
# find the difference between two texts

# tested with Python24 vegaseat 6/2/2005

import difflib

text1 = """The World's Shortest Books:

Human Rights Advances in China

"My Plan to Find the Real Killers" by OJ Simpson

"Strom Thurmond: Intelligent Quotes"

America's Most Popular Lawyers

Career Opportunities for History Majors

Different Ways to Spell "Bob"

Dr. Kevorkian's Collection of Motivational Speeches

Spotted Owl Recipes by the EPA

The Engineer's Guide to Fashion

Ralph Nader's List of Pleasures


text2 = """The World's Shortest Books:

Human Rights Advances in China

"My Plan to Find the Real Killers" by OJ Simpson

"Strom Thurmond: Intelligent Quotes"

America's Most Popular Lawyers

Career Opportunities for History Majors

Different Ways to Sell "Bob"

Dr. Kevorkian's Collection of Motivational Speeches

Spotted Owl Recipes by the EPA

The Engineer's Guide to Passion

Ralph Nader's List of Pleasures


# create a list of lines in text1

text1Lines = text1.splitlines(1)

print "Lines of text1:"

for line in text1Lines:

print line,


# dito for text2

text2Lines = text2.splitlines(1)

print "Lines of text2:"

for line in text2Lines:

print line,


diffInstance = difflib.Differ()

diffList = list(diffInstance.compare(text1Lines, text2Lines))

print '-'*50

print "Lines different in text1 from text2:"

for line in diffList:

if line[0] == '-':

print line,


本文标题: python实现比较两段文本不同之处的方法

本文地址: http://www.cppcns.com/jiaoben/python/125614.html

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