rockbox eq

If you are tired of trying to keep up with Apple’s new iPod releases, upgrade your old iPod for free with Rockbox. Rockbox allows you to upgrade your aging iPod with new themes, fonts, games, and more.

如果您厌倦了跟上Apple的新iPod版本,请使用Rockbox免费升级旧iPod。 Rockbox允许您使用新主题,字体,游戏等来升级老化的iPod。

Rockbox is a replacement firmware for the iPod, iriver, Cowon, and many other devices. What the firmware does is extends the functionality and features of your current digital music player.

Rockbox是iPod,iriver,Cowon和许多其他设备的替代固件。 固件的作用是扩展当前数字音乐播放器的功能。

安装Rockbox (Installing Rockbox)

The first thing to do is download the Rockbox utility from their website.


Rockbox provides prebuilt binaries for Windows, OS X, and Linux so just download the one you need and run the program. The first time the software loads you will need to plug in your iPod and autodetect the model. If you know the model you can also browse to a mounted drive and then just select your model from the provided list.

Rockbox为Windows,OS X和Linux提供了预构建的二进制文件,因此只需下载所需的二进制文件并运行该程序即可。 首次加载软件时,您需要插入iPod并自动检测模型。 如果您知道型号,还可以浏览到已安装的驱动器,然后从提供的列表中选择型号。

Note: You may need administrative rights on the computer you are running the utility from to write to USB devices.


Installation is a one click affair. Simply click the complete installation button and the latest files will be downloaded and installed onto your iPod.

安装是一键式事务。 只需单击完整的安装按钮,最新的文件将下载并安装到iPod中。

Note: The installation will not erase all of the music and pictures you have on your device. If everything works the way it should, it will simply replace the bootloader and add its own OS files where needed.

注意:安装不会删除设备上的所有音乐和图片。 如果一切正常,它将简单地替换引导程序并在需要的地方添加自己的OS文件。

Once Rockbox is installed you can install any optional playback themes from the built in theme installer.


Or you can also install fonts or games from the Rockbox utility.


使用Rockbox (Using Rockbox)

Once everything is installed, disconnect your iPod and reboot it. It should automatically load Rockbox. Usability of the iPod should be fairly the same with one of the big differences is now you will have some more utilities and menus. You can browse for pictures and music from the files browser or if you have your music tagged you can also use the database browser.

安装完所有组件后,断开iPod的连接,然后重新启动。 它会自动加载Rockbox。 iPod的可用性应该是基本相同的,但最大的区别之一是现在您将拥有更多的实用程序和菜单。 您可以从文件浏览器浏览图片和音乐,或者如果您标记了音乐,也可以使用数据库浏览器。

You can change the theme to one of the ones you installed by going to system -> themes and selecting the theme you want. The menu should change automatically and you will also notice the new theme during playback.

通过转到系统->主题,然后选择所需的主题,可以将主题更改为已安装的主题之一。 菜单应自动更改,并且在播放期间您还会注意到新主题。

Some of the extra utilites are found under the plugins menu. If you go into that menu you will find any additional software and games you installed.

在插件菜单下可以找到一些额外的工具。 如果进入该菜单,将找到已安装的所有其他软件和游戏。

Of course, the option to play Doom is there if you installed the games option in Rockbox utility, and have a supported device. You will have to figure out how to actually control playing on your own.

当然,如果您在Rockbox实用程序中安装了游戏选项,并且具有受支持的设备,则可以使用播放末日游戏的选项。 您将必须弄清楚如何真正控制自己的演奏。

卸载Rockbox (Uninstalling Rockbox)

If you want to switch back to the default OS that came with your iPod you can hold the menu+select button (menu+play on some devices) to hard reset the iPod. Once the iPod starts to boot again turn on the hold switch and the original OS will load.

如果要切换回iPod随附的默认操作系统,则可以按住菜单+选择按钮(在某些设备上为菜单+播放)以硬重置iPod。 iPod重新启动后,请打开保持开关,然后将加载原始OS。

If you actually want to remove Rockbox completely then you can go back to the Rockbox utility and just click uninstall.


So next time you are tempted to throw out your perfectly working old iPod because Apple told you it would be a good idea, try out Rockbox. It may have the missing apps you were looking for.

因此,下次您由于苹果公司告诉您这是个好主意而想抛弃运行良好的旧iPod时,请试用Rockbox。 它可能缺少您要找的应用程序。

Rockbox homepage



rockbox eq

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