
digital image:数字图像
digital image processing:数字图像处理
image digitalization:图像数字化
image representation:图像表达
image acquisition:图像的获取
image classification:图像分类
image transformation:图像变换
image enhancement:图像增强
image restoration:图像复原
image reconstruction:图像重构
image segmentation:图像分割

point operation:点运算
linear point operation:线性点运算
non-linear point operation:非线性点运算
algebra operation:代数运算
logical operation:逻辑运算
geometric operation:几何运算
image translation:图像的平移
image mirror:图像的镜像
image rotation:图像的旋转
image zoom:图像的缩放
gray resampling:灰度重采样

continuous fourier transform:连续傅里叶变换
discrete fourier transform:离散傅里叶变换
fast fourier transform:快速傅里叶变换
discrete cosine transform:离散余弦变换
spatial transformation:空间变换

spatial domain:空间域
frequency domain:频域
homomorphic filter:同态滤波器

image degradation:图像退化
noise model:噪声模型
mean filter:均值滤波器
order-statistic filter:顺序统计滤波器
estimation of noise parameter:噪声参数估计
inverse filter:逆滤波
minimum meansquare error filter-Wiener filter:最小均方误差滤波-维纳滤波
geometric distortion correction:几何失真校正

information content:信息量
information entropy:信息熵
image data redundancy:图像数据冗余
fidelity criteria:保真度准则
coding of lossless image compression:无失真图像
Huffman coding:哈夫曼编码
run-length coding:游程编码
arithmetic coding:算术编码
lossy image:失真图像
rate distortion function:率失真函数
prediction coding:预测编码
transform coding:变换编码
vector quantification coding:矢量量化编码
subband coding:子带编码
model-based coding:模型基编码
fractal coding:分形编码

edge detection:边缘检测
edge connection:边缘连接
image segmentation using threshold:阈值分割
global threshold:全局阈值
adaptive threshold:自适应阈值
watershed Algorithm:分水岭算法
region segmentation:区域分割
region splitting and merging:区域分裂与合并
binary image processing:二值图像处理
mathematical morphology image processing:数学形态学图像处理
open operation and close operation:开运算和闭运算

color feature:颜色特征
intensity feature:灰度特征
histogram feature:zhifangtu tezheng
color moments:颜色矩
representation of image texture:纹理特征
autocorrelation function:自相关函数
statistics of intensity difference:灰度差分统计
gray-level co-occurrence matrix:灰度共生矩阵
spectrum feature:频谱特征
boundary feature:边界特征
boundary representation:边界表达
region feature:区域特征
topological description:拓扑描述
shape description:形状描述
principal components:主成成分
feature extraction:特征提取
moving object:运动目标




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