wordpress 背景

Many WordPress themes are now coming with full screen, parallax, and multiple backgrounds support. Due to this web design trend, one of our readers asked if we knew of resources to find high quality background images. In this article, we will share how to find free and beautiful background images to use on your WordPress site.

现在,许多WordPress主题都具有全屏,视差和多种背景支持。 由于这种网页设计趋势,我们的一位读者问我们是否知道找到高质量背景图像的资源。 在本文中,我们将分享如何找到免费美丽的背景图像以在您的WordPress网站上使用。

Note: If your theme does not have a full screen background support, then you can use our tutorial on how to add a full screen background image in WordPress.

注意:如果您的主题没有全屏背景支持,那么您可以使用我们的教程来介绍如何在WordPress中添加全屏背景图像 。

了解许可证和图像大小 (Understanding Licenses and Image Sizes)

All images on the web are protected by copyright laws. Even when no copyright is mentioned, you should automatically assume that it is copyrighted.

网络上的所有图像均受版权法保护。 即使未提及版权,您也应该自动假定已获得版权。

There are several places online where you can find free images that you can legally use on your websites.


Since background images usually cover the entire screen, you need to find really large images. Now you can surely resize and make images larger, but this will result into some quality loss which is noticeable for large images.

由于背景图片通常会覆盖整个屏幕,因此您需要查找非常大的图片。 现在,您当然可以调整大小并放大图像,但这会导致质量下降,这对于大图像来说是显而易见的。

Ideally, you should look for images at least 1920px wide and 1080 pixel in height. For better results, you should try even larger dimensions. Remember, resizing an image to make it smaller is a lot easier, and you can do it without quality loss.

理想情况下,您应该查找宽度至少为1920px,高度为1080像素的图像。 为了获得更好的结果,您应该尝试更大的尺寸。 请记住,调整图像大小以使其更小要容易得多,并且可以在不损失质量的情况下进行操作。

If your WordPress theme recommend background image sizes, then you can ask your theme developer to learn what sizes they recommend to be used.


Having said that, lets take a look at some cool places to find free beautiful background images.


1.免费图片 (1. freeimages)

Formarly known as stock.xchng, freeimages.com offers a huge collection of free stock photos that you can use as background images on your WordPress site. Images are organized in categories and the site has a pretty decent search feature as well.

freeimages.com以前称为stock.xchng,它提供了大量免费的库存照片,您可以将它们用作WordPress网站上的背景图像。 图片按类别组织,该网站还具有相当不错的搜索功能。

2. StockPhotosforFree.com (2. StockPhotosforFree.com)

An easy to browse site with categories and search, StockPhotosforFree.com offers a large collection of high quality images you can use royalty free on any web projects.


3.细微的图案 (3. Subtle Patterns)

Subtle Patterns is a beautiful resource offering free textured patterns. These patterns are not too loud which makes them perfect for web pages. The collection can be browsed by tags like dark, light, paper, stripes, etc.

微妙的图案是提供免费纹理图案的美丽资源。 这些模式不太响亮,因此非常适合网页。 可以通过深色,浅色,纸张,条纹等标签浏览该集合。

You can also buy Subtle Patterns plugin for Adobe Photoshop to use these patterns in your own PSDs.

您也可以为Adobe Photoshop购买Subtle Patterns插件,以在自己的PSD中使用这些图案。

Fun fact: We’re using one of the patterns from Subtle Patterns in our background.


4.公共领域档案 (4. Public Domain Archive)

As the name suggests, Public Domain Archive shares photographs and images that are in the public domain. This means you can use these images in your own projects. The images are categorized so you can browse the archive to find the perfect photo to use as your background image.

顾名思义,“公共领域档案馆”共享公共领域中的照片和图像。 这意味着您可以在自己的项目中使用这些图像。 这些图像是分类的,因此您可以浏览档案库,找到适合用作背景图像的完美照片。

5.Unsplash (5. Unsplash)

Unsplash offers free high-resolution photos that you can use in any way form possible because they’re under a CC-0 license.


The site releases 10 new photos every 10 days.


6. picjumbo (6. picjumbo)

Picjumbo offers a large collection of free stock images. The collection can be browsed using categories and tags. The site also offers a nifty search feature. All images on the site are high quality and can easily be used as background image on your WordPress blog.

Picjumbo提供了大量免费图片。 可以使用类别和标签浏览该集合。 该网站还提供漂亮的搜索功能。 该网站上的所有图像都是高质量的,可以轻松地用作WordPress博客上的背景图像。

7. Magdeleine (7. Magdeleine)

Magdeliene is a hand-picked collection of beautiful free stock images. You can browse images by categories, tags, or by choosing a dominant color. Browsing by color is a very useful feature when you want to find an background image that compliments rest of your color scheme.

Magdeliene是精选的精美免费图片素材集合。 您可以按类别,标签或选择主要颜色浏览图像。 当您要查找补充其余配色方案的背景图像时,按颜色浏览是一项非常有用的功能。

8.png (8. Pixabay)

Pixabay has a huge collection of stunning photos, images, and vector graphics that you can use on your projects for free. Images can be browsed by categories, or by editor’s choice.

png具有大量精美的照片,图像和矢量图形,您可以免费在项目中使用它们。 图像可以按类别或编辑者的选择进行浏览。

9.太平间文件 (9. morgueFile)

MorgueFile is a another curated collection of free stock photos. The site is fast which makes it easier to locate images. Some images on morgueFile require attribution so do check the images before using them.

MorgueFile是另一本精选的免费图片库。 该站点速度很快,这使得查找图像更加容易。 morgueFile上的某些图像需要归因,因此在使用它们之前一定要检查它们。

10. Shutterstock (10. Shutterstock)

Shutterstock is not free, but it’s definitely worth a mention here. Their library of photos, vectors, and illustrations are just phenomenal.

Shutterstock不是免费的,但在这里绝对值得一提。 他们的照片,矢量和插图资料库非常出色。

We’re a paying customer of Shutterstock and can vouch for the quality of images.


We hope this article helped you find beautiful background images for your WordPress site. You may also want to see our guide on speeding up WordPress by saving images optimized for web.

我们希望本文能帮助您找到WordPress网站的精美背景图片。 您可能还想查看有关通过保存针对Web优化的图像来加快WordPress速度的指南。

If you liked this article, then please subscribe to our YouTube Channel for WordPress video tutorials. You can also find us on Twitter and Facebook.

如果您喜欢这篇文章,请订阅我们的YouTube频道 WordPress视频教程。 您也可以在Twitter和Facebook上找到我们。

翻译自: https://www.wpbeginner.com/beginners-guide/how-to-find-beautiful-background-images-for-your-wordpress-site/

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