The Find My iPhone/iPad not only allows you to track your lost or stolen iOS device, it also allows you to remotely remove all your sensitive data off of the device and even lock it in the case of theft.

“查找我的iPhone / iPad”不仅允许您跟踪丢失或被盗的iOS设备,还可以从设备上远程删除所有敏感数据,甚至在盗窃时将其锁定。

When you first install iOS 5 on your devices they take you through a wizard to set-up iCloud by signing in with your Apple ID. If you skipped this or you didn’t enable iCloud this can be done by going to settings on the home screen and then choosing iCloud. When you first enable iCloud you will be asked if you wish to allow the Find My service access to your location.

当您首次在设备上安装iOS 5时,他们会通过使用Apple ID登录的向导引导您设置iCloud。 如果您跳过此操作或未启用iCloud,则可以通过转到主屏幕上的设置,然后选择iCloud来完成。 首次启用iCloud时,系统将询问您是否希望允许“查找我的服务”访问您的位置。

If you originally choose Don’t Allow when setting up iCloud, your configuration will look like this.


All you have to do is click on the off button next to Find My iPhone/iPad to enable it. You will see a message pop up, you need to choose allow.

您所要做的就是单击“查找我的iPhone / iPad”旁边的关闭按钮以启用它。 您将看到一条消息弹出,您需要选择允许。

Once you have chosen allow, the Find My service will have access to your location.


Now you need to login into your iCloud account on a PC. Once logged in click on the Find My iPhone button.

现在,您需要在PC上登录您的iCloud帐户 。 登录后,单击“查找我的iPhone”按钮。

锁定您的设备 (Locking Your Device)

Your devices will be located on a Map, to lock or wipe them click on the Info button next to the devices name.


If you choose to lock your device you will be asked to set a 4 Digit pin code that you will need to input if you find your phone.


Once you have inputted your passcode and confirmed it you , must click the blue lock button in the top right hand corner. You will then see a confirmation that your device has in fact been locked.

输入密码并确认为密码后,必须单击右上角的蓝色锁定按钮。 然后,您将看到确认您的设备实际上已被锁定的确认。

Once you find your phone you will be prompted for the passcode.


擦拭设备 (Wiping Your Device)

You could choose the Wipe option which will delete ALL your data from your iPhone.


Once your select remote wipe, you will be prompted with a message that warns you that once your wipe your iDevice it can no longer be tracked.


Once you click Wipe your device will be wiped, this cannot be undone.



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