
GET /_cat返回:有个猫...所以不难想象为啥是cat api


2.1 verbose参数,显示命令详细信息

GET /_cat/master?vresult:
id                     host          ip            node
Sa5md_zERDebxloO004ffQ vmstation.es.1没有加?v的情况,result:
Sa5md_zERDebxloO004ffQ vmstation.es.1

2.2 help参数,显示有效列的详细说明

GET /_cat/master?helpresult:
id   |   | node id
host | h | host name
ip   |   | ip address
node | n | node name  

2.3 header参数,选择显示的列

GET /_cat/nodes?h=ip,port,heapPercent,name  result: 9300 43 vmstation.es.1


json格式GET /_cat/indices?format=json&prettyresult:
[{"health" : "green","status" : "open","index" : ".monitoring-kibana-6-2018.12.24","uuid" : "vkJltBs1T8qEfdUDdyDYzA","pri" : "1","rep" : "0","docs.count" : "1345","docs.deleted" : "0","store.size" : "453.3kb","pri.store.size" : "453.3kb"},{"health" : "green","status" : "open","index" : "user2","uuid" : "xo9Zb2OkRWeqV5bRKNDKGg","pri" : "1","rep" : "0","docs.count" : "12","docs.deleted" : "0","store.size" : "7.9kb","pri.store.size" : "7.9kb"},.....


GET /_cat/nodes?v&h=ip,port,heapPercent,nameresult:
ip            port heapPercent name 9300          59 vmstation.es.1


GET /_cat/indices?v&h=health,index,store.size&s=store.size:descresult:
health index                           store.size
green  .monitoring-es-6-2018.12.24           10mb
green  .monitoring-es-6-2018.12.20            5mb
green  .monitoring-es-6-2018.12.25          4.4mb
green  .monitoring-kibana-6-2018.12.24    453.3kb
green  .monitoring-kibana-6-2018.12.20      318kb
green  .monitoring-kibana-6-2018.12.25    195.2kb
yellow bus                                   86kb
yellow blog                                34.3kb
green  shirts                                25kb
yellow home                                16.8kb
green  user                                13.7kb
green  .kibana_1                             12kb
green  bus2                                11.6kb
green  user2                                7.9kb
green  user3                                 261b

GET /_cat/indices?v&h=health,index,store.size,pri.store.size&s=store.size:desc,pri.store.size:descresult:
health index                           store.size pri.store.size
green  .monitoring-es-6-2018.12.24           10mb           10mb
green  .monitoring-es-6-2018.12.20            5mb            5mb
green  .monitoring-es-6-2018.12.25          4.6mb          4.6mb
green  .monitoring-kibana-6-2018.12.24    453.3kb        453.3kb
green  .monitoring-kibana-6-2018.12.20      318kb          318kb
green  .monitoring-kibana-6-2018.12.25    202.4kb        202.4kb
yellow bus                                   86kb           86kb
yellow blog                                34.3kb         34.3kb
green  shirts                                25kb           25kb
yellow home                                16.8kb         16.8kb
green  user                                13.7kb         13.7kb
green  .kibana_1                             12kb           12kb
green  bus2                                11.6kb         11.6kb
green  user2                                7.9kb          7.9kb
green  user3                                 261b           261b


GET /_cat/aliases?vresult:
alias   index     filter routing.index routing.search
.kibana .kibana_1 -      -             -


GET /_cat/allocation?v&format=jsonresult:
[{"shards" : "20","disk.indices" : "21.4mb","disk.used" : "4gb","disk.avail" : "12.9gb","disk.total" : "16.9gb","disk.percent" : "23","host" : "","ip" : "","node" : "vmstation.es.1"},{"shards" : "7","disk.indices" : null,"disk.used" : null,"disk.avail" : null,"disk.total" : null,"disk.percent" : null,"host" : null,"ip" : null,"node" : "UNASSIGNED"}


GET /_cat/count?vresult:
epoch      timestamp count
1545709338 03:42:18  47638


GET /_cat/count/bus?vresult:
epoch      timestamp count
1545709383 03:43:03  27


GET /_cat/fielddata?vresult:
id                     host          ip            node           field size
Sa5md_zERDebxloO004ffQ vmstation.es.1 type  552b


GET /_cat/indices?vresult:
health status index                           uuid                   pri rep docs.count docs.deleted store.size pri.store.size
green  open   .monitoring-kibana-6-2018.12.24 vkJltBs1T8qEfdUDdyDYzA   1   0       1345            0    453.3kb        453.3kb
green  open   user2                           xo9Zb2OkRWeqV5bRKNDKGg   1   0         12            0      7.9kb          7.9kb
yellow open   bus                             G4DrNdPhRWK_rBuEaluwsA   3   1         27            3       86kb           86kb
green  open   .monitoring-es-6-2018.12.25     Gl01crYyQImkxCTGvB3Xkg   1   0      16845          189     15.6mb         15.6mb
green  open   shirts                          NLF5tjIuSz-JbUQcc_VbiQ   1   0          7            0       25kb           25kb
green  open   .monitoring-kibana-6-2018.12.20 GRwFygbPRw62Qeoyg-68Mg   1   0        719            0      318kb          318kb
green  open   .monitoring-kibana-6-2018.12.25 TmCzVC4wQrmmElX8Bbmjdg   1   0        866            0    710.2kb        710.2kb
green  open   .monitoring-es-6-2018.12.20     IH3moZNyQfCHp8ZUjelmWA   1   0       9548          215        5mb            5mb
yellow open   home                            CSyKu2FJTZGtSIg0jOltcw   2   1          7            0     16.8kb         16.8kb
green  open   .monitoring-es-6-2018.12.24     jCgptARpQ8S-B3Gn8adYSQ   1   0      23936           25       10mb           10mb
yellow open   blog                            G7leckf1RQGHNCZKROpBCg   2   1         33            6     34.3kb         34.3kb
green  open   .kibana_1                       olE1g78PTl-FxApa5LXhtg   1   0          3            0       12kb           12kb
green  open   user3                           -ArWuP3ZRsGsoiLwMxRyKQ   1   0          0            0       261b           261b
green  open   bus2                            j2ckAmxCRjuH6xVCU1aATA   1   0         27            0     11.6kb         11.6kb
green  open   user                            WdRH_r9DSDOtySMxlRYe_g   2   0         12            0     13.7kb         13.7kb


GET /_cat/indices/bus*?v&h=index,status,pri,rep,docs.countresult:
index status pri rep docs.count
bus2  open     1   0         27
bus   open     3   1         27


GET /_cat/indices?v&index=bus*


GET /_cat/master?vresult:
id                     host          ip            node
Sa5md_zERDebxloO004ffQ vmstation.es.1


GET /_cat/nodeattrs?v&h=node,id,pid,host,port,attr,valueresult:
node           id   pid  host          port attr              value
vmstation.es.1 Sa5m 1763 9300 ml.machine_memory 1911832576
vmstation.es.1 Sa5m 1763 9300 xpack.installed   true
vmstation.es.1 Sa5m 1763 9300 ml.max_open_jobs  20
vmstation.es.1 Sa5m 1763 9300 ml.enabled        true


GET /_cat/nodes?v&format=jsonresult:
[{"ip" : "","heap.percent" : "40","ram.percent" : "95","cpu" : "7","load_1m" : "0.25","load_5m" : "0.19","load_15m" : "0.13","node.role" : "mdi","master" : "*","name" : "vmstation.es.1"}


id                           | id,nodeId                      | unique node id
pid                          | p                              | process id
ip                           | i                              | ip address
port                         | po                             | bound transport port
http_address                 | http                           | bound http address
version                      | v                              | es version
flavor                       | f                              | es distribution flavor
type                         | t                              | es distribution type
build                        | b                              | es build hash
jdk                          | j                              | jdk version
disk.total                   | dt,diskTotal                   | total disk space
disk.used                    | du,diskUsed                    | used disk space
disk.avail                   | d,da,disk,diskAvail            | available disk space
disk.used_percent            | dup,diskUsedPercent            | used disk space percentage
heap.current                 | hc,heapCurrent                 | used heap
heap.percent                 | hp,heapPercent                 | used heap ratio
heap.max                     | hm,heapMax                     | max configured heap
ram.current                  | rc,ramCurrent                  | used machine memory
ram.percent                  | rp,ramPercent                  | used machine memory ratio
ram.max                      | rm,ramMax                      | total machine memory
file_desc.current            | fdc,fileDescriptorCurrent      | used file descriptors
file_desc.percent            | fdp,fileDescriptorPercent      | used file descriptor ratio
file_desc.max                | fdm,fileDescriptorMax          | max file descriptors
cpu                          | cpu                            | recent cpu usage
load_1m                      | l                              | 1m load avg
load_5m                      | l                              | 5m load avg
load_15m                     | l                              | 15m load avg
uptime                       | u                              | node uptime
node.role                    | r,role,nodeRole                | m:master eligible node, d:data node, i:ingest node, -:coordinating node only
master                       | m                              | *:current master
name                         | n                              | node name
completion.size              | cs,completionSize              | size of completion
fielddata.memory_size        | fm,fielddataMemory             | used fielddata cache
fielddata.evictions          | fe,fielddataEvictions          | fielddata evictions
query_cache.memory_size      | qcm,queryCacheMemory           | used query cache
query_cache.evictions        | qce,queryCacheEvictions        | query cache evictions
request_cache.memory_size    | rcm,requestCacheMemory         | used request cache
request_cache.evictions      | rce,requestCacheEvictions      | request cache evictions
request_cache.hit_count      | rchc,requestCacheHitCount      | request cache hit counts
request_cache.miss_count     | rcmc,requestCacheMissCount     | request cache miss counts
flush.total                  | ft,flushTotal                  | number of flushes
flush.total_time             | ftt,flushTotalTime             | time spent in flush
get.current                  | gc,getCurrent                  | number of current get ops
get.time                     | gti,getTime                    | time spent in get
get.total                    | gto,getTotal                   | number of get ops
get.exists_time              | geti,getExistsTime             | time spent in successful gets
get.exists_total             | geto,getExistsTotal            | number of successful gets
get.missing_time             | gmti,getMissingTime            | time spent in failed gets
get.missing_total            | gmto,getMissingTotal           | number of failed gets
indexing.delete_current      | idc,indexingDeleteCurrent      | number of current deletions
indexing.delete_time         | idti,indexingDeleteTime        | time spent in deletions
indexing.delete_total        | idto,indexingDeleteTotal       | number of delete ops
indexing.index_current       | iic,indexingIndexCurrent       | number of current indexing ops
indexing.index_time          | iiti,indexingIndexTime         | time spent in indexing
indexing.index_total         | iito,indexingIndexTotal        | number of indexing ops
indexing.index_failed        | iif,indexingIndexFailed        | number of failed indexing ops
merges.current               | mc,mergesCurrent               | number of current merges
merges.current_docs          | mcd,mergesCurrentDocs          | number of current merging docs
merges.current_size          | mcs,mergesCurrentSize          | size of current merges
merges.total                 | mt,mergesTotal                 | number of completed merge ops
merges.total_docs            | mtd,mergesTotalDocs            | docs merged
merges.total_size            | mts,mergesTotalSize            | size merged
merges.total_time            | mtt,mergesTotalTime            | time spent in merges
refresh.total                | rto,refreshTotal               | total refreshes
refresh.time                 | rti,refreshTime                | time spent in refreshes
refresh.listeners            | rli,refreshListeners           | number of pending refresh listeners
script.compilations          | scrcc,scriptCompilations       | script compilations
script.cache_evictions       | scrce,scriptCacheEvictions     | script cache evictions
search.fetch_current         | sfc,searchFetchCurrent         | current fetch phase ops
search.fetch_time            | sfti,searchFetchTime           | time spent in fetch phase
search.fetch_total           | sfto,searchFetchTotal          | total fetch ops
search.open_contexts         | so,searchOpenContexts          | open search contexts
search.query_current         | sqc,searchQueryCurrent         | current query phase ops
search.query_time            | sqti,searchQueryTime           | time spent in query phase
search.query_total           | sqto,searchQueryTotal          | total query phase ops
search.scroll_current        | scc,searchScrollCurrent        | open scroll contexts
search.scroll_time           | scti,searchScrollTime          | time scroll contexts held open
search.scroll_total          | scto,searchScrollTotal         | completed scroll contexts
segments.count               | sc,segmentsCount               | number of segments
segments.memory              | sm,segmentsMemory              | memory used by segments
segments.index_writer_memory | siwm,segmentsIndexWriterMemory | memory used by index writer
segments.version_map_memory  | svmm,segmentsVersionMapMemory  | memory used by version map
segments.fixed_bitset_memory | sfbm,fixedBitsetMemory         | memory used by fixed bit sets for nested object field types and type filters for types referred in _parent fields
suggest.current              | suc,suggestCurrent             | number of current suggest ops
suggest.time                 | suti,suggestTime               | time spend in suggest
suggest.total                | suto,suggestTotal              | number of suggest ops                                                                                            


GET /_cat/nodes?v&format=json&h=id,i,p,http,v,j,dt,du,hc,hp,hx,rc,rp,rmresult:
[{"id" : "Sa5m","i" : "","p" : "1763","http" : "","v" : "6.5.1","j" : "1.8.0_172","dt" : "16.9gb","du" : "4.1gb","hc" : "461mb","hp" : "45","rc" : "1.6gb","rp" : "94","rm" : "1.7gb"}


GET /_cat/pending_tasks?vresult:
insertOrder timeInQueue priority source1685       855ms HIGH     update-mapping [foo][t]1686       843ms HIGH     update-mapping [foo][t]1693       753ms HIGH     refresh-mapping [foo][[t]]1688       816ms HIGH     update-mapping [foo][t]1689       802ms HIGH     update-mapping [foo][t]1690       787ms HIGH     update-mapping [foo][t]1691       773ms HIGH     update-mapping [foo][t]


GET /_cat/plugins?v&s=component&h=name,component,version,descriptionresult:
name           component   version description
vmstation.es.1 analysis-ik 6.5.1   IK Analyzer for Elasticsearch



GET /_cat/recovery?v&format=jsonresult:
[{"index" : "user2","shard" : "0","time" : "333ms","type" : "existing_store","stage" : "done","source_host" : "n/a","source_node" : "n/a","target_host" : "","target_node" : "vmstation.es.1","repository" : "n/a","snapshot" : "n/a","files" : "0","files_recovered" : "0","files_percent" : "100.0%","files_total" : "4","bytes" : "0","bytes_recovered" : "0","bytes_percent" : "100.0%","bytes_total" : "8105","translog_ops" : "0","translog_ops_recovered" : "0","translog_ops_percent" : "100.0%"},{"index" : "bus","shard" : "0","time" : "388ms","type" : "existing_store","stage" : "done","source_host" : "n/a","source_node" : "n/a","target_host" : "","target_node" : "vmstation.es.1","repository" : "n/a","snapshot" : "n/a","files" : "0","files_recovered" : "0","files_percent" : "100.0%","files_total" : "28","bytes" : "0","bytes_recovered" : "0","bytes_percent" : "100.0%","bytes_total" : "21695","translog_ops" : "0","translog_ops_recovered" : "0","translog_ops_percent" : "100.0%"},... ...


GET /_cat/thread_pool?vresult:
node_name      name                active queue rejected
vmstation.es.1 analyze                  0     0        0
vmstation.es.1 ccr                      0     0        0
vmstation.es.1 fetch_shard_started      0     0        0
vmstation.es.1 fetch_shard_store        0     0        0
vmstation.es.1 flush                    0     0        0
vmstation.es.1 force_merge              0     0        0
vmstation.es.1 generic                  0     0        0
vmstation.es.1 get                      0     0        0
vmstation.es.1 index                    0     0        0
vmstation.es.1 listener                 0     0        0
vmstation.es.1 management               1     0        0
vmstation.es.1 ml_autodetect            0     0        0
vmstation.es.1 ml_datafeed              0     0        0
vmstation.es.1 ml_utility               0     0        0
vmstation.es.1 refresh                  0     0        0
vmstation.es.1 rollup_indexing          0     0        0
vmstation.es.1 search                   0     0        0
vmstation.es.1 search_throttled         0     0        0
vmstation.es.1 security-token-key       0     0        0
vmstation.es.1 snapshot                 0     0        0
vmstation.es.1 warmer                   0     0        0
vmstation.es.1 watcher                  0     0        0
vmstation.es.1 write                    0     0        0


GET /_cat/shards?v&format=jsonresult:
[{"index" : "bus2","shard" : "0","prirep" : "p","state" : "STARTED","docs" : "27","store" : "11.6kb","ip" : "","node" : "vmstation.es.1"},{"index" : ".kibana_1","shard" : "0","prirep" : "p","state" : "STARTED","docs" : "3","store" : "12kb","ip" : "","node" : "vmstation.es.1"},
... ...


GET /_cat/shards/bus?vresult:
index shard prirep state      docs  store ip            node
bus   1     p      STARTED       7 27.8kb vmstation.es.1
bus   1     r      UNASSIGNED
bus   2     p      STARTED       9   37kb vmstation.es.1
bus   2     r      UNASSIGNED
bus   0     p      STARTED      11 21.1kb vmstation.es.1
bus   0     r      UNASSIGNED                           


GET /_cat/segments?v&format=jsonresult:
index                           shard prirep ip            segment generation docs.count docs.deleted    size size.memory committed searchable version compounduser2                           0     p _0               0         12            0   7.5kb        2726 true      true       7.5.0   truebus                             0     p _q              26          7            3   5.3kb        1982 true      true       7.5.0   falsebus                             0     p _r              27          1            0   3.7kb        1827 true      true       7.5.0   truebus                             0     p _s              28          1            0   3.7kb        1827 true      true       7.5.0   truebus                             0     p _t              29          1            0   3.7kb        1827 true      true       7.5.0   truebus                             0     p _u              30          1            0   3.9kb        1965 true      true       7.5.0   truebus                             1     p _7               7          1            0   3.9kb        1829 true      true       7.5.0   truebus                             1     p _8               8          1            0   3.9kb        1829 true      true       7.5.0   truebus                             1     p _9               9          1            0   3.9kb        1829 true      true       7.5.0   truebus                             1     p _a              10          1            0   3.9kb        1829 true      true       7.5.0   truebus                             1     p _b              11          1            0   3.9kb        1829 true      true       7.5.0   truebus                             1     p _c              12          1            0   3.8kb        1829 true      true       7.5.0   truebus                             1     p _f              15          1            0   3.5kb        1538 true      true       7.5.0   true... ...


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