Python 儒略日和公历互转代码

# python3#-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Purpose:     conversion between Julian date and the Gregorian calendar.
# Author:      plovess
# Created:     2020-03-01
# update:
#-------------------------------------------------------------------------------# define the number of days for every month.
day_number = {'Jan':31, 'Feb':28, 'Mar':31, 'Apr':30, 'May':31, 'Jun':30,\'Jul':31, 'Aug':31, 'Sep':30, 'Oct':31, 'Nov':30, 'Dec':31}
month_mapping = {1:31, 2:28, 3:31, 4:30, 5:31, 6:30, 7:31, 8:31, 9:30, 10:31, 11:30, 12:31}# determine whether the year is the leap year or not
def is_leap_year(year):if (year % 400 == 0):day_number['Feb'] = 29month_mapping[2] = 29elif (year % 4 == 0 and year % 100 != 0):day_number['Feb'] = 29month_mapping[2] = 29else:day_number['Feb'] = 28month_mapping[2] = 28# obtain corresponding Julian day
def obtain_julian(time):year, month, day = time.split('-')year = int(year); month = int(month); day = int(day)is_leap_year(year)if month == 2 and day > month_mapping.get(2):print("Your input of the Gregorian calendar is error!")exit()julian_day = 0for count in range(1, month):julian_day += month_mapping.get(count)julian_day += dayreturn julian_daydef obtain_date(time):year, julian = time.split('-')year = int(year)julian = int(julian)is_leap_year(year) if (month_mapping.get(2) == 29 and julian > 366) or (month_mapping.get(2) == 28 and julian > 365):print("Your input of julian day is error!")exit()for index in range(1, 13):julian -= month_mapping.get(index)if (julian <= 0):month = indexday = julian + month_mapping.get(index)break# modify the formatif month < 10:month = '0' + str(month)if day < 10:day = '0' + str(day)return month, dayif (__name__ == '__main__'):a = input("1.convert xxxx-xx-xx to xxxx-julian; 2.convert xxxx-julian to xxxx-xx-xx. Please input the choose (1 or 2)\n")if not a.isalnum():print("There is no option that you input!")exit()if (int(a) == 1):time = input("Please input the time like xxxx-xx-xx!\n")julian_day = obtain_julian(time)print("The julian day of %s is %d"%(time, julian_day))elif (int(a) == 2):time = input("Please input the time like year-julian day!\n")month, day = obtain_date(time)print("The month is %s and the day is %s"%(month, day))else:print("There is no option that you input!")


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