Baraja是一个很有趣的jQuery插件。它允许你像在桌子上摊开扑克牌一样将元素展开和收缩。它使用CSS transforms来旋转和translate这些元素。它使用几个可用参数来控制各种不同的展开效果,比如横向移动扑克牌并像开扇子一样旋转它们。

注意:不是每一个浏览器都支持CSS transforms和transitions。



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$( '#baraja-el' ).baraja();


$( '#some-button' ).on( 'click', function( event ) { {

speed : 500,

easing : 'ease-out',

range : 90,

direction : 'right',

origin : { x : 25, y : 100 },

center : true,

translation : 0

} );

} );



$.Baraja.defaults = {

// if we want to specify a selector that triggers the next() function. example: '#baraja-nav-next'

nextEl : '',

// if we want to specify a selector that triggers the previous() function

prevEl : '',

// default transition speed

speed : 300,

// default transition easing

easing : 'ease-in-out'


可用的方法有:fan(), next(), previous(), close(), add()


this.fanSettings = {

// speed for opening/closing

speed : 500,

// easing for opening/closing

easing : 'ease-out',

// difference/range of possible angles that the items will have

// example: with range:90 and center:false the first item

// will have 0deg and the last one 90deg;

// if center:true, then the first one will have 45deg

// and the last one -45deg; in both cases the difference is 90deg

range : 90,

// this defines the position of the first item

// (to the right, to the left)

// and its angle (clockwise / counterclockwise)

direction : 'right',

// transform origin:

// you can also pass a minX and maxX, meaning the left value

// will vary between minX and maxX

origin : { x : 25, y : 100 },

// additional translation of each item

translation : 0,

// if the cards should be centered after the transform

// is applied

center : true,

// add a random factor to the final transform

scatter : false





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