svg react

When we want to use SVG image in React, we may import it like this:


import {ReactComponent as Logo} from "./logo.svg";

In my project, the logo.svg is a X for user to click to delete the item in the list.

在我的项目中, logo.svg是一个X,供用户单击以删除列表中的项目。

I added an onClick function to it as below:


const deleteItem = (e) => {const { item } =;console.log(item)setList(list.filter((e) => e !== item));
};<Logodata-item={n}fill="#a3aab8"style={{ height: "1em", width:'auto', verticalAlign: "sub", marginLeft: "5px" }}onClick={deleteItem}

When we click on the X, the item is undefined. Hence, we can not delete it correctly. However, when we click on the space outside X, but within that square area, it can retrieve the item correctly from the data-item.

当我们单击X时,该itemundefined 。 因此,我们无法正确删除它。 但是,当我们单击X外部但在该正方形区域内的空间时,它可以从数据项中正确检索该项。

The crux of the issue is that we are using which is referencing the actual target that received the click. In this case, the <path> tag. The data-item is on<svg> tag. Therefor, we cannot get the correct data.

问题的症结在于,我们正在使用 ,它引用的是收到点击的实际目标。 在这种情况下, <path>标记。 data-item位于<svg>标记上。 因此,我们无法获得正确的数据。

It will only happen on SVG graphic as it is a vector graphic defined by a group of paths, boxes, circles, text etc. So, when we clicked on a SVG graphic, we may actually clicked on the paths, boxes, circles, text etc. but not the <svg> itself.


解: (Solution:)

To solve it, we should use event.currentTarget, which is always the object listening for the event. It always refers to the element to which the event handler has been attached(which is <svg> tag in this case as we added the onClick event handler to it).

为了解决这个问题,我们应该使用event.currentTarget ,它始终是侦听事件的对象。 它始终是指事件处理程序已附加到的元素(在本例中为<svg>标记,因为我们向其中添加了onClick事件处理程序)。


svg react


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