p4 integrate/resolve/copy


p4 integrate/resolve/copy

p4 integrate/p4 integ

p4 resolve  -am或-as参数

p4 copy

p4 change

p4 labelsync

p4 integrate/p4 integ

  • 功能:用于不同stream之间文件的合并,比如把文件 //HC/AT/sim/uvm/ttt.log覆盖到文件 //HC/BT/sim/uvm/ttt.log
  • 基本语法
  • p4 integrate [options] fromFileSpec[revRange] toFile
  • Example
p4 integrate  //HC/AT/sim/uvm/ttt.log   //HC/BT/sim/uvm/ttt.logp4 resolve -at //HC/BT/sim/uvm/ttt.logp4 sumbit //HC/BT/sim/uvm/ttt.log
  • 注意:在执行integrate时,服务器会比较两个文件的差异,如果两个文件完全一样,则此操作失败;如果两个文件内容有差异,则需要执行resolve操作进行merge,此时,theirs是//HC/AT/sim/uvm/ttt.log

p4 resolve  -am或-as参数

  • -am表示accept merged,具体为:
  1. 如果theirs与base一致,接受yours,
  2. 如果yours与base一致,接受theirs,
  3. 如果yours和theirs都与base不同,但是yours和theirs没有冲突,接受自动merged的结果,
  4. 否则如果yours和theirs也有冲突,则忽略此文件。
  • -as比-am更严谨,不管yours与theirs是否有冲突,只要yours和theirs都与base有不同就忽略此文件。

-ay   Accept Yours, ignore theirs.

-at   Accept Theirs.

  • 解释下theirs,base和yours
  1. theirs: The head revision of the file in the depot.(P4 上的最新版)
  2. base: The file revision synced to the client workspace before it was opened for edit.(P4上open for edit之前的P4版本)
  3. yours : The revision of the file in the client workspace(当前open for edit编辑的local file)

举个例子:某个文件你在第3版时open for edit ,别人在此时进了一版,即最新版时第4版;此时,第四版是theirs,第三版是base,基于第三版编辑的local file是yours。

  • 在执行p4 resolve 时会show出diff的结果,比如:

Diff Chunks: 2 yours + 3 theirs + 5 both + 7 conflicting

  • The meanings of these values are:
    Count                                                                 Meaning
n yours n non-conflicting segments of yours are different than base.
n theirs n non-conflicting segments of theirs are different than base.
n both n non-conflicting segments appear identically in both theirs and yours, but are different from base.
n conflicting n segments of theirs and yours are different from base and different from each other.

p4 copy

  • 基本语法

p4 copy [-c change] [-n -f -v -q] [-m max] fromFile[rev] toFile

Option                                                                 Meaning
-m max Specify the maximum number of files to copy, to limit the size of the operation.
-n Preview the copy.
-q Quiet mode, which suppresses normal output messages about the list of files being integrated, copied, or merged. Messages regarding errors or exceptional conditions are displayed.
  • e.g.
 p4 copy  //HC/AT/sim/uvm/ttt.log   //HC/BT/sim/uvm/ttt.log

p4 change

  • 创建一个changelist
p4 change -o > change_spec.txt
sed -i "s/<.*>/<branch>/" change_spec.txt #修改描述
p4 change -i < change_spec.txt
  • p4 changes -s pending -u shaoxinw  //查看shaoxinw修改的状态为pending的changelist
Option                                                                 Meaning
-m max List only the highest numbered max changes.
-t Display the time as well as the date of each change.
  • p4 info:
User name: joe
Client name: joes_client
Client host: joes_workstation
Client root: /usr/joe/projects
Current directory: /usr/joe/projects/source
Client address:
Server address: p4server:1666
Server root: /usr/depot/p4d
Server date: 2012/01/28 12:11:47 -0700 PDT
Server uptime: 752:41:33
Server version: P4D/FREEBSD/2012.1/406375 (2012/01/25)
Server license: P4Admin <p4adm> 20 users (expires 2013/01/01)
Server license-ip:
Case handling: sensitive

p4 labelsync

  • Synchronize a label with the contents of the current client workspace.

p4 [g-opts] labelsync [-a -d -n] -l labelname [file[revRange]...]

  1. -d: Delete the label tag from the named files.
  2. -a: Add the label to files that match the file pattern arguments, even if some of the files being labeled are deleted at their head revision.
  3. -n: Display what p4 labelsync would do without actually performing the operation.
p4 [g-opts] label -d [-f -g] labelname
p4 [g-opts] label -o [-t template] labelname
p4 [g-opts] label -i [-f -g]
  • Options
Option                                                                 Meaning
-d [-f] Delete the named label if it's unlocked. The -f option forces the deletion even if the label is locked. (Deleting a locked label requires admin or super access.)
-f Allow the Update: field's date to be set. Can be used with either the -i option or the -t option for the same purpose.
-g In distributed environments, use the -g option to control whether the label is local to an edge server, or globally available from the commit server.
-i Read the label definition from standard input without invoking the editor.

Write the label definition to standard output without invoking the editor.

No files are actually tagged until p4 labelsync is invoked.

-t template

Copy label template's view and options into the View: and Options: fields of this label. You can specify a default label template using the template.label configure variable. If you do so, you do not have to specify this option.

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