Kitty sends a kind of original email messages to her friend Garf. To write a message, she chooses a word W and a number n and replicates W n times horizontally. Then she repeats this string in the next line, but rotating the characters once to the left. And she repeats this ‘rotateand- output’ process until the word W appears displayed as the first column of the rectangular pattern that she produces.

As an example, when she chooses the word Hello and the number 3, she gets the pattern:

Kitty has been sending such emails during the last three years. Recently, Garf told her that perhaps her work may be automatized with a software to produce Kitty’s patterns. Could you help her?
The input file contains several test cases, each one of them in a separate line. Each test case has a word and a positive integer that should generate the corresponding rectangular pattern. The word is a string of alphabetic characters (a…z). The number is less than 10.

A line whose contents is a single period character means the end of the input (this last line is not to be processed).
Output texts for each input case are presented in the same order that input is read. For each test case the answer must be a left aligned Kitty pattern corresponding to the input.
The output must be written to standard output.
Love 1
Kitty 2
简化一下题目意思,首先输入一个字符串,然后输入一个整型数字,例如:Hello 2,则首先先输出HelloHello,然后进行字符串的偏移,就是说下一个输出的是elloHelloH,然后是lloHelloHe,依次类推,知道这个字符串下一次偏移将会变成自己,则停止,这个例子的话,就是到oHelloHell结束,另外如果输入的字符串是“.”,不做处理,停止程序

using namespace std;
int main()
{string str;string tmp;while(cin>>str){tmp=str;if(str==".")return 0;else{int n;cin>>n;int length1=str.length();for(int i=1;i<n;i++){str+=tmp;}cout<<str<<endl;int length2=str.length();for(int i=0;i<length1-1;i++){char temp=str[0];for(int j=0;j<length2-1;j++){str[j]=str[j+1];}str[length2-1]=temp;cout<<str<<endl;}}}return 0;

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