Context字面意思是上下文,位于framework package的android.content.Context中,其实该类为LONG型,类似Win32中的Handle句柄。很多方法需要通过 Context才能识别调用者的实例:比如说Toast的第一个参数就是Context,一般在Activity中我们直接用this代替,代表调用者的实例为Activity,而到了一个button的onClick(View view)等方法时,我们用this时就会报错,所以我们可能使用ActivityName.this来解决,主要原因是因为实现Context的类主要有Android特有的几个模型,Activity以及Service。



1.public abstract Context getApplicationContext()

Return the context of the single, global Application object of the current process.

2.public abstract ApplicationInfo getApplicationInfo()

Return the full application info for this context's package.

3.public abstract ContentResolver getContentResolver()

Return a ContentResolver instance for your application's package.

4.public abstract PackageManager getPackageManager()

Return PackageManager instance to find global package information.

5.public abstract String getPackageName()

Return the name of this application's package.

6.public abstract Resources getResources()

Return a Resources instance for your application's package.

7.public abstract SharedPreferences getSharedPreferences(String name, int mode)

Retrieve and hold the contents of the preferences file 'name', returning a SharedPreferences through which you can retrieve and modify its values. Only one instance of the SharedPreferences object is returned to any callers for the same name, meaning they will see each other's edits as soon as they are made.

8.public final String getString(int resId)

Return a localized string from the application's package's default string table.

9.public abstract Object getSystemService(String name)

Return the handle to a system-level service by name. The class of the returned object varies by the requested name. Currently available names are:




  1. Android中Context简介(通俗易懂)

    Context字面意思是上下文,位于framework package的android.content.Context中,其实该类为LONG型,类似Win32中的Handle句柄.很多方法需要通过 C ...

  2. Android中Context

    Context字面意思上下文,位于framework package的android.content.Context中,其实该类为LONG型,类似Win32中的Handle句柄,很多方法需要通过 Co ...

  3. android context继承关系,android中Context深入详解

    以下分别通过Context认知角度,继承关系,对象创建等方面android中Context做了深入的解释,一起学习下. 1.Context认知. Context译为场景,一个应用程序可以认为是一个工作 ...

  4. Android中Context 的理解

    这里记录Context的原因是新来的同事问我Android Context 怎样理解,我是这样说的,Context 英文是上下文,它是一个抽象的类,加入在MainActivity 中,Context ...

  5. 【Android】 Android中适配器简介

    1. BaseAdapter的使用实例 BaseAdapter baseAdapter = new BaseAdapter() {@Overridepublic View getView(int po ...

  6. Android中Context详解

    给大家介绍下我们在应用开发中最熟悉而陌生的朋友-----Context类 ,说它熟悉,是应为我们在开发中时刻的在与它打交道,例如:Service.BroadcastReceiver.Activity等 ...

  7. Android中GPS简介及其应用

    随时随地技术实战干货,获取项目源码.学习资料,请关注源代码社区公众号(ydmsq666) GPS是Global Positioning System(全球定位系统)的简称,它的作用就是为全球的物体提供 ...

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