django 的并发能力真的是令人担忧,这里就使用 nginx + uwsgi 提供高并发

nginx 的并发能力超高,单台并发能力过万(这个也不是绝对),在纯静态的 web 服务中更是突出其优越的地方,由于其底层使用 epoll 异步IO模型进行处理,使其深受欢迎

做过运维的应该都知道,php 需要使用 nginx + fastcgi 提供高并发,java 需要使用 nginx + tomcat 提供 web 服务

下面介绍如何使用 nginx + uwsgi 为 django 提供高并发 web 服务


[root@crazy-acong ~]# uname -a

Linux crazy-acong 2.6.32-504.el6.x86_64 #1 SMP Wed Oct 15 04:27:16 UTC 2014 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux

[root@crazy-acong ~]# cat /etc/redhat-release

CentOS release6.6 (Final)

2、python 及 django 版本

[root@crazy-acong ~]# python3 --version

Python3.4.4[root@crazy-acong ~]# django-admin --version1.10.6

3、安装 uwsgi 及 测试 uwsgi

3.1 安装

[root@crazy-acong ~]# pip3 install uwsgi

3.2 测试 uwsgi 提供 web 服务的功能

# 创建 文件

def application(env, start_response):

start_response('200 OK', [('Content-Type','text/html')])

return [b"Hello World"] # python3

#return ["Hello World"] # python2

# 启动 uwsgi 服务

[root@crazy-acong ~]# uwsgi --http :8000

# 查看启动进程

[root@crazy-acong ~]# netstat -lnpt | grepuwsgi

tcp0 0* LISTEN 22120/uwsgi

tcp0 0* LISTEN 22120/uwsgi

# 在浏览器中访问 http://ip:8000 就可以看到 Hello World 字样了

3.3 将启动参数写入到配置文件中,然后进行启动 django 程序

3.3.1 创建 uwsgi 配置文件

[root@crazy-acong ~]# cd /data/django_test # 进入到 django 的主目录

[root@crazy-acong django_test]# cat test-uwsgi.ini


# 对外提供 http 服务的端口

http= :9000#the local unix socketfilethan commnuincate to Nginx 用于和 nginx 进行数据交互的端口

socket= the base directory (full path) django 程序的主目录

chdir= /data/django_test

# Django's wsgi file

wsgi-file = django_test/

# maximum number of worker processes

processes= 4#thread numbers startchedineach worker process

threads= 2#monitor uwsgi status 通过该端口可以监控 uwsgi 的负载情况

stats= on exit

vacuum= true# 后台运行,并输出日志

daemonize= /var/log/uwsgi.log

3.3.2 通过 uwsgi 配置文件启动 django 程序

# 通过配置文件启动 django 程序

[root@crazy-acong django_test]# /usr/local/bin/uwsgi test-uwsgi.ini # 在浏览器中 通过访问 http://ip:9000 可以看到发布的 django 程序

4、安装 nginx

nginx 安装参考

5、配置 nginx 的配置文件

在 django 的主目录下创建下面的 nginx 配置文件,然后做软连接到 nginx 的配置文件目录,或者直接在 nginx 配置文件目录中添加该文件也可以

5.1 创建 nginx 配置文件

[root@crazy-acong django_test]# cat /data/django_test/django-nginx.conf

# the upstream component nginx needs to connect to

upstream django {

# server unix:///path/to/your/mysite/mysite.sock; # for a file socket

server; # for a web port socket (we'll use this first)


# configuration of the server

server {

# the port your site will be served on


# the domain name it will serveforserver_name; # substitute your machine's IP address or FQDN

charset utf-8;

# max upload size

client_max_body_size 75M; # adjust to taste

# Django media

location/media {

alias/path/to/your/mysite/media; # your Django project's media files - amend as required


location/static {

alias/data/django_test/static; # your Django project's static files - amend as required


# Finally, send all non-media requests to the Django server.


uwsgi_pass django;

include/data/django_test/uwsgi_params; # the uwsgi_params fileyou installed



5.2 重启nginx 服务

[root@crazy-acong django_test]# nginx -t

nginx: the configurationfile /data/application/nginx-1.10.3/conf/nginx.conf syntax is ok

nginx: configurationfile /data/application/nginx-1.10.3/conf/nginx.conf test is successful

[root@crazy-acong django_test]# nginx -s reload

[root@crazy-acong django_test]# netstat -lnpt | grep 8000tcp0 0* LISTEN 43492/nginx

这个时候就可以通过 http://ip:8000 访问 django 程序了,不过目前还存在一个问题,访问 http://ip:8000/admin 发现静态文件貌似没读取到,需要通过下面的方法解决静态文件的问题

6、解决 django 多 app 静态文件的问题

# 在 django 程序的 文件中添加以下内容

STATIC_ROOT= os.path.join(BASE_DIR, "static_all")

# 然后通过执行该命令,将静态文件整合到一个目录中

[root@crazy-acong django_test]# python3 collectstatic

[root@crazy-acong django_test]# ll

total40drwxr-xr-x 3 nginx games 4096 Mar 14 14:42app01-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 3072 Mar 14 14:51db.sqlite3-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 1026 Mar 14 15:18 django-nginx.conf

drwxr-xr-x 3 nginx games 4096 Mar 14 15:45django_test-rwxr-xr-x 1 nginx games 809 Mar 14

drwxr-xr-x 2 nginx games 4096 Mar 14 14:42static

drwxr-xr-x 3 root root 4096 Mar 14 15:47static_all # 此时会发现多了一个该目录,所有 app 的静态文件都整合到这一个目录中了

drwxr-xr-x 2 nginx games 4096 Mar 14 14:40templates-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 565 Mar 14 15:40 test-uwsgi.ini-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 664 Mar 14 15:28 uwsgi_params

然后需要修改 nginx 配置文件中 指向 django 静态目录的配置文件

[root@crazy-acong django_test]# cat /data/django_test/django-nginx.conf

# the upstream component nginx needs to connect to

upstream django {

# server unix:///path/to/your/mysite/mysite.sock; # for a file socket

server; # for a web port socket (we'll use this first)


# configuration of the server

server {

# the port your site will be served on


# the domain name it will serveforserver_name; # substitute your machine's IP address or FQDN

charset utf-8;

# max upload size

client_max_body_size 75M; # adjust to taste

# Django media

location/media {

alias/path/to/your/mysite/media; # your Django project's media files - amend as required


location/static {

# 需要修改的地方在这里

alias/data/django_test/static_all; # your Django project's static files - amend as required


# Finally, send all non-media requests to the Django server.


uwsgi_pass django;

include/data/django_test/uwsgi_params; # the uwsgi_params fileyou installed



最后重启 nginx 服务即可

[root@crazy-acong django_test]# nginx -t

nginx: the configurationfile /data/application/nginx-1.10.3/conf/nginx.conf syntax is ok

nginx: configurationfile /data/application/nginx-1.10.3/conf/nginx.conf test is successful

[root@crazy-acong django_test]# nginx -s reload

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