

查看远端地址 git remote –v 
查看配置 git config --list

git status

 git add .  // 暂存所有的更改git checkout . // 丢弃所有的更改git status // 查看文件状态git commit -m "本次要提交的概要信息" // 提交
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设置远端仓库地址 git remote set-url origin 你的远端地址 
git push origin master出现以下情况:


git remote add origin_new 新的地址 
git remote –v查看 
git push origin_new master重新推送 
Git config –global user.name “用户名” 
git config –global user.email 邮箱地址

git config –global https.proxy 
git config –global –unset https.proxy

取消git init操作时出现 rm: cannot remove ‘.git’: Is a directory 
是因为输入的命令是: rm -f .git 
解决办法:rm -rf .git 即删除整个.git目录

failed to push some refs to ‘git@github.com:*.git’ hint: Updates were rejected ··· 
使用git push origin master的时候出现一下错误:

git push -f origin master或者git pull下

恢复不小心删除的 git stash 文件:

git fsck  //找到dangling的对象
git show id  //上面列出的每一条记录的最后一个字符串,按 enter 查看具体信息
git stash apply id
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git 回滚提交

//reset将一个分支的末端指向另一个提交。这可以用来移除当前分支的一些提交, 让master分支向后回退了两个提交
git checkout master
git reset HEAD~2//Revert撤销一个提交的同时会创建一个新的提交, 找出倒数第二个提交,然后创建一个新的提交来撤销这些更改,然后把这个提交加入项目中。
git revert HEAD~2 
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错误:Please enter a commit message to explain why this merge is necessary. 解决办法: 
1. (可选)按键盘字母 i 进入insert模式 
2. (可选)修改最上面那行黄色合并信息 
3. 按键盘左上角”Esc” (退出insert模式) 
4. 输入”:wq”,按回车键即可(提交)


fatal: Could not read from remote repository.的解决办法相关推荐

  1. fatal: Could not read from remote repository.的解决办法 . (git项目上传报错)

    查看远端地址 git remote –v  查看配置 git config --list git status git add . // 暂存所有的更改git checkout . // 丢弃所有的更 ...

  2. Permission denied (publickey). fatal: Could not read from remote repository.

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  3. 解决git@github.com: Permission denied (publickey). fatal: Could not read from remote repository. Pleas

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  4. git@github.com:Permission denied(publickey).fatal: Could not read form remote repository错误

    文章目录 前言 问题分析 解决方法 配置客户端 配置服务端 验证 前言 在使用goland从github下载依赖时(git clone github.com/gin-gonic/gin)出现git@g ...

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  6. fatal: ‘origin‘ does not appear to be a git repository fatal: Could not read from remote repository.

    fatal: 'origin' does not appear to be a git repository fatal: Could not read from remote repository. ...

  7. git解决 “fatal: Could not read from remote repository.“

    问题描述: 在使用Git将本地仓库推送到远程仓库的时候,发生了如下错误:"fatal: Could not read from remote repository." 问题原因: ...

  8. fatal: unable to access 或者 fatal: could not read from remote repository

    今天发现一个很有意思的问题,使用git bash here 去拉取代码的时候,用clone with ssh或者是clone with http的链接都不好使,均报错,百思不得其解啊,为此还花了点时间 ...

  9. Git push错误,Unauthorized fatal: Could not read from remote repository.未验证不能提交

    错误 git push -u origin master Unauthorized fatal: Could not read from remote repository. (Bitbucket - ...


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