Valorant is a FPS game developed by Riot, launched on June 2020 globally. Players jokingly called this game “Integration of CSGO and Overwatch”, however, this game still caused a certain craze just after the public test for a period of time.

The basic gameplay is similar to CSGO’s classic 5v5 bomb attack and defense confrontation, with each round lasting 1 minute and 40 seconds, for a total of 24 rounds, and whichever team reaches 13 wins first wins. The variety of guns in the game is also similar to CSGO, but the number of options is reduced, and there is no difference between terrorist and counter-terrorist stores.

The main design that distinguishes the game from CSGO is the agent. This is somewhat similar to Overwatch. Each agent has three minor skills and one ultimate skill, one of which is free to use every turn and can be restored on CD; the other two skills need to be purchased with money and can be saved for the next turn. The ultimate skill needs to be recharged by killing enemies, being killed or picking up recharge points on the map, and needs to be recharged about 6 times.

Although there are also skill-based settings, most of them do not play a decisive role in the game as in Overwatch. Some of the agents’ skills have the effect of throwing props in CSGO, and there are also many skills such as area perspective and high damage, however, they will not play a decisive role in the game, but rather increase the tactical diversity of each round. For example, the game has breakers, assassins, healers and other multiple role position, making the game teamwork seems more important.

However, Valorant’s game positioning is still different from Overwatch, but more of a hardcore FPS game. The difference in player marksmanship, familiarity with the map, and personal awareness can lead to a disparity in player strength that is too large, which is closer to CSGO in positioning.

Valorant, as a hardcore FPS game, has made some changes to CSGO’s economy system, allowing players to buy weapons and skills anywhere they can go for a limited time at the start of the game, and to switch between the types of guns they want to buy at will, without incurring additional purchase costs. In addition, players can also directly help teammates to purchase weapons or initiate weapon requests to teammates.

Players can see the basic situation of both sides in the points statistics screen, in addition to the usual information such as kills/death/assists and weapons carried, you can also see the enemy’s skills charging condition and economic status. The system will also automatically give some suggestions for weapon purchases.

Valorant does a better job in player in-game communication, absorbing the advantages of APEX.
Players can open the big map to send signals to teammates for offense and defense, or remind teammates to pay attention to enemies.; players can initiate in-game voice of saving money, having extra money, and coming out with a full suit in the purchase screen for strategic communication; players can mark locations, guns on the ground, bombs and other items directly in the game by pressing keys to alert teammates.

These designs effectively reduce the difficulty of player information communication, even if not through voice communication, players can easily send signals or communicate strategy and tactics. From another point of view, this also reduces the difficulty for new players to get started and does not require high awareness.

Six months after the public test, the popularity of Valorant has declined, players have turned to other games. The fact that the China server is not open is part of the problem, but I think the main problem with Valorant is that the product positioning is slightly awkward. First of all, the product it is benchmarked against is a hardcore FPS game like CSGO, which makes it difficult for Overwatch players to get started, after all, OW is not a gun-based game.

For players of CSGO and COD, Valorant’s gameplay may be too “fancy”. As there are no fixed props, the player’s familiarity with each hero, the proficiency of hero skills in the high-end game is very important. This part of the learning cost to a certain extent discouraged hardcore FPS players, but more to the taste of OW players. This contradiction has caused Valorant to two parts of the target player’s appeal is clearly insufficient, ultimately leading to serious player attrition, the game is difficult to maintain long-term enthusiasm.


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