
Acne can be both a debilitating ailment and skin disorder. But after years and years of battling it using different solutions, you finally get rid of it. But still have one problem: the scars. Acne scars can really mar anyone's beauty giving the individual a sense of worthlessness because of the way people tend to stare at the face. However, this does not mean that it cannot be foxed as there are acne scar home remedies that can the do the necessary magic of helping you eliminate the unsightly acne scars.

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While the acne scar home remedies are sometimes effective, one cannot tell whether they will be effective or not as the skin type always plays a big role in the effectiveness of the remedies. While there are quite a number of acne scar home remedies, you can be sure that just using a few substances like collagen based creams could do the magic. Already, your body has enough of it. But to increase the production, you would require a face wash that would stimulate the production of collagen. Soaps and face wash include those that have a rich blend of milk and honey. These soaps do not only leave your skins feeling smooth and soft, but also keeps them moisturized while getting rid of the acne scars.

Random Tip:Care for Lips

Acne scar home remedies will also work for those who want to lighten their red acne scars. An example of effective acne scar home remedies is Vitamin E oil. Apply it to the face and you will find your scars becoming lighter and fading away while you have a clear blemish free skin.

Previous: Acne Products

People around the world, a vast majority of them teenagers, are known to have acne. Acne is usually formed during the teen years due to the excess production of androgens, a hormone. This hormone causes the production of two more substances, keratin and sebum. These two substances are known to... 


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