Each time when we do the sign-in work, we will convert a string of numbers into a gesture/graph. Now we think it’s a piece of cake after we have practiced it over and over again. Practice makes perfect, right?

Let‘s take a look at the first Java program we wrote in our first Java class.

public class HelloWorld {public static void main(String[] args) {System.out.println("Hello World!");}
  • public: open up to the outside world

    • private (privacy - respect)
  • static: there is no motion at all - motionless
    • dynamic (dynamic planning)
  • void: it means the method has no return value.
    • there is nothing in the space - empty
    • empty talk - cheap words (Don’t believe that guy’s cheap words.)
  • main: the largest or most important part of its kind
    • the main method is the entrance method for a Java program
    • big, large, huge, giant, enormous, great…
    • major (What’s your major? I major in Software Technologies.)
    • minor (What’s your minor? I minor in Marketing.)
  • string: a set or series of things that are joined together, for example, a string of pearls
  • args: arguments - parameters 参数

We must learn how to adjust the parameters in the machine learning in order to obtain a better fitting effect.

  • Majors in Our Information Engineering School
  1. Applied Computer Technologies
  2. Software Technologies
  3. Big Data Technologies and Applications
  4. Artificial Intelligence (AI)

There is no vitality for the economy in a closed system, so we have to carry out (implement) the basic national policy of reform and open-up to the outside world.

转换:convert - conversion

  • the conversion of different data types:
public class DataTypeConversion {public static void main(String []args) {double x = 3.1415;int n = (int)x;System.out.println(n);}

Design Pattern 设计模式

  • A good programmer must spend some time learning desgin patterns.

  • MVC
    M: Model
    C: Control
    V: View

生存:survive - survival

Christianity believes that almighty God made the whole world and humans.

  • Darwin: The Theory of Evolution (进化论 - 天演论)

竞争:compete - competition - competitive - competitor (rival)

The world is filled with compititions so that the fittest survive in the end. Teachers and parents often warn their children that they will be eliminated by the cruel society in the future if they don’t study hard.

We should try our best to know more about the world by reading, making friends and travelling. It’s very natural that reading and travelling can broaden our view.

马斯洛的需要层次理论(Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs)

  1. physiological needs
  2. safety needs
  3. belongingness and love needs
  4. esteem needs
  5. self-actualization (self-realization / self-fulfillment)
  • human‘s four levels
  1. body - sense
  2. heart - feeling/emotion
  3. mind - thought/idea
  4. soul - faith/belief


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