5 * np.log((1 + kappas) / (1 - kappas)) * weightsz = np.mean(z)return (np.exp(2 * z) - 1) / (np.exp(2 * z) + 1)def weighted\_mean\_quadratic\_weighted\_kappa(solution, submission):predicted_score = submission[submission.columns[-1]].copy() = "predicted\_score"if predicted_score.index[0] == 0:predicted_score = predicted_score[:len(solution)]predicted_score.index = solution.indexcombined = solution.join(predicted_score, how="left")groups = combined.groupby(by="essay\_set")kappas = [quadratic_weighted_kappa(group[1]["essay\_score"], group[1]["predicted\_score"]) for group in groups]weights = [group[1]["essay\_weight"].irow(0) for group in groups]return mean_quadratic_weighted_kappa(kappas, weights=weights)


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