• 这学期做了三次的CV把他贴出来,

  • resNet网络的结构

import torch.nn as nn
import torchclass BasicBlock(nn.Module):expansion = 1def __init__(self, in_channel, out_channel, stride=1, downsample=None, **kwargs):super(BasicBlock, self).__init__()self.conv1 = nn.Conv2d(in_channels=in_channel, out_channels=out_channel,kernel_size=3, stride=stride, padding=1, bias=False)self.bn1 = nn.BatchNorm2d(out_channel)self.relu = nn.ReLU()self.conv2 = nn.Conv2d(in_channels=out_channel, out_channels=out_channel,kernel_size=3, stride=1, padding=1, bias=False)self.bn2 = nn.BatchNorm2d(out_channel)self.downsample = downsampledef forward(self, x):identity = xif self.downsample is not None:identity = self.downsample(x)out = self.conv1(x)out = self.bn1(out)out = self.relu(out)out = self.conv2(out)out = self.bn2(out)out += identityout = self.relu(out)return outclass Bottleneck(nn.Module):"""注意:原论文中,在虚线残差结构的主分支上,第一个1x1卷积层的步距是2,第二个3x3卷积层步距是1。但在pytorch官方实现过程中是第一个1x1卷积层的步距是1,第二个3x3卷积层步距是2,这么做的好处是能够在top1上提升大概0.5%的准确率。可参考Resnet v1.5 https://ngc.nvidia.com/catalog/model-scripts/nvidia:resnet_50_v1_5_for_pytorch"""expansion = 4def __init__(self, in_channel, out_channel, stride=1, downsample=None,groups=1, width_per_group=64):super(Bottleneck, self).__init__()width = int(out_channel * (width_per_group / 64.)) * groupsself.conv1 = nn.Conv2d(in_channels=in_channel, out_channels=width,kernel_size=1, stride=1, bias=False)  # squeeze channelsself.bn1 = nn.BatchNorm2d(width)# -----------------------------------------self.conv2 = nn.Conv2d(in_channels=width, out_channels=width, groups=groups,kernel_size=3, stride=stride, bias=False, padding=1)self.bn2 = nn.BatchNorm2d(width)# -----------------------------------------self.conv3 = nn.Conv2d(in_channels=width, out_channels=out_channel*self.expansion,kernel_size=1, stride=1, bias=False)  # unsqueeze channelsself.bn3 = nn.BatchNorm2d(out_channel*self.expansion)self.relu = nn.ReLU(inplace=True)self.downsample = downsampledef forward(self, x):identity = xif self.downsample is not None:identity = self.downsample(x)out = self.conv1(x)out = self.bn1(out)out = self.relu(out)out = self.conv2(out)out = self.bn2(out)out = self.relu(out)out = self.conv3(out)out = self.bn3(out)out += identityout = self.relu(out)return outclass ResNet(nn.Module):def __init__(self,block,blocks_num,num_classes=1000,include_top=True,groups=1,width_per_group=64):super(ResNet, self).__init__()self.include_top = include_topself.in_channel = 64self.groups = groupsself.width_per_group = width_per_groupself.conv1 = nn.Conv2d(3, self.in_channel, kernel_size=7, stride=2,padding=3, bias=False)self.bn1 = nn.BatchNorm2d(self.in_channel)self.relu = nn.ReLU(inplace=True)self.maxpool = nn.MaxPool2d(kernel_size=3, stride=2, padding=1)self.layer1 = self._make_layer(block, 64, blocks_num[0])self.layer2 = self._make_layer(block, 128, blocks_num[1], stride=2)self.layer3 = self._make_layer(block, 256, blocks_num[2], stride=2)self.layer4 = self._make_layer(block, 512, blocks_num[3], stride=2)if self.include_top:self.avgpool = nn.AdaptiveAvgPool2d((1, 1))  # output size = (1, 1)self.fc = nn.Linear(512 * block.expansion, num_classes)for m in self.modules():if isinstance(m, nn.Conv2d):nn.init.kaiming_normal_(m.weight, mode='fan_out', nonlinearity='relu')def _make_layer(self, block, channel, block_num, stride=1):downsample = Noneif stride != 1 or self.in_channel != channel * block.expansion:downsample = nn.Sequential(nn.Conv2d(self.in_channel, channel * block.expansion, kernel_size=1, stride=stride, bias=False),nn.BatchNorm2d(channel * block.expansion))layers = []layers.append(block(self.in_channel,channel,downsample=downsample,stride=stride,groups=self.groups,width_per_group=self.width_per_group))self.in_channel = channel * block.expansionfor _ in range(1, block_num):layers.append(block(self.in_channel,channel,groups=self.groups,width_per_group=self.width_per_group))return nn.Sequential(*layers)def forward(self, x):x = self.conv1(x)x = self.bn1(x)x = self.relu(x)x = self.maxpool(x)x = self.layer1(x)x = self.layer2(x)x = self.layer3(x)x = self.layer4(x)if self.include_top:x = self.avgpool(x)x = torch.flatten(x, 1)x = self.fc(x)return xdef resnet34(num_classes=1000, include_top=True):# https://download.pytorch.org/models/resnet34-333f7ec4.pthreturn ResNet(BasicBlock, [3, 4, 6, 3], num_classes=num_classes, include_top=include_top)def resnet50(num_classes=1000, include_top=True):# https://download.pytorch.org/models/resnet50-19c8e357.pthreturn ResNet(Bottleneck, [3, 4, 6, 3], num_classes=num_classes, include_top=include_top)def resnet101(num_classes=1000, include_top=True):# https://download.pytorch.org/models/resnet101-5d3b4d8f.pthreturn ResNet(Bottleneck, [3, 4, 23, 3], num_classes=num_classes, include_top=include_top)def resnext50_32x4d(num_classes=1000, include_top=True):# https://download.pytorch.org/models/resnext50_32x4d-7cdf4587.pthgroups = 32width_per_group = 4return ResNet(Bottleneck, [3, 4, 6, 3],num_classes=num_classes,include_top=include_top,groups=groups,width_per_group=width_per_group)def resnext101_32x8d(num_classes=1000, include_top=True):# https://download.pytorch.org/models/resnext101_32x8d-8ba56ff5.pthgroups = 32width_per_group = 8return ResNet(Bottleneck, [3, 4, 23, 3],num_classes=num_classes,include_top=include_top,groups=groups,width_per_group=width_per_group)
  • 工具类,进行数据的划分
# 工具类
import os
import random
import shutil
from shutil import copy2def data_set_split(src_data_folder, target_data_folder, train_scale=0.8, val_scale=0.1, test_scale=0.1):'''读取源数据文件夹,生成划分好的文件夹,分为trian、val、test三个文件夹进行:param src_data_folder: 源文件夹 E:/biye/gogogo/note_book/torch_note/data/utils_test/data_split/src_data:param target_data_folder: 目标文件夹 E:/biye/gogogo/note_book/torch_note/data/utils_test/data_split/target_data:param train_scale: 训练集比例:param val_scale: 验证集比例:param test_scale: 测试集比例:return:'''print("开始数据集划分")class_names = os.listdir(src_data_folder)# 在目标目录下创建文件夹split_names = ['train', 'val', 'test']for split_name in split_names:split_path = os.path.join(target_data_folder, split_name)if os.path.isdir(split_path):passelse:os.mkdir(split_path)# 然后在split_path的目录下创建类别文件夹for class_name in class_names:class_split_path = os.path.join(split_path, class_name)if os.path.isdir(class_split_path):passelse:os.mkdir(class_split_path)# 按照比例划分数据集,并进行数据图片的复制# 首先进行分类遍历for class_name in class_names:current_class_data_path = os.path.join(src_data_folder, class_name)current_all_data = os.listdir(current_class_data_path)current_data_length = len(current_all_data)current_data_index_list = list(range(current_data_length))random.shuffle(current_data_index_list)train_folder = os.path.join(os.path.join(target_data_folder, 'train'), class_name)val_folder = os.path.join(os.path.join(target_data_folder, 'val'), class_name)test_folder = os.path.join(os.path.join(target_data_folder, 'test'), class_name)train_stop_flag = current_data_length * train_scaleval_stop_flag = current_data_length * (train_scale + val_scale)current_idx = 0train_num = 0val_num = 0test_num = 0for i in current_data_index_list:src_img_path = os.path.join(current_class_data_path, current_all_data[i])if current_idx <= train_stop_flag:copy2(src_img_path, train_folder)# print("{}复制到了{}".format(src_img_path, train_folder))train_num = train_num + 1elif (current_idx > train_stop_flag) and (current_idx <= val_stop_flag):copy2(src_img_path, val_folder)# print("{}复制到了{}".format(src_img_path, val_folder))val_num = val_num + 1else:copy2(src_img_path, test_folder)# print("{}复制到了{}".format(src_img_path, test_folder))test_num = test_num + 1current_idx = current_idx + 1print("*********************************{}*************************************".format(class_name))print("{}类按照{}:{}:{}的比例划分完成,一共{}张图片".format(class_name, train_scale, val_scale, test_scale, current_data_length))print("训练集{}:{}张".format(train_folder, train_num))print("验证集{}:{}张".format(val_folder, val_num))print("测试集{}:{}张".format(test_folder, test_num))if __name__ == '__main__':src_data_folder = "../input/jianghomework1/data/train"target_data_folder = "/kaggle/working"data_set_split(src_data_folder, target_data_folder)
  • 进行训练
import os
import jsonimport torch
import torch.nn as nn
import torch.optim as optim
from torchvision import transforms, datasets
from tqdm import tqdmdef main():device = torch.device("cuda:0" if torch.cuda.is_available() else "cpu")print("using {} device.".format(device))
#     R_mean=  0.13128287041440617 G_mean=  0.15304898561393718 B_mean= 0.14544419562248562 stdR =  0.4799472429342831 stdG =  0.45038768037683824 stdB = 0.40085683947993256data_transform = {"train": transforms.Compose([transforms.RandomResizedCrop(224),transforms.RandomHorizontalFlip(),transforms.ToTensor(),transforms.Normalize([0.471, 0.448, 0.408],[0.234, 0.239, 0.242])]),"val": transforms.Compose([transforms.Resize(256),transforms.CenterCrop(224),transforms.ToTensor(),transforms.Normalize([0.471, 0.448, 0.408],[0.234, 0.239, 0.242])])}train_db = datasets.ImageFolder(root='./train', transform=data_transform["train"])train_num = len(train_db)print(train_num) # 16000batch_size = 108nw = min([os.cpu_count(), batch_size if batch_size > 1 else 0, 8])  # number of workersprint('Using {} dataloader workers every process'.format(nw))    train_loader = torch.utils.data.DataLoader(train_db,batch_size=batch_size, shuffle=True,num_workers=nw)validate_dataset = datasets.ImageFolder(root='./val',transform=data_transform["val"])val_num = len(validate_dataset)validate_loader = torch.utils.data.DataLoader(validate_dataset,batch_size=batch_size, shuffle=False,num_workers=nw)print("using {} images for training, {} images for validation.".format(train_num,val_num))net = resnet101()model_weight_path = "../input/resnet50/resnet101-5d3b4d8f.pth"net.load_state_dict(torch.load(model_weight_path, map_location=device))#for param in net.parameters():#     param.requires_grad = Falsein_channel = net.fc.in_featuresnet.fc = nn.Linear(in_channel, 80)net.to(device)# define loss functionloss_function = nn.CrossEntropyLoss()# construct an optimizerparams = [p for p in net.parameters() if p.requires_grad]optimizer = optim.Adam(params, lr=0.0001)epochs = 15best_acc = 0.0save_path = './resNet101.pth'train_steps = len(train_loader)for epoch in range(epochs):# trainnet.train()running_loss = 0.0train_bar = tqdm(train_loader)for step, data in enumerate(train_bar):images, labels = dataoptimizer.zero_grad()logits = net(images.to(device))loss = loss_function(logits, labels.to(device))loss.backward()optimizer.step()# print statisticsrunning_loss += loss.item()train_bar.desc = "train epoch[{}/{}] loss:{:.3f}".format(epoch + 1,epochs,loss)# validatenet.eval()acc = 0.0  # accumulate accurate number / epochwith torch.no_grad():val_bar = tqdm(validate_loader)for val_data in val_bar:val_images, val_labels = val_dataoutputs = net(val_images.to(device))# loss = loss_function(outputs, test_labels)predict_y = torch.max(outputs, dim=1)[1]# print(val_labels)# print(predict_y)acc += torch.eq(predict_y, val_labels.to(device)).sum().item()val_bar.desc = "valid epoch[{}/{}]".format(epoch + 1, epochs)val_accurate = acc / val_numprint('[epoch %d] train_loss: %.3f  val_accuracy: %.3f' % (epoch + 1, running_loss / train_steps, val_accurate))if val_accurate > best_acc:best_acc = val_accuratetorch.save(net.state_dict(), save_path)print('Finished Training')if __name__ == '__main__':main()
  • 最后的预测
import os
import jsonimport torch
from PIL import Image
from torchvision import transforms
# ../input/jianghomework1/data/val/1015.jpg
# ../input/wangshi1/data/val
# ../input/wangshi1/data/val
# ../input/wangshi1/data/val
def getValueList(i):arr=[]for i in range(i * 1000,(i + 1) * 1000):# print(i)temp = '../input/jianghomework1/data/val/' + str(i) +'.jpg'arr.append(temp)return arrdevice = torch.device("cuda:0" if torch.cuda.is_available() else "cpu")data_transform = transforms.Compose([transforms.Resize(256),transforms.CenterCrop(224),transforms.ToTensor(),transforms.Normalize([0.485, 0.456, 0.406], [0.229, 0.224, 0.225])])# load image
model = resnet101(num_classes=80).to(device)
weights_path = "./resNet101.pth"
model.load_state_dict(torch.load(weights_path, map_location=device))# prediction
LEN = 0for i in range(10):img_path_list = getValueList(i)img_list = []for img_path in img_path_list:assert os.path.exists(img_path), "file: '{}' dose not exist.".format(img_path)img = Image.open(img_path)if img.mode == 'L':img = img.convert('RGB')img = data_transform(img)img_list.append(img)batch_img = torch.stack(img_list, dim=0)with torch.no_grad():# predict classoutput = model(batch_img.to(device)).cpu()# print(output[0])predict = torch.softmax(output, dim=1)# print(predict)probs, classes = torch.max(predict, dim=1)# print(probs)# print(classes)txt = ['61', '6', '42', '23', '37', '49', '18', '16', '11', '64', '7', '63', '30', '40', '71', '32', '3', '51', '24', '1', '50', '79', '9', '77', '76', '50', '67', '15', '36', '79', '5', '7', '76', '15', '9', '27', '50', '35', '31', '26', '55', '30', '63', '6', '58', '7', '24', '57', '8', '45', '34', '33', '5', '59', '79', '19', '45', '77', '23', '49', '68', '16', '73', '29', '61', '63', '60', '61', '67', '54', '49', '33', '71', '55', '52', '72', '56', '11', '19', '11', '2', '6', '15', '19', '40', '30', '37', '11', '62', '53', '29', '32', '63', '69', '31', '14', '64', '68', '63', '8', '7', '72', '79', '38', '41', '63', '14', '34', '47', '40', '56', '54', '64', '74', '2', '77', '51', '8', '59', '60', '45', '40', '52', '58', '72', '76', '48', '51', '44', '24', '11', '49', '56', '61', '21', '4', '34', '76', '32', '64', '4', '44', '12', '59', '64', '17', '7', '42', '49', '29', '16', '53', '65', '4', '14', '49', '52', '63', '44', '53', '75', '8', '22', '18', '22', '4', '57', '8', '33', '65', '13', '74', '44', '14', '41', '13', '37', '22', '68', '4', '41', '35', '42', '42', '14', '62', '61', '47', '0', '77', '35', '68', '75', '4', '38', '66', '12', '51', '34', '13', '5', '64', '22', '29', '57', '3', '25', '46', '9', '48', '25', '47', '57', '36', '59', '1', '27', '28', '6', '14', '0', '66', '21', '23', '34', '13', '60', '29', '40', '48', '19', '73', '9', '38', '60', '54', '21', '42', '15', '45', '34', '36', '75', '77', '64', '8', '10', '34', '69', '17', '26', '50', '41', '64', '19', '72', '19', '13', '17', '6', '30', '57', '58', '53', '66', '24', '54', '61', '46', '12', '64', '31', '22', '22', '32', '4', '30', '21', '20', '78', '49', '70', '32', '41', '43', '46', '18', '41', '40', '66', '11', '3', '12', '69', '62', '65', '19', '18', '35', '73', '63', '62', '78', '51', '32', '26', '10', '71', '43', '35', '53', '36', '3', '28', '41', '34', '22', '21', '18', '38', '57', '16', '15', '74', '43', '34', '59', '77', '27', '51', '63', '59', '79', '19', '31', '18', '26', '47', '71', '25', '76', '53', '20', '28', '23', '37', '1', '54', '9', '36', '21', '29', '27', '75', '50', '17', '46', '1', '4', '70', '5', '73', '2', '57', '15', '21', '49', '36', '57', '19', '1', '11', '18', '4', '30', '5', '62', '33', '22', '16', '13', '49', '34', '7', '58', '41', '45', '20', '4', '59', '18', '36', '72', '74', '39', '69', '58', '6', '67', '40', '17', '22', '72', '22', '17', '78', '16', '18', '16', '19', '63', '66', '23', '16', '25', '74', '4', '75', '10', '64', '34', '5', '33', '4', '24', '73', '29', '17', '6', '70', '53', '64', '66', '57', '49', '50', '6', '28', '78', '23', '48', '3', '4', '4', '54', '22', '17', '0', '25', '49', '63', '42', '46', '44', '48', '75', '19', '65', '15', '10', '14', '19', '50', '40', '32', '6', '59', '16', '37', '6', '9', '59', '37', '22', '56', '66', '11', '65', '76', '64', '69', '75', '78', '72', '36', '7', '76', '31', '53', '1', '63', '45', '57', '63', '0', '15', '67', '76', '31', '53', '7', '10', '20', '61', '22', '65', '60', '10', '59', '62', '1', '60', '36', '60', '17', '58', '40', '18', '23', '32', '35', '77', '51', '2', '62', '25', '55', '70', '77', '61', '0', '27', '13', '22', '32', '68', '47', '74', '42', '62', '61', '71', '14', '64', '56', '18', '22', '29', '40', '4', '35', '22', '3', '69', '10', '56', '20', '76', '68', '70', '33', '36', '56', '21', '74', '24', '21', '31', '63', '69', '9', '67', '53', '30', '24', '29', '10', '70', '62', '21', '75', '11', '4', '61', '67', '61', '53', '36', '24', '2', '30', '0', '54', '59', '66', '52', '21', '22', '61', '77', '33', '37', '20', '51', '43', '58', '57', '48', '28', '23', '59', '0', '22', '3', '41', '57', '0', '17', '69', '29', '43', '22', '47', '46', '2', '10', '70', '6', '36', '58', '57', '20', '50', '71', '45', '21', '65', '14', '58', '36', '0', '50', '77', '50', '8', '35', '41', '14', '29', '59', '51', '3', '16', '20', '79', '9', '7', '5', '67', '48', '71', '32', '23', '67', '50', '46', '43', '32', '13', '27', '35', '26', '15', '65', '25', '32', '42', '67', '31', '21', '62', '36', '30', '60', '0', '10', '40', '41', '7', '57', '76', '31', '28', '74', '75', '4', '68', '39', '45', '10', '38', '32', '57', '10', '19', '41', '70', '66', '22', '48', '36', '44', '58', '20', '46', '52', '0', '21', '32', '41', '5', '69', '52', '8', '67', '71', '29', '50', '57', '58', '35', '16', '74', '57', '63', '33', '25', '54', '12', '60', '27', '31', '7', '2', '48', '35', '48', '49', '29', '35', '72', '1', '4', '51', '67', '37', '53', '10', '24', '37', '4', '79', '62', '2', '6', '59', '8', '32', '17', '27', '52', '65', '16', '49', '38', '62', '29', '33', '22', '60', '76', '31', '3', '41', '37', '43', '36', '56', '26', '31', '53', '42', '29', '57', '70', '59', '57', '77', '47', '7', '31', '35', '31', '31', '46', '1', '78', '73', '0', '23', '60', '0', '31', '72', '27', '33', '13', '61', '77', '23', '64', '57', '72', '3', '52', '45', '53', '70', '44', '15', '36', '39', '47', '73', '8', '36', '71', '22', '43', '58', '43', '11', '42', '64', '1', '63', '46', '17', '48', '12', '75', '20', '14', '47', '60', '78', '22', '21', '41', '34', '21', '11', '4', '38', '51', '0', '34', '21', '62', '62', '51', '72', '23', '13', '65', '48', '21', '63', '11', '79', '13', '30', '19', '28', '5', '36', '52', '36', '64', '34', '7', '2', '73', '8', '12', '37', '29', '70', '62', '74', '12', '8', '38', '43', '45', '13', '23', '10', '16', '11', '22', '49', '30', '60', '44', '52', '33', '47', '3', '57', '43', '64', '75', '40', '4', '34', '40', '63', '9', '2', '73', '48', '49', '34', '7', '59', '50', '63', '11', '59', '49', '61', '14', '15', '61', '19', '67', '41', '69', '70', '79', '11', '3', '35', '46', '13', '33', '78', '60', '13', '19', '39', '9', '67', '28', '23', '16', '55', '60', '64', '41', '48', '10', '12', '48', '59', '65', '65', '59', '26', '77', '67', '28', '19', '51', '43', '52', '50', '38', '61', '64', '1', '35', '72', '16', '9', '38', '54', '70', '38', '62', '32', '43', '64', '10', '35', '1', '46', '57', '69', '61', '72', '21', '45', '36', '8', '39', '20', '12', '77', '46', '32', '28', '8', '67', '60', '15', '4', '36', '22', '50', '38', '21', '58', '25', '8', '29', '67', '42', '76', '49', '38', '59', '40', '36', '71', '45', '35', '52', '33', '51', '68', '37', '78', '58', '79', '50', '48', '34', '46', '25', '6', '45', '55', '73', '30', '28', '52', '33', '78', '44', '34', '51', '38', '79', '6', '34', '10', '41', '59', '74', '35', '18', '52', '39', '4', '78', '13', '56', '63', '21', '54', '24', 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'40', '16', '65', '43', '18', '71', '69', '9', '44', '22', '47', '28', '48', '75', '16', '14', '5', '73', '22', '45', '71', '40', '27', '63', '13', '41', '17', '49', '79', '29', '48', '69', '76', '11', '32', '63', '21', '75', '57', '78', '6', '74', '6', '23', '74', '25', '21', '11', '69', '50', '17', '71', '54', '77', '60', '46', '20', '77', '25', '66', '53', '32', '59', '23', '41', '62', '52', '47', '50', '63', '0', '7', '70', '57', '26', '38', '25', '18', '42', '38', '43', '43', '38', '68', '79', '59', '70', '21', '65', '74', '9', '37', '56', '78', '55', '11', '0', '41', '35', '30', '38', '40', '59', '22', '61', '0', '28', '13', '31', '2', '49', '30', '19', '35', '71', '15', '20', '43', '30', '48', '13', '17', '22', '54', '70', '60', '69', '25', '7', '40', '13', '7', '10', '14', '75', '30', '50', '26', '1', '0', '66', '58', '32', '73', '49', '51', '69', '13', '49', '48', '25', '1', '38', '66', '36', '58', '36', '21', '67', '57', '75', '2', '73', '57', '16', '13', '68', '51', '6', '29', '52', '48', '41', '60', '48', '32', '28', '16', '42', '40', '19', '7', '48', '11', '38', '13', '70', '73', '74', '45', '41', '74', '56', '32', '9', '2', '64', '8', '37', '26', '65', '73', '36', '44', '19', '31', '48', '44', '68', '35', '27', '54', '32', '24', '53', '37', '38', '19', '10', '52', '38', '39', '68', '54', '62', '46', '78', '19', '11', '42', '75', '22', '26', '43', '53', '60', '64', '3', '63', '78', '28', '16', '9', '59', '2', '2', '78', '22', '37', '36', '16', '29', '70', '12', '62', '7', '5', '19', '40', '24', '77', '48', '63', '16', '5', '1', '74', '66', '68', '60', '2', '5', '8', '48', '3', '65', '46', '19', '34', '8', '39', '70', '9', '60', '35', '34', '73', '43', '14', '73', '8', '6', '61', '60', '54', '70', '31', '56', '43', '14', '27', '66', '66', '77', '36', '56', '65', '75', '17', '2', '27', '56', '38', '42', '58', '74', '13', '13', '48', '46', '79', '24', '63', '45', '34', '74', '4', '6', '5', '23', '19', '34', '38', '44', '7', '55', '39', '51', '42', '60', '33', '14', '13', '44', '32', '67', '68', '28', '40', '38', '21', '23', '38', '77', '54', '36', '57', '50', '60', '12', '5', '11', '4', '50', '25', '67', '78', '51', '33', '69', '74', '18', '15', '17', '36', '13', '55', '15', '65', '29', '58', '79', '18', '49', '39', '26', '56', '19', '72', '74', '68', '11', '69', '65', '77', '6', '56', '47', '20', '69', '34', '44', '66', '46', '19', '76', '9', '54', '55', '32', '21', '32', '56', '65', '2', '72', '8', '66', '17', '78', '20', '30', '33', '37', '1', '26', '70', '18', '65', '45', '59', '73', '72', '12', '9', '73', '10', '18', '43', '55', '21', '15', '69', '66', '70', '47', '65', '8', '70', '51', '68', '26', '33', '65', '34', '45', '50', '5', '71', '41', '13', '11', '7', '20', '66', '6', '65', '72', '40', '36', '49', '63', '76', '34', '72', '40', '8', '34', '57', '67', '60', '28', '2', '34', '60', '16', '36', '65', '46', '70', '45', '32', '79', '19', '64', '20', '45', '43', '64', '53', '3', '3', '18', '29', '45', '6', '74', '13', '18', '36', '12', '42', '6', '33', '20', '67', '71', '73', '31', '49', '45', '38', '69', '43', '26', '17', '27', '75', '3', '42', '57', '31', '51', '29', '33', '9', '19', '57', '9', '52', '4', '22', '60', '60', '5', '34', '63', '55', '25', '53', '18', '65', '52', '15', '28', '46', '38', '6', '41', '44', '6', '8', '51', '49', '6', '22', '36', '65', '22', '35', '10', '63', '72', '1', '53', '37', '2', '24', '55', '76', '69', '43', '34', '54', '71', '52', '53', '16', '7', '30', '55', '79', '43', '71', '64', '38', '13', '3', '69', '67', '41', '45', '9', '3', '18', '12', '21', '69', '39', '24', '53', '66', '47', '71', '36', '65', '44', '40', '67', '37', '62', '34', '1', '55', '23', '31', '41', '58', '52', '77', '48', '32', '40', '71', '4', '24', '56', '73', '45', '33', '27', '15', '41', '13', '65', '4', '2', '59', '29', '60', '36', '46', '5', '44', '46', '49', '7', '73', '24', '22', '65', '46', '37', '14', '58', '12', '39', '48', '59', '33', '12', '48', '53', '39', '14', '34', '35', '59', '51', '28', '68', '15', '32', '69', '58', '55', '68', '36', '12', '58', '46', '73', '10', '23', '41', '39', '57', '6', '52', '73', '43', '46', '68', '61', '56', '12', '19', '4', '69', '32', '75', '4', '10', '17', '50', '46', '35', '33', '8', '47', '51', '44', '40', '10', '28', '19', '5', '30', '0', '79', '46', '45', '16', '3', '30', '65', '27', '2', '73', '68', '45', '18', '67', '58', '21', '62', '14', '57', '55', '77', '74', '58', '61', '18', '39', '48', '4', '44', '14', '10', '12', '24', '33', '30', '33', '63', '8', '2', '12', '6', '7', '40', '41', '9', '10', '51', '51', '32', '57', '35', '59', '71', '32', '57', '17', '17', '21', '33', '47', '25', '29', '50', '52', '51', '47', '10', '51', '69', '27', '37', '63', '47', '68', '77', '14', '27', '29', '22', '45', '43', '59', '64', '18', '22', '41', '17', '64', '57', '71', '19', '22', '31', '58', '78', '51', '38', '74', '8', '17', '26', '68', '36', '39', '1', '16', '32', '17', '25', '24', '24', '52', '32', '39', '50', '7', '26', '10', '15', '52', '13', '70', '69', '58', '32', '31', '76', '69', '65', '33', '65', '19', '40', '66', '68', '76', '78', '29', '77', '79', '38', '36', '51', '65', '64', '14', '60', '12', '59', '44', '25', '10', '65', '9', '64', '38', '20', '56', '68', '34', '23', '39', '14', '25', '3', '55', '5', '61', '79', '5', '63', '67', '36', '47', '45', '18', '71', '25', '35', '12', '43', '48', '52', '52', '76', '11', '27', '4', '32', '7', '70', '13', '69', '58', '42', '62', '6', '72', '75', '73', '11', '35', '35', '75', '65', '59', '38', '53', '79', '13', '24', '18', '13', '42', '61', '47', '64', '35', '67', '14', '63', '37', '74', '42', '75', '66', '47', '67', '59', '75', '58', '29', '58', '53', '71', '54', '8', '7', '44', '43', '26', '52', '52', '26', '4', '59', '15', '12', '10', '79', '13', '44', '12', '18', '24', '3', '71', '50', '52', '27', '1', '34', '12', '29', '5', '30', '58', '11', '21', '55', '53', '7', '1', '56', '35', '1', '61', '4', '69', '53', '1', '35', '26', '27', '27', '42', '70', '54', '59', '77', '62', '55', '44', '43', '38', '9', '8', '39', '33', '30', '72', '66', '36', '50', '15', '28', '70', '2', '0', '7', '79', '64', '47', '48', '68', '8', '76', '8', '72', '73', '69', '29', '3', '53', '0', '49', '5', '63', '35', '51', '17', '42', '13', '68', '77', '38', '10', '57', '16', '59', '47', '43', '67', '44', '5', '2', '41', '24', '21', '33', '39', '64', '68', '49', '69', '52', '39', '26', '6', '41', '8', '30', '58', '47', '77', '55', '33', '49', '41', '17', '27', '10', '2', '73', '13', '48', '61', '16', '16', '19', '12', '15', '7', '20', '12', '51', '62', '75', '75', '31', '6', '61', '57', '70', '75', '23', '38', '48', '37', '20', '24', '9', '75', '53', '17', '49', '27', '39', '7', '6', '64', '77', '68', '21', '11', '77', '36', '34', '58', '53', '23', '32', '73', '21', '16', '41', '57', '72', '42', '29', '33', '53', '48', '39', '49', '31', '17', '76', '59', '74', '49', '8', '23', '66', '26', '47', '74', '59', '22', '33', '36', '53', '50', '38', '55', '47', '47', '52', '12', '41', '25', '33', '43', '7', '68', '58', '35', '54', '50', '73', '41', '36', '50', '62', '24', '40', '25', '4', '66', '1', '45', '6', '48', '54', '34', '7', '59', '76', '20', '21', '38', '32', '40', '34', '17', '46', '18', '34', '36', '74', '40', '50', '75', '62', '65', '49', '18', '65', '56', '22', '55', '30', '75', '21', '71', '25', '41', '55', '2', '47', '57', '65', '10', '64', '73', '44', '4', '20', '74', '34', '8', '12', '16', '46', '59', '17', '16', '4', '12', '46', '50', '46', '43', '45', '10', '28', '11', '59', '51', '77', '56', '45', '73', '39', '3', '11', '8', '2', '39', '12', '31', '67', '11', '27', '44', '71', '44', '75', '4', '75', '40', '79', '75', '65', '34', '5', '75', '23', '72', '58', '14', '28', '4', '46', '1', '59', '8', '10', '34', '63', '43', '9', '16', '67', '41', '11', '51', '13', '77', '24', '70', '67', '77', '43', '67', '72', '13', '53', '23', '68', '57', '53', '79', '69', '43', '74', '54', '75', '10', '12', '37', '44', '56', '21', '55', '2', '65', '40', '4', '24', '79', '42', '38', '1', '68', '40', '54', '21', '34', '22', '60', '58', '31', '38', '8', '75', '64', '30', '23', '37', '3', '63', '53', '5', '2', '67', '36', '7', '66', '45', '3', '65', '35', '16', '4', '49', '67', '8', '30', '22', '48', '9', '22', '23', '54', '14', '51', '56', '5', '27', '54', '51', '32', '74', '59', '16', '74', '38', '2', '2', '77', '61', '40', '63', '73', '75', '76', '32', '67', '76', '43', '55', '65', '55', '54', '1', '30', '57', '47', '2', '2', '72', '29', '25', '45', '67', '0', '54', '44', '27', '19', '68', '73', '26', '28', '51', '18', '35', '73', '20', '34', '8', '32', '57', '30', '57', '8', '21', '41', '36', '61', '56', '34', '17', '44', '70', '64', '12', '39', '17', '69', '23', '56', '49', '19', '18', '23', '65', '3', '39', '8', '59', '67', '68', '42', '67', '39', '31', '49', '63', '49', '32', '9', '8', '9', '53', '72', '3', '58', '56', '27', '71', '46', '71', '75', '30', '4', '20', '53', '21', '20', '37', '32', '41', '64', '75', '34', '51', '57', '35', '68', '44', '78', '54', '58', '59', '25', '20', '32', '41', '37', '77', '78', '37', '1', '79', '49', '21', '75', '56', '77', '40', '44', '42', '55', '34', '7', '5', '13', '41', '20', '3', '34', '26', '35', '49', '22', '44', '23', '25', '9', '11', '60', '70', '14', '68', '57', '41', '61', '61', '24', '71', '53', '46', '68', '38', '51', '43', '9', '31', '33', '17', '73', '71', '12', '63', '61', '13', '16', '76', '52', '69', '13', '48', '58', '67', '79', '63', '76', '78', '78', '69', '53', '76', '46', '22', '35', '58', '25', '31', '53', '71', '0', '22', '59', '23', '35', '47', '38', '42', '24', '70', '48', '77', '74', '69', '28', '4', '78', '71', '15', '34', '76', '40', '1', '37', '30', '48', '53', '79', '37', '48', '78', '47', '61', '78', '6', '33', '17', '65', '18', '71', '25', '27', '2', '9', '22', '54', '48', '77', '46', '3', '31', '63', '19', '44', '55', '38', '10', '58', '3', '6', '64', '77', '49', '68', '45', '25', '29', '41', '9', '5', '53', '48', '9', '48', '5', '58', '78', '70', '74', '73', '16', '42', '51', '66', '66', '21', '31', '69', '19', '8', '69', '18', '65', '62', '21', '30', '73', '43', '76', '2', '10', '66', '45', '28', '75', '63', '34', '39', '9', '67', '56', '46', '67', '41', '20', '27', '5', '4', '51', '3', '17', '48', '33', '32', '15', '71', '76', '77', '69', '11', '35', '60', '42', '43', '66', '44', '26', '78', '69', '9', '36', '66', '25', '73', '38', '73', '43', '76', '39', '37', '45', '43', '77', '18', '8', '62', '48', '3', '13', '61', '3', '62', '59', '74', '68', '22', '27', '45', '78', '48', '77', '36', '79', '62', '52', '24', '62', '56', '39', '51', '62', '9', '0', '40', '49', '21', '64', '30', '57', '45', '6', '52', '77', '38', '28', '35', '49', '14', '68', '36', '74', '52', '53', '36', '34', '12', '69', '19', '75', '41', '55', '39', '70', '36', '49', '27', '42', '51', '56', '5', '28', '19', '11', '7', '0', '22', '42', '9', '71', '18', '21', '6', '17', '18', '43', '61', '71', '65', '20', '70', '46', '7', '39', '26', '76', '22', '55', '67', '26', '47', '30', '65', '60', '25', '51', '13', '26', '55', '9', '33', '76', '8', '60', '40', '41', '11', '66', '28', '4', '37', '6', '28', '51', '10', '9', '58', '42', '20', '35', '76', '20', '14', '45', '25', '33', '49', '63', '13', '69', '15', '57', '54', '24', '16', '36', '38', '57', '68', '57', '22', '77', '61', '5', '62', '61', '76', '44', '64', '45', '50', '73', '5', '60', '79', '39', '20']dict = ['0','1','10','11','12','13','14','15','16','17','18','19','2','20','21','22','23','24','25','26','27','28','29','3','30','31','32','33','34','35','36','37','38','39','4','40','41','42','43','44','45','46','47','48','49','5','50','51','52','53','54','55','56','57','58','59','6','60','61','62','63','64','65','66','67','68','69','7','70','71','72','73','74','75','76','77','78','79','8','9']file = open("./96TESTA751.txt","a")for idx, (pro, cla) in enumerate(zip(probs, classes)):if txt[int(img_path_list[idx].split("/")[5].split(".")[0])] == dict[cla]:LEN = LEN + 1file.write(img_path_list[idx].split("/")[5]+" "+ dict[cla] +"\n")    print(img_path_list[idx].split("/")[5]+" "+ dict[cla] +"\n",end="")    # print("image: {}   class: {}  prob: {:.3}".format(img_path_list[idx],dict[cla],pro.numpy()))# print(LEN) file.close()

使用resNet网络 进行图像分类(jupyter notebook)相关推荐

  1. Centos7 安装 机器学习环境(PIP + Python3.7 + Cython + Jupyter Notebook + Docker + 虚拟机网络环境)

    环境:本机win10 + Vmware WorkStation Pro 15 + Centos7 背景: 从之前用来学习 Docker的虚拟机克隆过来的镜像,克隆后无法执行ping命令,无法使用pip ...

  2. 了解ResNet网络结构特点,利用ResNet完成图像分类

    学习目标 知道ResNet网络结构的特点 能够利用ResNet完成图像分类 网络越深,获取的信息就越多,特征也越丰富.但是在实践中,随着网络的加深,优化效果反而越差,测试数据和训练数据的准确率反而降低 ...

  3. jupyter notebook 打开ipynb时提示到后台服务的连接没能建立, 我们会继续尝试重连, 请检出网络连接...还有服务配置 命令行显示Replacing stale connection

    解决方法 把tornado降级为4.5.3 pip install tornado==4.5.3 github地址 https://github.com/jupyter/notebook/issues ...

  4. ResNet网络的训练和预测

    ResNet网络的训练和预测 简介 Introduction 图像分类与CNN 图像分类 是指将图像信息中所反映的不同特征,把不同类别的目标区分开来的图像处理方法,是计算机视觉中其他任务,比如目标检测 ...

  5. 如何用Jupyter Notebook制作新冠病毒疫情追踪器?

    出品 | AI科技大本营(ID:rgznai100) 新冠肺炎已在全球范围内爆发.为了解全球疫情分布情况,有技术人员使用Jupyter Notebook绘制了两种疫情的等值线地图(choropleth ...

  6. 吴恩达《Machine Learning》Jupyter Notebook 版笔记发布!图解、公式、习题都有了

    在我很早之前写过的文章<机器学习如何入门>中,就首推过吴恩达在 Coursera 上开设的<Machine Learning>课程.这门课最大的特点就是基本没有复杂的数学理论和 ...

  7. Jupyter Notebook各种使用方法

    文章目录 一.更改 Jupyter notebook 的工作空间 二.Jupyter的常用快捷键 三.Jupyter Notebook如何导入代码 四.Jupyter运行python文件 五.Jupy ...

  8. 为Jupyter notebook配置R kernel过程及踩坑记录

    为Jupyter notebook配置R kernel过程及踩坑记录 注意:本文为作者安装过程及折腾的过程,内容比较冗杂,如果读者想直接创建一个属于自己的子环境则参考: 如下文章: anaconda下 ...

  9. Jupyter Notebook各种使用方法记录

    Jupyter Notebook各种使用方法记录 一. Jupyter NoteBook的安装 1.1 新版本Anaconda自带Jupyter 目前,最新版本的Anaconda是自带Jupyter ...


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