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比如在 Android 的 VR 设备中,有一个用于部署的文件,在Android 系统中发生变化时,需要给 Unity 端的一个回调,Unity 端基于该回调做相应的操作。


Unity 和 Android 端的数据交互,Android系统中 接口的设计、以及 AIDL 跨进程的通信等等,此处不在展开,后期再更新。本文只介绍一下,文件监听的使用及注意事项。


FileObserver 是个抽象类,必须继承它才能使用。每个FileObserver对象监听一个单独的文件或者文件夹,如果监视的是一个文件夹,那么文件夹下所有的文件和级联子目录的改变都会触发监听的事件。


  • ACCESS,即文件被访问
  • MODIFY,文件被 修改
  • ATTRIB,文件属性被修改,如 chmod、chown、touch 等
  • CLOSE_WRITE,可写文件被 close
  • CLOSE_NOWRITE,不可写文件被 close
  • OPEN,文件被 open
  • MOVED_FROM,文件被移走,如 mv
  • MOVED_TO,文件被移来,如 mv、cp
  • CREATE,创建新文件
  • DELETE,文件被删除,如 rm
  • DELETE_SELF,自删除,即一个可执行文件在执行时删除自己
  • MOVE_SELF,自移动,即一个可执行文件在执行时移动自己
  • ALL_EVENTS,包括上面的所有事件


/**FileObserver 类是一个用于监听文件访问、创建、修改、删除、移动等操作的监听器,基于linux的inotify。FileObserver 是个抽象类,必须继承它才能使用。每个FileObserver对象监听一个单独的文件或者文件夹,如果监视的是一个文件夹,那么文件夹下所有的文件和级联子目录的改变都会触发监听的事件。
public abstract class FileObserver {/** @hide */@IntDef(flag = true, value = {ACCESS,MODIFY,ATTRIB,CLOSE_WRITE,CLOSE_NOWRITE,OPEN,MOVED_FROM,MOVED_TO,CREATE,DELETE,DELETE_SELF,MOVE_SELF})@Retention(RetentionPolicy.SOURCE)public @interface NotifyEventType {}/** Event type: Data was read from a file */public static final int ACCESS = 0x00000001;/** Event type: Data was written to a file */public static final int MODIFY = 0x00000002;/** Event type: Metadata (permissions, owner, timestamp) was changed explicitly */public static final int ATTRIB = 0x00000004;/** Event type: Someone had a file or directory open for writing, and closed it */public static final int CLOSE_WRITE = 0x00000008;/** Event type: Someone had a file or directory open read-only, and closed it */public static final int CLOSE_NOWRITE = 0x00000010;/** Event type: A file or directory was opened */public static final int OPEN = 0x00000020;/** Event type: A file or subdirectory was moved from the monitored directory */public static final int MOVED_FROM = 0x00000040;/** Event type: A file or subdirectory was moved to the monitored directory */public static final int MOVED_TO = 0x00000080;/** Event type: A new file or subdirectory was created under the monitored directory */public static final int CREATE = 0x00000100;/** Event type: A file was deleted from the monitored directory */public static final int DELETE = 0x00000200;/** Event type: The monitored file or directory was deleted; monitoring effectively stops */public static final int DELETE_SELF = 0x00000400;/** Event type: The monitored file or directory was moved; monitoring continues */public static final int MOVE_SELF = 0x00000800;/** Event mask: All valid event types, combined */@NotifyEventTypepublic static final int ALL_EVENTS = ACCESS | MODIFY | ATTRIB | CLOSE_WRITE| CLOSE_NOWRITE | OPEN | MOVED_FROM | MOVED_TO | DELETE | CREATE| DELETE_SELF | MOVE_SELF;private static final String LOG_TAG = "FileObserver";private static class ObserverThread extends Thread {private HashMap<Integer, WeakReference> m_observers = new HashMap<Integer, WeakReference>();private int m_fd;public ObserverThread() {super("FileObserver");m_fd = init();}public void run() {observe(m_fd);}public int[] startWatching(List<File> files,@NotifyEventType int mask, FileObserver observer) {final int count = files.size();final String[] paths = new String[count];for (int i = 0; i < count; ++i) {paths[i] = files.get(i).getAbsolutePath();}final int[] wfds = new int[count];Arrays.fill(wfds, -1);startWatching(m_fd, paths, mask, wfds);final WeakReference<FileObserver> fileObserverWeakReference =new WeakReference<>(observer);synchronized (m_observers) {for (int wfd : wfds) {if (wfd >= 0) {m_observers.put(wfd, fileObserverWeakReference);}}}return wfds;}public void stopWatching(int[] descriptors) {stopWatching(m_fd, descriptors);}@UnsupportedAppUsagepublic void onEvent(int wfd, @NotifyEventType int mask, String path) {// look up our observer, fixing up the map if necessary...FileObserver observer = null;synchronized (m_observers) {WeakReference weak = m_observers.get(wfd);if (weak != null) {  // can happen with lots of events from a dead wfdobserver = (FileObserver) weak.get();if (observer == null) {m_observers.remove(wfd);}}}// ...then call out to the observer without the sync lock heldif (observer != null) {try {observer.onEvent(mask, path);} catch (Throwable throwable) {Log.wtf(LOG_TAG, "Unhandled exception in FileObserver " + observer, throwable);}}}private native int init();private native void observe(int fd);private native void startWatching(int fd, String[] paths,@NotifyEventType int mask, int[] wfds);private native void stopWatching(int fd, int[] wfds);}@UnsupportedAppUsageprivate static ObserverThread s_observerThread;static {s_observerThread = new ObserverThread();s_observerThread.start();}// instanceprivate final List<File> mFiles;private int[] mDescriptors;private final int mMask;/*** Equivalent to FileObserver(path, FileObserver.ALL_EVENTS).** @deprecated use {@link #FileObserver(File)} instead.*/@Deprecatedpublic FileObserver(String path) {this(new File(path));}/*** Equivalent to FileObserver(file, FileObserver.ALL_EVENTS).*/public FileObserver(@NonNull File file) {this(Arrays.asList(file));}/*** Equivalent to FileObserver(paths, FileObserver.ALL_EVENTS).** @param files The files or directories to monitor*/public FileObserver(@NonNull List<File> files) {this(files, ALL_EVENTS);}/*** Create a new file observer for a certain file or directory.* Monitoring does not start on creation!  You must call* {@link #startWatching()} before you will receive events.** @param path The file or directory to monitor* @param mask The event or events (added together) to watch for** @deprecated use {@link #FileObserver(File, int)} instead.*/@Deprecatedpublic FileObserver(String path, @NotifyEventType int mask) {this(new File(path), mask);}/*** Create a new file observer for a certain file or directory.* Monitoring does not start on creation!  You must call* {@link #startWatching()} before you will receive events.** @param file The file or directory to monitor* @param mask The event or events (added together) to watch for*/public FileObserver(@NonNull File file, @NotifyEventType int mask) {this(Arrays.asList(file), mask);}/*** Version of {@link #FileObserver(File, int)} that allows callers to monitor* multiple files or directories.** @param files The files or directories to monitor* @param mask The event or events (added together) to watch for*/public FileObserver(@NonNull List<File> files, @NotifyEventType int mask) {mFiles = files;mMask = mask;}protected void finalize() {stopWatching();}/*** Start watching for events.  The monitored file or directory must exist at* this time, or else no events will be reported (even if it appears later).* If monitoring is already started, this call has no effect.*/public void startWatching() {if (mDescriptors == null) {mDescriptors = s_observerThread.startWatching(mFiles, mMask, this);}}/*** Stop watching for events.  Some events may be in process, so events* may continue to be reported even after this method completes.  If* monitoring is already stopped, this call has no effect.*/public void stopWatching() {if (mDescriptors != null) {s_observerThread.stopWatching(mDescriptors);mDescriptors = null;}}/*** The event handler, which must be implemented by subclasses.** <p class="note">This method is invoked on a special FileObserver thread.* It runs independently of any threads, so take care to use appropriate* synchronization!  Consider using {@link Handler#post(Runnable)} to shift* event handling work to the main thread to avoid concurrency problems.</p>** <p>Event handlers must not throw exceptions.</p>** @param event The type of event which happened* @param path The path, relative to the main monitored file or directory,*     of the file or directory which triggered the event.  This value can*     be {@code null} for certain events, such as {@link #MOVE_SELF}.*/public abstract void onEvent(int event, @Nullable String path);



  1. ALL_EVENTS 这个事件由 “|”位运算实现,位运算相关知识回顾。这里用或运算,后面在监听时的回调 onEvent会用到。

    符号 描述 运算规则
    & 两个位都为1时,结果才为1
    | 两个位都为0时,结果才为0
    ^ 异或 两个位相同为0,相异为1
    ~ 取反 0变1,1变0
    << 左移 各二进位全部左移若干位,高位丢弃,低位补0
    >> 右移 各二进位全部右移若干位,对无符号数,高位补0,有符号数,各编译器处理方法不一样,有的补符号位(算术右移),有的补0(逻辑右移)
  2. onEvent的回调事件处理中,我们得注意 用 "&"来监听,否则会出现返回未确定定义的 event type.这里其实不是bug.是我们用错的方式。

    public void onEvent(int event, String path) {Log.d(TAG, "event: " + event);/* event的值是与 0x40000000 进行或运算后的值,所以在 case 之前需要先和 FileObserver.ALL_EVENTS进行与运算*/int e = event & FileObserver.ALL_EVENTS;switch (e) {case FileObserver.CREATE:break;case FileObserver.DELETE:break;}

    如果不做 与&运算,你会得到以下的测试数字,以为是 bug. 其实不是。我们了解一下位运算就知道了。

类型值 含义
1073742080 “文件夹”的创建(Create)操作
1073742336 “文件夹”的删除(Delete)操作
1073741888 “文件夹”的移出(MOVE_FROM) 操作
1073741952 “文件夹”的移入(MOVE_TO) 操作
32768 “文件夹” 的打开操作 (OPEN) 操作



/*** <pre>*     @author : JuneYang*     time   : 2023/01/20*     desc   :*     version: 1.0* </pre>*/
public class SDCardFileObServer extends FileObserver {public static final String TAG = SDCardFileObServer.class.getSimpleName();public SDCardFileObServer(String path) {/** 这种构造方法是默认监听所有事件的,如果使用 super(String,int)这种构造方法,* 则int参数是要监听的事件类型.*/super(path);}@RequiresApi(api = Build.VERSION_CODES.Q)public SDCardFileObServer(@NonNull File file, int mask) {super(file, mask);}@Override public void onEvent(int event, @Nullable String path) {//注意点int e = event & FileObserver.ALL_EVENTS;switch (e) {case FileObserver.CREATE:break;case FileObserver.DELETE:break;case FileObserver.MODIFY:break;default:break;}}// 调用public static void main(String[] args) {String path = "xx/xx/xx";// 初始化操作SDCardFileObServer sdCardFileObServer = new SDCardFileObServer(path);sdCardFileObServer.startWatching();// 服务结束后关闭监听sdCardFileObServer.stopWatching();}


  1. 拷贝文件时,如果文件过大,modify 方法会每 50ms 左右回调一次接口,因为文件在一直变化,直到不再变化为止。
  2. 替换文件时,会回调 deletecreatemodify 方法。
  3. 该路径下的两个文件如果执行拷贝、删除、替换,有几个文件就会执行几个文件的几种状态的回调。
  4. 文件夹删除时也会执行删除 delete回调,文件夹新建时会有 create 回调.
  5. 文件夹合并时不会有回调

Tips: 在项目中,由于 FileObserver对象必须保持一个引用,确保不被垃圾收集器回收掉,否则就不会触发事件。我们可以考虑使用 Service 服务。

也就是说在 Service 中的 Oncreate中初始化(startWatching),在OnDestory中(stopWatching)。



Android中巧妙的位运算_钟秀的博客-CSDN博客_android 视图标志位 或运算


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