
class Solution {
public:int maxProduct(vector<int>& nums) {if(nums.size()<=0) return 0;int maxn,minn,res;maxn=minn=res=nums[0];for(int i=1;i<nums.size();i++){if(nums[i]>0){maxn=max(maxn*nums[i],nums[i]);minn=min(minn*nums[i],nums[i]);}else{int t=maxn; // 注意这里改变了最大值的maxn=max(minn*nums[i],nums[i]);minn=min(t*nums[i],nums[i]);}res=max(maxn,res);}return res;}


class Solution {
public:int maxProduct(vector<int>& nums) {if(nums.size()<=0) return 0;int maxn,minn,res;maxn=minn=res=nums[0];for(int i=1;i<nums.size();i++){if(nums[i]<0) swap(maxn,minn);maxn=max(maxn*nums[i],nums[i]);minn=min(minn*nums[i],nums[i]);res=max(maxn,res);}return res;}


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