2020 年 11 月 24 日,ArcBlock 开发平台 ABT 节点更新至 1.0.35 版,为下一个主版发布做准备。

ArcBlock DApp 平台更新日志:2020 年 11 月 24 日

ArcBlock[1]发布最新更新日志,已升级 ABT 节点至 1.0.35 版,本周发布如下:

•性能优化•Bug 修复和改善•Blocklet 更新•改善用户体验

1.0.35 (2020 年 11 月 24 日)

•fix(ux): unSaved tip in settings page display wrong•fix: try to fix babel deps warning by adding @babel/core•fix: error log not properly recorded in blocklet state

1.0.34 (2020 年 11 月 23 日)

•fix: exclude source maps from webapp bundle•fix: migration script crashed because occupied port check•[skip travis] update readme•[skip travis] update readme

1.0.33 (2020 年 11 月 23 日)

•fix: blocklet config not properly updated when blocklet meta change•chore: migration script update and edge case handling•fix: dismiss one loading view for blocklet actions menu•fix: abtnode access url does not display in welcome page•fix: blocklet stuck on starting when check start throw error•fix: preDeploy hook does not exec in remote deploy•fix: add i18n for 'downloading'•feat: optimize interface behavior on routing•fix: meta environment cant have BLOCK or ABT_NODE•chore: move nedb to another repo #1829•feat: display access entries in welcome page•fix: configs row is null when migrate configs extras db•chore: using interface from blocklet meta•fix: improve blocklet actions loading state•fix: improve cert page•fix: hide secure value in configuration page•fix: update slack message structure for showing the preview•chore: add blocklet schema parse/clean/validate•fix: reset merge config function for extras db and add secure schema•fix: update text when delete in the service Gateway•fix: loading dismiss before action done (#1806)•feat: hide routing snapshot created by "abtnode dev"•chore: rename the command eject to export•feat: copy extra db in abtnode eject command•feat: add -f option for an blocklet:init command•feat: split blocklet configs into blocklet extras•fix: not exit all processes when start failed and node.js v15.x crash•fix: failed to validate install url from github releases•chore: no more checking read & write permissions on /data directory in docker•feat: exclude blocklet source code from eject and download it on recover•fix: blocklet status stuck at starting after local deploy•fix: bad log and ux when upgrade blocklet failed•chore: extract blocklet meta related to a standalone package•fix: display title for notification popup and upgrade wording•chore: remove color field from meta spec•feat: add log when run the cron job•feat: support relative meta.dist.tarball•fix: abtnode eject hangs when node is not running

ArcBlock ABT 节点平台



[1] ArcBlock: https://www.arcblock.io/


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