

A calling sequence is the conventional sequence of instructions that call and return from a procedure. Because programs tend to make many procedure calls, a compiler should ensure that this sequence is as economical as possible.


A calling sequence is influenced by the semantics of the language and by the register layout, addressing modes, instruction set. and existing conventions of the target machine. It is closely connected with allocation of storage for variables local to procedures.


This document sets forth the issues involved in designing a calling sequence for the C language, and discusses experience with various environments. The system implementer and hardware designer might find hints about the efficient support of C; the ordinary user might gain some sense of how hard it can be to support even a simple language on today's hardware. The first several sections discuss the requirements of a procedure call and return forced by the C language and conventions, including the support of recursion and variable-sized argument lists, and methods of returning values of various types (which might be ignored by the calling procedure). Then some sample designs are presented. The last sections discuss various topics, such as growing the stack, supporting structure valued procedures, and the library routines setjmp and longjmp An appendix presents the Interdata 8/32 calling sequence in detail.

这个文档设定了四个在为C语言设计函数调用顺序时需要考虑的问题,并且讨论在不同的环境下的一些经验。系统实现者和硬件设计者会从关于C的有效支持中得到一些提示。在最初的用户看来,用今天的硬件尽管实现一种简单的语言对他们来说也是相当难以想像的。本文档的头几部分我们讨论C语言的函数调用和返回的强制约定,包括递归的支持、可变大小参数列表和(可能被函数调用方忽略的)不同类型返回值的返回方法。我们会举一些设计的例子。最后我们讨论另外相关不同的内容,比如堆栈的增长、结构值的过程支持和库函数setjmp and longjmp 。

The Basic Issues

What features must be provided by the call of a C procedure? Procedures may call themselves recursively without explicit declaration. Because procedures can pass the addresses of local variables and arguments to subprocedures, keeping local variables in static cells is unacceptably complex. Thus, C run-time environments are built around a stack that contains procedure arguments and local variables. The maximum amount of stack space needed by a given program is data dependent and difficult to estimate in advance. Thus, it is convenient to permit the stack to start small and grow as needed. When this cannot be done automatically, stack overflow should at least be clearly signaled and stack size easily increased.


The C language definition does not contemplate the question of procedures whose formal and actual argument lists disagree in number or type. Nevertheless, as a practical matter, the issue must be dealt with, especially for the printf function, which is routinely called with a variable number of arguments of varying types.


In general, only the calling procedure knows how many arguments are passed, while the called procedure does not. On the other hand, only the called procedure knows how many automatic variables and temporary locations it will need, while the calling procedure does not. This issue of handling variable-length argument lists can dominate the design of the calling sequence on some machines; often the hardware support for procedure calls assumes that the size of the argument list is known to the called procedure at compile time.


This assumption is correct for many languages (e.g., Pascal), but in practice not for C. (Interestingly, the assumption is also correct in theory for Fortran, but again not always in practice. Many Fortran programs incorrectly call one entry point in a subroutine to initialize a large argument list, then another that assumes that the old arguments are still valid. Were it not for the ubiquitous printf, implementors of C would be as justified as many implementors of Fortran in adhering to published standard rather than custom.)


The following things happen during a C call and return:

1.The arguments to the call are evaluated and put in an agreed place.

2.The return address is saved on the stack.

3.Control passes to the called procedure.

4.The bookkeeping registers and register variables of the calling procedure are saved so that their values can be restored on return.

5.The called procedure obtains stack space for its local variables, and temporaries.

6.The bookkeeping registers for the called procedure are appropriately initialized. By now, the called procedure must be able to find the argument values.

7.The body of the called procedure is executed.

8.The returned value, if any, is put in a safe place while the stack space is freed, the calling procedure's register variables and bookkeeping registers are restored, and the return address is obtained and transferred to.

Some machine architectures will make certain of these jobs trivial, and make others difficult. These tradeoffs will be the subject of the next several sections.










Dividing the Work 工作分解

Parts of the job of calling and returning can be done either by the calling or the called procedure. This section discusses some of the tradeoffs.

As mentioned above, some of the status of the calling procedure must be saved at the call and restored on return. This status includes the return address, information that allows arguments and local variables to be addressed (e.g. the stack pointer), and the values of any register variables. This information can be saved either by the calling procedure or the called procedure. If the calling procedure saves the information, it knows which registers contain information it will need again, and need not save the other registers. On the other hand, the called procedure need not save the registers that it will not change.

函数的调用和返回的额外工作(也就是Prologs and Epilogs)应该由函数调用方还是被调用方来处理呢?


Program space considerations play a role in the decision. If the status is saved by the called procedure, the save/restore code is generated once per procedure; if the saving is done by the calling procedure, the code is generated once per call of the procedure. Because nearly all procedures are called at least once, and most more than once, considerable code space can be gained by saving the status in the called procedure. If status saving takes several instructions, code space might be further reduced (at the expense of time) by sharing the status saving code sequence in a specially-called subroutine (this is done on the PDP-11). Similarly, branching to a common return sequence can further shrink code space. If the save or return code is indeed common, the calling procedure's status information must be in a known place in the called procedure's environment. Of course, the space gained by sharing save and return sequences must be balanced against the time required to branch to and from the common code.


Passing Arguments 传递参数

The calling procedure must assume responsibility for passing the arguments, since it alone knows how many there are. However, these arguments must eventually be made part of the called procedure's environment.

Arguments can be passed in several ways. The calling procedure might establish a piece of memory (in effect, a structure) containing the arguments, and pass its address. This requires an additional bookkeeping register, and so increases the amount of status information to be saved, and slows down the call.



Most often. the caller knows the location of the called procedure's stack frame. Then the calling procedure can store the arguments adjacent to (or part of) the new stack frame, where the called procedure can find them. In practice, this requires that the stack be allocated from contiguous area of memory.


Because most calls pass only a few arguments, it is tempting吸引人的 to pass the first arguments in registers and the rest in some other way. Although this approach might be effective, it requires an exceptionally regular register architecture, and has not yet proved practical.*

NOTE: * Note added 2003: it did prove practical shortly thereafter.


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