The internal action requires:
• For a load, the master must get the data from either:
— A valid copy of the appropriate cache line.
— A transaction that returns valid read data.
• For a store, the master needs permission to store the cache line from either:
— A copy of the appropriate cache line in a Unique state.
— A transaction type that gives the master permission to store the cache line.

D4.1.1 Transaction groups

Read transactions The read transaction group is:
• ReadNoSnoop.
• ReadOnce.
• ReadClean.
• ReadNotSharedDirty.
• ReadShared.
• ReadUnique.
A Read transaction progresses as follows:
1. The address is issued on the read address (AR) channel.
2. The data and response is returned on the read data (R) channel. The number of data beats required is determined by ARLEN.
3. Completion of a Read transaction is signaled by the master asserting RACK
Clean transactions The clean transaction group is:
• CleanUnique.
• CleanShared.
• CleanInvalid
A Clean transaction progresses as follows:
1. The address is issued on the AR channel.
2. A single transfer on the R channel returns the response. No data is returned for a Clean transaction.
3. Completion of a Clean transaction is signaled by the master asserting RACK.
Make transactions The make transaction group is:
• MakeUnique.
• MakeInvalid.
For the initiating master, a Make transaction progresses as follows:
1. The address is issued on the AR channel.
2. A single transfer on the R channel returns the response. No data is returned for a Make transaction.
3. Completion of a Make transaction is signaled by the master asserting RACK.
Write transactions The write transaction group is:
• WriteNoSnoop.
• WriteUnique.
• WriteLineUnique.
• WriteBack.
• WriteClean.
• WriteEvict.
For the initiating master, a Write transaction progresses as follows:
1. The address is issued on the AW channel.
2. The data is transferred on the W channel.
3. The response is returned on the B channel.
4. Completion of a Write transaction is signaled by the master asserting WACK.
Evict transactions The evict transaction group is, Evict.  
For the initiating master, an Evict transaction progresses as follows:
1. The address is issued on the AW channel.
2. The response is returned on the B channel. No data is transferred for an Evict transaction.
3. Completion of an Evict transaction is signaled by the master asserting WACK
Read barrier transactions For the master initiating the transaction, a Read Barrier transaction progresses as follows:
1. The transaction is issued on the AR channel.
2. A single transfer on the R channel returns the response. No data is returned for a Read Barrier transaction.
3. Completion of a Read Barrier transaction is signaled by the master asserting RACK.
Write barrier transactions

For the master initiating the transaction, a Write Barrier transaction progresses as follows:
1. The transaction is issued on the AW channel.
2. The response is returned on the B channel. No data is transferred for a Write Barrier transaction.

3. Completion of a Write Barrier transaction is signaled by the master asserting WACK.

DVM transactions For the master initiating the transaction, a DVM transaction progresses as follows:
1. The transaction is issued on the AR channel.
2. A single transfer on the R channel returns the response. No data is returned for a DVM transaction.
3. Completion of a DVM transaction is signaled by the master asserting RACK.

D4.1 About an initiating master相关推荐

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