It’s finally here! In July, Unity announced our partnership with Lionsgate to create a first-of-its-kind, immersive virtual reality advertisement. And now, leading up to the film’s launch this Friday, October 27th, , the experience is live in two VR apps made with Unity.

终于到了! 7月,Unity宣布我们与Lionsgate的合作伙伴关系,以创建首个沉浸式虚拟现实广告。 现在,在这部电影于10月27日(星期五)上映之前,该体验已在Unity制作的两个VR应用程序中进行现场直播。

Thanks to a close partnership with Lionsgate, the Jigsaw Virtual Room is truly an authentic experience, featuring real props from the movie rendered in VR, custom voice-over from Jigsaw-himself, actor Tobin Bell, and even includes shrines to each of the eight films in the Saw franchise.

得益于与Lionsgate的紧密合作, Jigsaw Virtual Room提供了真实的体验,其中包括VR中渲染的电影的真实道具,Jigsaw-himself,演员Tobin Bell的定制配音,甚至包括八座神殿中的每座神殿 特许经营中的 电影 。

When users first enter the ad, they find themselves trapped in a terrifying contraption with only one choice – to live or die. They must solve a quick puzzle and, if they survive, they can teleport around the environment to check out the various Saw film shrines. All experiences end in a final room where the movie trailer plays on large screens inside the headset.

当用户首次进入广告时,他们发现自己陷入了可怕的困境,只能选择生存或死亡。 他们必须解决一个快速的难题,如果生存下来,就可以在周围环境中移动以查看各种 锯片 神社。 所有体验都在最后一个房间里结束,电影预告片在头戴式耳机内的大屏幕上播放。

The ad is being distributed naturally in two VR apps: Samsung Internet for VR app and The Spiraloid Workshop’s Nanite Fulcrum. You can check out the Samsung Gear VR version of the Jigsaw experience today!

广告在两个VR应用程序中自然分发:Samsung Internet for VR应用程序和The Spiraloid Workshop的 Nanite Fulcrum 。 您可以立即查看Samsung Gear VR版本的 拼图 体验!

Samsung Internet VR is Samsung’s extension of their mobile web browser built for Gear VR users. The core app is built in Unity, so as a result, we were able to seamlessly integrate the Jigsaw Virtual Room into the app, even though it’s fully interactive. This is the first of its kind experience to ever appear on Samsung’s VR browser home screen.

Samsung Internet VR是Samsung为Gear VR用户构建的移动Web浏览器的扩展。 核心应用程序是在Unity中构建的,因此 ,即使它是完全交互式的 ,我们也能够将 Jigsaw Virtual Room 无缝集成 到应用程序中。 这是三星VR浏览器主屏幕上首次出现此类体验。

“We are excited to bring this new type of experience to VR web browsing and see it as a great opportunity for promoting the work of Unity’s great VR developer community,” said Laszlo Gombos, Director of Samsung Internet.

三星互联网总监Laszlo Gombos说:“我们很高兴将这种新型体验带入VR网络浏览,并认为这是促进Unity伟大的VR开发人员社区工作的绝佳机会。”

Spiraloid’s Nanite Fulcrum is the next step in the evolution of the graphic novel. Users enter an exclusive Jigsaw comic book panel where the same heart-pumping ad lives. Nanite Fulcrum is a cross-platform app – live on both Gear VR and Oculus Rift, so naturally the Jigsaw ad had to be cross-platform as well, showcasing the versatility of building an ad experience on Unity.

螺旋形的 Nanite Fulcrum 是图形小说发展的下一步。 用户进入一个独家的Jigsaw漫画面板,在该面板上可以看到同样令人赞叹的广告。 Nanite Fulcrum 是一个跨平台应用程序–既可以在Gear VR上运行,也可以在Oculus Rift上运行 ,因此自然而然地,拼图广告也必须是跨平台的 ,展示了在Unity上构建广告体验的多功能性。

“The Jigsaw Virtual Room is just the beginning. Now that we’ve proven broad-reaching, deeply immersive ads are possible, we expect to see this trend continue with formats including VR, AR, 360 mobile video, and playables,” said Julie Shumaker, VP of Advertiser Solutions at Unity. “Brands will have the opportunity to tell their story in a way that elicits emotional, memorable interactions. As the development platform with the highest reach in AR, VR, and mobile games, we are excited to see what marketers will do next.”

拼图虚拟室仅仅是个开始。 现在,我们已经证明了广泛而深入的广告是可能的,我们希望看到这种趋势将继续以包括VR,AR,360移动视频和可播放内容在内的格式来实现。” Unity广告商解决方案副总裁Julie Shumaker说道。 品牌将有机会以引起情感,令人难忘的互动的方式讲述自己的故事。 作为在AR,VR和手机游戏中拥有最广泛影响力的开发平台,我们很高兴看到营销人员接下来会做什么。”

“Advertising in VR combines the storytelling power of immersive content with the guaranteed reach of a media buy,” said David Edwards, SVP of Digital Marketing at Lionsgate. “We’re thrilled to have worked with Unity on this campaign, bringing Jigsaw into an engaging VR ad experience.”

Lionsgate数字营销高级副总裁David Edwards表示:“虚拟现实广告将沉浸式内容的叙事能力与媒体购买的保证范围结合在一起。” “我们很高兴与Unity合作开展这项活动,将Jigsaw引入了引人入胜的VR广告体验。”

Lionsgate also debuted the Jigsaw VR ad content within a custom-built experiential ‘Escape Room’ installation at New York Comic-Con October 5-8, 2017. Now, online launch is underway building excitement for the movie premiere with Halloween. To learn more about the Jigsaw Virtual Room and the Unity ads platform, please visit the Unity VR ads page.

Lionsgate还在2017年10月5日至8日在纽约Comic-Con的定制体验式“逃生室”装置中首次亮相了Jigsaw VR广告内容。现在,在线发布正在为万圣节电影首映式带来兴奋。 要了解有关Jigsaw Virtual Room和Unity广告平台的更多信息,请访问Unity VR广告页面 。



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