
  1. In recent years, recommender systems, which help users discover items of interest from a large resource collection, have been playing an increasingly important role in various online service

  2. Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) have been successfully applied to tackle problems such as image classification , semantic segmentation or machine translation

  3. Nevertheless 然而

  4. The success of recommendation system makes it prevalent in Web applications, ranging from search engines, E-commerce, to social media sites and news portals

  5. without exaggeration

  6. Entity alignment is the task of finding entities from different knowledge graphs (KGs) that refer to the same real-world identity.

  7. Recently, increasing attention has been paid to the utilization of KG representation learning rather than symbolic formalism for tackling this task.

  8. However, existing GNN-based entity alignment models still face a critical problem.

  9. Most existing approaches to generating node embeddings are inherently transductive. The majority of these approaches directly optimize the embeddings for each node using matrix-factorization-based objectives, and do not naturally generalize to unseen data, since they make predictions on nodes in a single, fixed graph [×].

  10. The challenge of resolving this issue lies in the difficulty of fully mitigating the non-isomorphism in the neighborhood structures of counterpart entities from different KGs.

  11. Inspired by this recent work, we introduce an attention-based architecture to perform node classification of graph-structured data. The idea is to compute the hidden representations of each node in the graph, by attending over its neighbors, following a self-attention strategy. The attention architecture has several interesting properties:

  12. Motivated by the fact that the semantically-related information can appear in both direct and distant neighbors of counterpart entities, we propose the KG alignment network AliNet which aggregates both direct and distant neighborhood information.

  13. A recent research trend in deep learning is the attention mechanism,which deals with variable sized data and encourages the model to focus on the most salient parts of data.

  14. (注意力机制)It has demonstrated the effectiveness in deep neural network framework and is widely applied to various applications, such as text analysis [×], knowledge graph[×] and image processing [×]

  15. Despite the success of attention mechanism in deep learning, it has not been considered in the graph neural network framework for heterogeneous graph.

  16. Although HIN based methods have achieved perfor-mance improvement to some extent, there are two major problems for these methods using meta-path based similari-

  17. However, current techniques fail to satisfactorily define and optimize a reasonable objective required for scalable unsupervised feature learning in networks.

  18. In this paper, we propose a novelHeterogeneous graph Attention Network, named HAN, which considers both of node-level and semantic-level attentions. In particular, given the node features as input, we use the type-specific transformation matrix to project different types of node features into the same space. Then the node-level attention is able to learn the attention values between the nodes and their meta-path based neighbors, while the semantic-level attention aims to learn the attention values of different meta-paths for the specific task in the heterogeneous graph.

  19. The contributions of our work are summarized as follows:

  20. Overall our paper makes the following contributions:

  21. (服务发现)An example Web service network among Mashups, APIs, and tags. For simplicity, the annotation relationships between Mashups and tags are not shown for the case where Mashups and APIs share the tag space. The composition relationships characterize the functional dependencies between Mashups and APIs, while the annotation relationships characterize the functional similarities between Mashups and APIs.

  22. Introduction的最后一段
    In the rest of this paper, we first review the related work in Section 2, and introduce ×××××××× problem definition and analysis in Section 3. We present the proposed ×××× framework in Section 4 and show experiment results in Section 5. Finally, we conclude the paper in Section 6.

  23. (未来工作) As future work, we would like to utilize better
    attentionmechanisms to fuse aspect-level latent factors. In
    , we can explore the strategy of automatic selection
    of meta- paths in different datasets.



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