
Does your Chrome browser feel like it’s running a bit slower than usual? These tips and tricks can help you give Google Chrome a speed boost.

您的Chrome浏览器运行起来比平时慢吗? 这些提示和技巧可以帮助您提高Google Chrome浏览器的速度。

By Whitson Gordon

通过 惠特森戈登

In a way, your web browser has become as important as your PC’s operating system (if not more important). Nearly everything you do, from email to social media-even document editing-happens in your browser. Thanks to Google Stadia and other services, you can even stream games right from a browser window. So if Chrome is feeling a little sluggish, that can hamper the whole experience. Here are a few things you can do to speed it up.

在某种程度上,您的Web浏览器已经变得与PC操作系统一样重要(如果不是更重要的话)。 从电子邮件到社交媒体,甚至是您在浏览器中进行的文档编辑,您几乎可以完成所有操作。 借助Google Stadia和其他服务 ,您甚至可以从浏览器窗口直接播放游戏。 因此,如果Chrome感觉有些呆滞,那可能会妨碍整个体验。 您可以采取一些措施来加快速度。

检查您的网速 (Check Your Internet Speed)

Before you blame Chrome for your slowdowns, make sure your internet connection is up to snuff. Run a speed test like to see how your connection measures up. It’s possible you’re just experiencing a slowdown in your area, or you’re on a crappy public network. (Or maybe you just need to pay for faster internet.)

在怪罪您的Chrome浏览器性能下降之前,请确保您的互联网连接正常运行。 运行类似 的速度测试,以查看连接的状况。 您可能只是所在区域的访问量有所下降,或者您的公共网络很糟糕。 (或者也许您只需要为更快的互联网付费。)

更新到最新版本的Chrome (Update to the Latest Version of Chrome)

Each new version of Chrome contains new features, security fixes, and — often — performance improvements, so it’s possible updating to the latest version may help your speed woes. Even if it doesn’t, it’ll keep you safer from online threats.

Chrome的每个新版本均包含新功能,安全修复程序以及(通常)性能改进,因此有可能将其更新到最新版本可能会给您带来麻烦。 即使没有,它也可以使您免受网络威胁。

Chrome updates itself automatically, so chances are you’re already on the latest version, provided you’ve closed the browser recently. If you’re behind, Chrome will display a yellow or red arrow in the upper right-hand corner of the browser.

Chrome会自动进行自我更新,因此,如果您最近关闭了浏览器,则很可能已经是最新版本。 如果您在后面,Chrome会在浏览器的右上角显示黄色或红色箭头。

This means an update is waiting for you, so all you have to do is close out the browser window or click the arrow and choose Update Google Chrome to restart and get the update. It probably won’t make any night-and-day speed differences, but it’s a good place to start nonetheless.

这意味着有更新等待着您,因此您要做的就是关闭浏览器窗口或单击箭头,然后选择“ 更新Google Chrome”以重新启动并获取更新。 它可能不会造成任何昼夜的速度差异,但这仍然是一个很好的起点。

运行恶意软件扫描 (Run a Malware Scan)

Before you go digging into Chrome’s settings, you might want to ensure you don’t have any malware on your system. Run a scan with your anti-malware tool of choice and make sure there aren’t any nefarious actors running in the background. These can shove extra advertisements into the pages you visit or track your behavior, which require resources — and thus can slow down your browser and computer.

在深入研究Chrome的设置之前,您可能需要确保系统上没有任何恶意软件。 使用您选择的反恶意软件工具运行扫描,并确保在后台没有运行任何恶意行为者。 这些可能会将多余的广告推送到您访问的页面或跟踪您的行为,这需要资源,因此可能会降低浏览器和计算机的速度。

运行Chrome清理工具 (Run the Chrome Cleanup Tool)

Once upon a time, Google developed a program called the Chrome Cleanup Tool, which would detect potentially unwanted programs (PUPs), like toolbars and other automatically installed extensions that your antivirus may not be designed to catch.

曾几何时,Google开发了一个名为Chrome Cleanup Tool的程序,该程序可以检测可能不需要的程序(PUP),例如工具栏和其他防病毒程序可能无法捕获的自动安装的扩展程序。

Google has since integrated this directly into Chrome, and you can run it by going to Settings > Advanced > Reset and clean up > Clean up computer. Run the tool and it’ll check your computer for any software that might be slowing down your browser.

Google自此已将其直接集成到Chrome中,您可以通过转到设置>高级>重置和清理>清理计算机来运行它。 运行该工具,它将检查计算机上是否有任何可能降低浏览器速度的软件。

卸载不需要的扩展 (Uninstall Extensions You Don’t Need)

If you thought this was going to be easy, I have some bad news for you: sacrifices must be made. While the above tips may help some, the best thing you can do to speed up Chrome is slim it down. Extensions and tabs are the biggest resource hogs, and the fewer you have, the snappier Chrome will feel.

如果您认为这很容易,那么我对您来说有个坏消息:必须做出牺牲。 虽然上述技巧可能对您有所帮助,但加快Chrome速度的最佳方法是降低速度。 扩展程序和标签页是最大的资源消耗,而您拥有的资源和数量越少,Chrome就会感觉更敏捷。

Let’s start with extensions: you can see which ones are taking up the most CPU and RAM by pressing Shift+Esc on your keyboard, which will bring up Chrome’s Task Manager. Check out which ones are hogging the most resources, and which ones aren’t crucial to your workflow.

让我们从扩展开始:通过按键盘上的Shift + Esc,可以看到哪些占用了最多的CPU和RAM,这将启动Chrome的任务管理器。 查看哪些资源占用最多的资源,哪些资源对您的工作流程并不重要。

Uninstall extensions by right-clicking on their icon in the toolbar and selecting Remove from Chrome. Or go to chrome://extensions and remove them from there. The more you get rid of, the more of a speed boost you’ll get (not to mention a security boost, since extensions can be hacked or sold to adware companies).

右键点击工具栏中的扩展程序,然后选择从Chrome中删除,以卸载扩展程序。 或者转到chrome:// extensions并将其从那里删除。 摆脱的越多,速度提升就越多(更不用说提高安全性了,因为扩展可以被黑客入侵或出售给广告软件公司 )。

关闭(或卸载)您不使用的选项卡 (Close (or Unload) Tabs You Aren’t Using)

If you’re the kind of person who opens 19 tabs and leaves them running for later, it’s a good bet your slowdown is coming from having so many sites open in the background. Chrome can discard tabs if it runs out of memory, but in my experience, it isn’t very aggressive about it.

如果您是那种会打开19个选项卡并让它们运行以供以后使用的人,那么您可以放心,因为在后台打开了这么多站点会导致您的速度下降。 Chrome浏览器可以在内存不足的情况下丢弃标签页 ,但是根据我的经验,它并不十分激进。

Close any tabs you don’t need (once again, Shift+Esc is your friend), and bookmark them for later. You can also grab an extension like The Great Suspender, which allows you to automate the “unloading” of certain tabs based on different criteria and keep them in your tab bar, which you can then reload as you need them.

关闭所有不需要的标签(再次,Shift + Esc是您的朋友),并为它们添加书签以供日后使用。 您还可以抓取诸如The Great Suspender之类的扩展程序,该扩展程序可让您根据不同的条件自动“卸载”某些选项卡,并将其保留在选项卡栏中,然后您可以根据需要重新加载它们。

Yes, I realize the irony of installing an extension when we just told you to uninstall as many as possible, but depending on how many tabs you tend to keep open, the result may still be a net positive speed increase for this particular case.


擦干净板岩 (Wipe the Slate Clean)

If you still can’t get Chrome to cooperate, it may be time to go nuclear and reset the browser to its original defaults — no extensions, custom search engines, or other saved settings. This can be a pain, but if you discover Chrome goes back to being zippy after resetting, you might be able to keep it tidier and prevent it from building up extra cruft (or at least determine which extension or settings caused things to slow down later).

如果您仍然无法与Chrome合作,那么可能是时候采取行动,将浏览器重置为其原始默认设置了-无需扩展程序,自定义搜索引擎或其他保存的设置。 这可能会很痛苦,但是如果您发现Chrome重置后又恢复为zippy,则可以使其保持整洁并防止其堆积过多(或者至少确定是哪种扩展名或设置导致以后速度变慢) )。

To perform a reset, head to Settings > Advanced > Reset and clean up > Restore settings to their original defaults > Reset settings. Of course, it may not be Chrome’s fault at all — your computer may just be getting a little long in the tooth. Check out our guide to speeding up your Windows PC to see if any of those tips help. If they don’t, it may be time to bite the bullet and get a new PC.

要执行重置,请转到设置>高级>重置并清理>将设置恢复为原始默认值>重置设置 。 当然,这可能根本不是Chrome的过错-您的计算机可能只用了一点时间。 查看我们的有关加快Windows PC速度的指南,以查看这些提示是否有帮助。 如果没有,也许是时候咬紧牙关,换一台新PC了 。

Originally published at





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