回文链表 牛客网 程序员面试金典  C++ Python

  • 题目描述
  • 请编写一个函数,检查链表是否为回文。
  • 给定一个链表ListNode* pHead,请返回一个bool,代表链表是否为回文。
  • 测试样例:
  • {1,2,3,2,1}
  • 返回:true
  • {1,2,3,2,3}
  • 返回:false
class Palindrome {
// run:4ms memory:492kbool isPalindrome(ListNode* pHead) {if(NULL == pHead) return true;if(NULL == pHead->next) return true;if(NULL == pHead->next->next)if(pHead->val == pHead->next->val) return true;else return false;bool ret = true;ListNode* lastNode = NULL;ListNode* nextNode = pHead->next;ListNode* pSlow = pHead;ListNode* pFast = pHead;while(pFast && pFast->next){pFast = pFast->next->next;pSlow->next = lastNode;lastNode = pSlow;pSlow = nextNode;nextNode = nextNode->next;}ListNode* lNode = lastNode;ListNode* nNode = pSlow;if (NULL == pFast)if (pSlow->val != lastNode->val) ret = false;else lastNode = lastNode->next;while(lastNode){if (lastNode->val != nextNode->val) {ret =  false;break;}lastNode = lastNode->next;nextNode = nextNode->next;}while(lNode){ListNode* tmp = lNode->next;lNode->next = nNode;nNode = lNode;lNode = tmp;}return ret;}// run:5ms memory:600kbool isPalindrome2(ListNode* pHead) {if(NULL == pHead) return true;if(NULL == pHead->next) return true;if(NULL == pHead->next->next)if(pHead->val == pHead->next->val) return true;else return false;ListNode* lastNode = NULL;ListNode* nextNode = pHead->next;ListNode* pSlow = pHead;ListNode* pFast = pHead;while(pFast && pFast->next){pFast = pFast->next->next;pSlow->next = lastNode;lastNode = pSlow;pSlow = nextNode;nextNode = nextNode->next;}if (NULL == pFast)if (pSlow->val != lastNode->val) return false;else lastNode = lastNode->next;while(lastNode){if (lastNode->val != nextNode->val) return false;lastNode = lastNode->next;nextNode = nextNode->next;}return true;}// run:4ms memory:476kbool isPalindrome3(ListNode* pHead) {if(NULL == pHead) return true;if(NULL == pHead->next) return true;if(NULL == pHead->next->next)if(pHead->val == pHead->next->val)return true;else return false;ListNode* lastNode = NULL;ListNode* nextNode = pHead->next;ListNode* pSlow = pHead;ListNode* pFast = pHead;while(pFast && pFast->next){pFast = pFast->next->next;pSlow->next = lastNode;lastNode = pSlow;pSlow = nextNode;nextNode = nextNode->next;}if (NULL == pFast){if (pSlow->val != lastNode->val)return false;else{lastNode = lastNode->next;while(lastNode){if (lastNode->val != nextNode->val)return false;lastNode = lastNode->next;nextNode = nextNode->next;}}}if(NULL == pFast->next){while(lastNode){if (lastNode->val != nextNode->val)return false;lastNode = lastNode->next;nextNode = nextNode->next;}}return true;}


# class ListNode:
#     def __init__(self, x):
#         self.val = x
#         self.next = Noneclass Palindrome:
# run:43ms memory:5732kdef isPalindrome(self, pHead):if None == pHead: return Trueif None == pHead.next: return Trueif None == pHead.next.next:if pHead.val == pHead.next.val: return Trueelse: return Falseret = TruelastNode = NonenextNode = pHeadpFast = pHeadpSlow = pHeadwhile pFast and pFast.next:pFast = pFast.next.nextnextNode = pSlow.nextpSlow.next = lastNodelastNode = pSlowpSlow = nextNodenextNode = nextNode.nextlNode = lastNodenNode = pSlowif None == pFast:if pSlow.val != lastNode.val:ret = Falseelse:lastNode = lastNode.nextwhile lastNode and nextNode:if lastNode.val != nextNode.val:ret = FalselastNode = lastNode.nextnextNode = nextNode.nextwhile lNode:tmp = lNode.nextlNode.next = nNodenNode = lNodelNode = tmpreturn ret# run:34ms memory:5728kdef isPalindrome2(self, pHead):if None == pHead: return Trueif None == pHead.next: return Trueif None == pHead.next.next:if pHead.val == pHead.next.val: return Trueelse: return FalselastNode = NonenextNode = pHeadpFast = pHeadpSlow = pHeadwhile pFast and pFast.next:pFast = pFast.next.nextnextNode = pSlow.nextpSlow.next = lastNodelastNode = pSlowpSlow = nextNodenextNode = nextNode.nextif None == pFast:if pSlow.val != lastNode.val:return Falseelse:lastNode = lastNode.nextwhile lastNode:if lastNode.val != nextNode.val:return FalselastNode = lastNode.nextnextNode = nextNode.nextreturn True

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